How did (((Whites))) convince the world Asian men were betas?


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Fuck off weeb.


>azn men make the most passable trannies

They did it to themselves really.

Also this.

Easy, Asian """"men""" became like this


A couple atomic bombs.

Asian men were desired by White women in the past so ((((Whites)))) had to make them into fagboys to stop them from stealing their women.

More like Asian "men" couldn't compete with American soldiers stationing in their towns with manliness so they've looked in the other direction.

All Japanes men died in WW2 and never recovered just like German men.

funny how Mifune, the #1 guy posted in " 'member old japan" threads was chinese and grew up in manchuria.

Like no one posts Arnold and says "remember how americans used to be".

is not like the west is doing any better.

Nothing but faggot libcucks controlling hollywood.

I think it comes with growing up in a first world society where there is no struggle or conflict anymore. Betacucks, feminist and faggots strive in that kind of enviroment.

We need another world war to shake things off.

These Japanese men of the olden days look more white than Asian

I fear the oriental man more then any other, their grotesque war crimes throughout time makes Stalin and Adolf look like child's play, the Japanese race are a soulless and uncaring people who will most likely control this world before thw so called "evil jew" ever will

He was ethnically Japanese.

Times change.

Have you seen a western Nu-male?

Soft men create hard times, hard times create hard men, hard men make my penis hard

The xenophobia of the Japanese is a double-edged sword. They are capable of unfathomable cruelty, true, but on the whole incapable or disinterested in long-term, large-scale dominion.

>they kinda look like Gackt too

We are all Gackt.

Yeah, but Vikings were major fags who lost every major encounter. Japs tore their way across China.

He was born in chinkland but his parents were Nips.

All the pics from the left are from after World War 2

Ainu admixture

>"sweden now"
>no niggers or trannies

as someone who just finished his semester abroad in shanghai, I have zero doubt that asian men are responsible for that on their own. I have never seen such a pussy society in general before

His parents were both Japanese Methodists on a mission in Manchuria.

You don't fool me Kawasaki, stop buying farm land in my country

You're right out of the 80s champ.

Seemed pretty chill when I was over in Tokyo.

We should never of left slugga

After you have had a literal nuke dropped on you its kind of hard to recover.

People always post Mifune but always ignore Nakadai


looks like a beta male in this picture
>that pathetic beard


It was actually fun to fly back then. Now it's like you're being processed for an internment camp.

Funny how all the "manly" japs are ainu mutts while every other nip is the antithesis of masculinity

That's not really accurate. The Vikings didn't see much in the way of lasting conquest, perhaps (save for the colonization of Iceland, which is hardly conquest, but I digress), but hardly lost every major encounter.

The Great Heathen Army in England was actually relatively successful in its raids for a time, conquering virtually everything save for Wessex (for which Alfred earned the epithet "the Great." In the East, too, the Varangians were thought to have played a large part in the founding of Novgorod and Kievan Rus'.

>Asian men were desired by White women
Women desired manlets with ridiculously tiny dicks? Fuck off back to /r/asianmasculinity, also you sound like a bunch of betas if you got cucked this easy. Even though kikes try hard, white men are still the most wanted men, by women of all races


When we nuked them into betaness.

>white men are still the most wanted men, by women of all races
So much denial


Pretty sure they have sandniggers and not regular niggers.

What people don't seem to understand is that the vikings raided because they were poor. They couldn't produce a sword to save their lives (they had to steal/buy them from the Franks) because their iron was poor. Their agriculture sucked when compared to the better climates. And they got beat in most large scale battles due to the fact that they never modernized by medieval standards. They were essentially peasants with in iron axe, maybe some chainmail, and a shitty wooden shield. And the average viking wasn't rich enough to buy the chainmail anyway.

They had great success raiding undefended villages and monasteries but head to head with an actual army they lost every single time.

No convincing needed they did it to themselves

all south asians and island asians were all beat into submission by western colonists.

