Why is modern tv animation such shit?
Because it's made on computers.
Blame Steven Universe. This type of junk style is what's popular.
It's a long story but it actually starts with John K.'s satirical commercial style latching on at the same time as flash and digital ink and paint methods of production took over.
John K. himself has accepted blame for a lot of it but he really doesn't owe an apology since he did it right.
Because good animation is expensive
It's all farmed out to Koreans who have no souls and impart no love to their work.
>All white
Hey look we got an actual answer.
The stillbirth of what would've been the new golden age of animation and the aftermath is one of those greatest stories never told.
Jesus, Donald what happened?
He looks depressed as fuck.
There's nothing wrong with today's animation. Quit your belly aching.
Meanwhile, in the 1940's:
donald was always depressed but back then it seemed he was aware of it
now he seems depressed but on drugs and don't actually give a shit about anything
fucking disney kikes
Looks like shit.
SU is one of the few shows that doesn't use cheap boring flash animation nowadays. Ducktales doesn't even have any kind of tumblr artstyle for you to cling on SU, you fucking faggot.
If you like your shit tweened by koreans in tiger cages using blown up storyboard thumbs then sure.
Looks like shit.
That looks like fucking shit.
>he hasnt seen Samurai Jack
literally, reddit
There's quite a lot wrong with it, you just don't pay attention.
Sounds pretty interesting. Where can I learn more about it?
And in the 50's:
Is there a more arrogant blowhard in the world of animation than John K?
Donald and Scrooge look OK but I'm not a fan of the ducklings.
That style is boring and outdated. I grew up watching that shit. I don't want to see it ever again.
> t. pleb
Danny Antonucci
The worst thing is the fucking voices. Hiring grown aas men to play kids is a terrible terrible idea.
>life is like a nigger
You are singing this in your head
I can't help it ;_;
Yeah that's never been done before ever.
He was supposed to be the chosen one.
That's not the point. It's a always a bad idea.
>Sup Forums shits on another show it will watch religiously after it premieres
Most kids can't act, let alone voice act.
And once their voice cracks you have to find another one anyway. You're literally bringing up a non-issue and I hope your whole family dies of cancer as a result.
The Stern interview with John K and Billy West is a good start.
Basically started with Nick's foray into the industry after seizing production of R+S, thanks to lots of turmoil and backstabbing. That started the korean studios, which still influence how all production is done today. It just snowballed from there.
>Donald actually wears his uniform most the time
For a moment I thought he was going to look like a washed up middle-aged man at all times.
While the artstyle is a matter of personal taste the animation really looks subpar. I mean even the shittiest Jap porno cartoons have more fluid movement than what Disney showed in the trailer.
That's why you hire women, you fucking mong. Like Russi Taylor, Nancy Cartwright and Pamela Hayden.
Show me a single shitty Jap porn cartoon with more fluid animation than
>John K
So what's his full name?
Like is it a sacrilege to write down his full name so people just stick to the letter K?
He goes by "John K." though.
>muh stronk womyn can do it better
You need to go back.
The one I watched two days ago about some dude banging some chicks.
Fuck off you memespouting nigger.
Oh THAT one.
Yeah, that one.
Pretty good shit desu.
>lol swjeteven so bad animate bad plot xdd
That still image sure showed him he was wrong about animation
Whilst I'm not any of the people whining above, I'll give it a watch but I certainly do lament the loss of traditional animation here
Here, have something that actually moves.
These were theatrical productions with a big budget behind it. They were meant for the big screen, not TV.
You can't compare those to 26 episodes that are 24 minutes long animated in a tight schedule with slave labor Koreans.
There was talent involved too, but they were given the room to flourish.
Kids do great voice acting all the time you edge lord. Majority of the main cast for The Last Airbender were kids for example.
Ugh. Say what you will about the animation, you can't deny that character design is utter shit
Not to mention that Adventure Time copycat "whimsical" dialogue is cringeworthy
this, everything now is lifeless 3d shit
I still miss the pilot designs.
