I think we can all agree here on Sup Forums that Alien 3 was better than Aliens. Right?

I think we can all agree here on Sup Forums that Alien 3 was better than Aliens. Right?

No it's not.

You're either a contrarian little faggot or a fincherfag that has fincher's cock so far jammed up your ass you've forgotten how to distinguish mediocre thrillers from actually good films.

No, bad post and even worse poster.

Alien 3 was a disaster.


Alien > Aliens > Alien Resurection > Alien 3

Neither was great but at least A3 was more made in the spirit of what an Alien movie should be.


Yea just to piss off reddit

Please define 'better'.

LOL, go fuck yourself

The Assembly Cut is MILES better than Aliens.

Truly the worst meme.

Well, no. Aliens was its own thing, Alien3 was just the first movie again, except shittier. Even Fincher disowned that movie.

Have you even watched the Assembly Cut?

This guy has it right

I have, there's only so much you can fix in editing. It's still the same movie as Alien.

Haha lier...you clearly haven't than.

Yes, it's still shit.

>Even Fincher
He's a shit tier director with brief moments of greatness so his opinion doesn't matter.

The movie is great up until Charles Dance's death.

Then it becomes shit.

By that you mean the exact same as the first one?

It should, considering he fucking directed the goddamn movie, stupid.

Fincher has never made a great film, some are just better than others, but they are mostly mediocre.The fact that Fincher disowned it, the film he fucking made, tells you just how big of steaming pile of shit it is.

Even the assembly cut is a huge meme. It made what is a really smelly piece of stinking shit slightly less shit.

The movie is simply not good and it has every reason to do with how shit of a director Fincher is.
>threw away all the material they had already made in pre-production for the film
>no worries, i'm such an auteur i'll shoot the movie without a script!
>took a big shit on the alien mythos anyway, just because he could and he's an edgelord
>DP had no fucking clue what Fincher was going for
>neither did anyone else on the cast and crew
>they couldn't even save the film in editing because it was so incoherent
>l-lemme just disown the film and maybe people won't think of me as such a terrible filmmaker

Music video directors should never become filmmakers.

>Even the assembly cut is a huge meme. It made what is a really smelly piece of stinking shit slightly less shit.

Your post is questionable in its entirety, but this part is true and people need to stop going "DUDE WATCH THE ASSEMBLY CUT" like it's the be all end all of Alien 3 and its problems. It's got a few more scenes here and there, big fucking deal.

Questionable? Watch the goddamn bts footage on the dvd. Maybe you should stop being such a pleb and buy movies for a change.

Yeah fuck off Sup Forums you retarded faggot. Alien 3 the Assembly Cut was a freakin grade A Masterpiece.

>26 replies to this stupid troll thread
I'm ashamed of you Sup Forums

But it isn't.

>people discussing a film for a change
>oh no the humanity, where are muh memes!

Uh fuck off, people can express their opinions any way they like.

But it is user.