The chinese were basically normal Joes until the warlords/koumangtang era where they became like Ambivalent Italians where they just fuck off to their corner and screw over the first foreigner that reaches out to them. Then communism turned them into pussywhipped drones. Chinese rich businessmen are still alpha and based but its a 1% deal over there

Jays were always pretty based and alpha all through the feudal japan era but then during the Mejii restoration they got cucked as fuck. It looked like Japan would be betas forever until all of a sudden Asian Fascism kicked in and reawakened the warrior spirit. Japan fought WWII admirably and with great honor however two atom bombs and one reconstruction later the US rebuilt Japan into a bunch of submissive betas that suck the cock of their corporate masters.

So yes Asians are all betas now but it didn't always used to be that way. Thats why you still see 80 year old based af Chinese and Japanese grandfathers because they grew up in uncucked times

Simple. Europe and later the US controlled practically all of Asia. The only countries in Southeast and East Asia that escaped colonialism were the Japs and the Thais. But later, we BTFO out of the Japs and made them into a quasi-colony. The Thais had to submit to Western superiority, hence they managed to retain their independence at the cost of being dominated economically by Westerners.

Second, Asian women worship white cock. You can be a fatass autist and be treated like a god in Asia. Asian women want mixed babies.

This shit isn't rocket science. Asian dudes are the only ones who won't hulk out and riot in the streets if you touch their women. They're micro-dick pushovers.

Asians convinced the world.

Yukio Mishima wrote in the 1960s that Japanese men had become basically indistinguishable from women.

It also doesn't help that they are usually shorter, leaner and their neoteny are all very masculine.

Now fuck off back to /r/AsianMasculinity

>Anno understands the Japanese national attraction to characters like Rei as the product of a stunted imaginative landscape born of Japan’s defeat in the Second World War. “Japan lost the war to the Americans,” he explains, seeming interested in his own words for the first time during our interview. “Since that time, the education we received is not one that creates adults. Even for us, people in their 40s, and for the generation older than me, in their 50s and 60s, there’s no reasonable model of what an adult should be like.” The theory that Japan’s defeat stripped the country of its independence and led to the creation of a nation of permanent children, weaklings forced to live under the protection of the American Big Daddy, is widely shared by artists and intellectuals in Japan. It is also a staple of popular cartoons, many of which feature a well-meaning government that turns out to be a facade concealing sinister and more powerful forces.
>Anno pauses for a moment, and gives a dark-browed stare out the window. “I don’t see any adults here in Japan,” he says, with a shrug. “The fact that you see salarymen reading manga and pornography on the trains and being unafraid, unashamed or anything, is something you wouldn’t have seen 30 years ago, with people who grew up under a different system of government. They would have been far too embarrassed to open a book of cartoons or dirty pictures on a train. But that’s what we have now in Japan. We are a country of children.”

>This fucking thread

>Mejii restoration they got cucked as fuck.
You know from the Meiji period until the end of the empire military service was compulsory. And the motto from day one of the Restoration was 富国強兵 "Enrich the state, strengthen the military."

He's great grandfather strangled and raped countless Chinese wemon and children

internet shitposting is all white boys have left. let them vent lmao

isn't this the asian guy who was on tinder and still got rejected by white girls?

I know you're the AM/WF spammer anyway, so I don't know why I'm asking you

I bet your a fucking half cast

asians have always been like that. when they came to rome they noted how tall and alpha the romans were.

Crazy how the people calling him ugly in the comments are either ugly or don't have a profile pic of themselves

Really makes you think

asian guys are living in your head 24/7 RENT FREE

lmaoing @ your mental illness

white bitches love me though, i don't care what some obese white boys who wish they were asian think

That's pretty sad.

>mfw Mifune was 5'10 but samurai films try to make him out to be this hulking alpha male
Maybe if he was 6 inches taller I could buy that, but if that's the best Nips could offer, no wonder their men are herbivore and their women aren't marrying.

Because handsome masculine asians like Mifune are rare as fuck. Especially these days, when k-pop idols are pink-haired feminine '''rappers''' with ton of makeup. Asians have strange perceptions about male beauty.
I know only Asano Tadanobu and Ken Watanabe when it comes to masculine Asian actors. The real question is, why all of them are Japanese?

they put a camera infront of them

I wonder if he's happier now that he said fuck it and embraced how commercial NGE has gotten. I hope he is.

I dunno man there was an Asian kid in our school and he was a hard bastard no one would fuck with him.

who r/asianmasculinity here?

Goddamn, Mifune was one handsome motherfucker.

This thread is missing the faggots bragging (lying) of bagging a 4/10 ""Asian"" girls.

white people "muh dicking"
fucking disgusting they should be better than that

>Shaimaa el-shamy
>Muhammad Farque
>Luca Crespi
>Sean Mustafa
>Daniel Lopez Diaz
>Susan Scrofani


Their women are even smaller, so problem is not in height.
>tfw in India you were a giant on the streets, but back at home you are just average

We bombed them and they calmed the fuck down.

considering this is your average Sup Forumstard, "muh dick" fantasies is all they have

That's like saying 11 (from Stranger Things) is Spanish

Asano Tadanobu is actually a quarter white.

Japs sometimes have Ainu blood in them which gives them a more aggressive look and the uncanny ability to grow facial hair.

those are all caucasians. the exact same way white guys think getting a brown 3rd world SE Asian from the phillipines is getting 'asian' & some sort of accomplishment.

mishima-san was a rampant homosexual though

Not true, I started using internet "too much" after I turned 18.

...damn, this is like that time with the Asian volleball player girl. It's so identical I wonder if this is a shop

They're all troglodytes idk how they feel superior to anyone, its fucking hilarious

>This stupid meme
There's a fuckton of shitty hapa kids from Asian dudes and white moms. And a shitload of awesome hapas from white dads and Asian moms.

I do admit that hapa guys look weird as fuck. It's like having the worst of both sides. It's partly why I won't marry an Asian. Fucking them is fine, but why would you contaminate snow genes with yellow piss?

>Be a Japanese immigrant to a Japanese puppet state whose emperor was a Manchu but all government officials and most of the military were Japanese
OMG what a chinaman.


race power fantasies is truly the last refuge of the weak minded

White genocide isn't real but I wish it is jesus christ

>all this butthurt between asians and whites
what the fuck is wrong with people jesus christ stop having so many complexes

>All these jealous, insecure, middle aged women

>muh superior white genes

Yeah, this is why dating an Asian girl whose 8-9 inches shorter than me makes me uncomfortable. It's like dating a kid almost even though they're 25.

White genes give you strength and height. You rarely (if ever) see a masculine Asian dude whose ripped and over 6 feet.

I'm an asian girl and I refuse to have sex with an asian man. Their penis is too tiny and I don't want my children to be physically weak.

>what the fuck is wrong with people jesus christ stop having so many complexes

It's like people are choking on their own identities.

Having a protein heavy diet helps alot. These day you start seeing alot more big Asians due to the fact that they are now eating more beef and consuming more milk products thanks to trade deals with Australia and NZ

same here

in england the white guys love me

good for you sweetie you deserve better

The atomic bombs cucked Japanese men into oblivion. They never really regained their dignity after that

Honestly it's a bit sad to think about how hardy their culture was before

White people are superior.. Anyone with eyes can see that.

Black guys want? White women
Asian women want? White men
White men want? White women
White women want? White men

Everyone wants European genes because it's improving their offspring.

((((The ones who control the media)))) did

The fact that they weren't allowed to have army and that we also "forced" them to shun their old traditions helped

But at the same time they created JAV that most probably wouldn't exist if it weren't for us

he had sex with men, but he was not gay

>he was not gay
Suure m8.
Him being gay destroys any respect you had for him or something?