Billy West made the right decision staying with Nickelodeon.
When will this lazy art "style" just die?
>No juicy impact on any of the hits
Lamer than the one rapid JoJo fist mashing with the bigger that always gets posted.
When people care about animation again
So never
Americans think animation is exclusively for kids. No one wants to experiment. Those that do end up getting cancelled.
Because most of the experimental stuff is boring crap. If your cartoon doesn't have a good story or funny jokes, nobody is going to give a fuck. This is why John K. hasn't been able to get anything off the ground since Ren & Stimpy. He's not funny and he can't write.
These are the only cartoons I'll Chromecast off YouTube for my nephews. Sometimes I'll get out the old 6-hour VHS cartoon tapes.
>No one wants to experiment
Not really. There are people that do try to do different take on animation. It's all just indie shit nobody sees.
Pic related is a good example of a animated movie that doesn't try to be just for kids.
I hope your nephews grow up to hate you.
Aren't you guys a little too old to watch cartoons? This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Forgive me for moving the goal post but I mainly meant for general audiences.
You won't see a studio produce something in the same tone as Perfect Blue and do a wide theatrical release in America.
Perfect Blue is an animated film. And I doubt it had a wide release in America.
I hope you never have kids!
Are you old enough to suck my dick?
You do realize that was an example, right?
It's a bad example because mature animated films (that aren't dumb comedies based on American TV shows) were never popular.
more like Cucktales
A Bloo Bloo!
Maybe they just wanted to do an accurate representation of how edgy millennials have become.
Any sperg on Sup Forums will tell you SU is animated like shit. They can't stay on model for more than 5 minutes at a time.
Millennials are childish, not edgy. They are obsessed with the 80s and 90s, video games, cartoons, anime, super heroes and other infantile junk.
Generation Z is edgy.
I spent a big chunk of my life thinking I liked animation.
turns out, I just happened to like mostly cartoons because The Simpsons, Aqua Teen, Frisky Dingo/Archer, Adventure Time, American Dad, etc. had the best writers
then you see stuff that *primarily relies on* its animation instead of its writing. and it's boring as shit.
The animation is shit, but is the only show animated on paper. The rest of the cartoons are made on computers
>it's boring as shit.
If you actually produce animation you have a much greater respect for it being done properly.
Why havn't you moved on to anime yet user?
Papika a cute! CUTE!
Fucking cringe.
Because it's also shit.
Film > TV > cartoons = anime
quit samefagging underage redditor
Because I'm not a retard.
Watched it and it wasn't particularly informative desu
Was he autistic?
In what sense? Nothing in popular culture is edgy.
American animation pisses away fortunes on things like voice actor salaries, and the animation production is probably very wasteful on top of the inefficiencies caused by outsourcing to a foreign country. The designs and storyboards are also shit, and that's what the Koreans have to work with.
A secret of the anime industry is that good animation isn't expensive, as it's a mostly a matter of talent. Sure, you can say the animators should be paid more, but the point is that better animation doesn't mean higher costs. Unless there is a system in place where better animators charge more money.
any time I tried watching some experimental shorts, I know that what I was seeing had more work and imagination put into the animation than more popular stuff.
but I was realizing that I wasn't enjoying it because there wasn't much/any funny dialog
my point is funny dialog adds more to a show than impressive animation.
that's why American Dad (and the other Macfarlane shows to varying degrees) is good despite having very formulaic, workmanlike animation. funny dialog trumps good animation.
My mother didn't dropped me on the head when I was born
Please tell me this isn't real
anime is nothing but obvious cut corners
they make an impressive opening credits sequence, then the rest is dialog scenes where you see the back of the speakers' heads. or it's long camera movement on a still picture. or it's a barrage of post-production effects (ie not actually animation)
if it's ghibli, it's actually pretty impressive, but that's the Miles Davis of anime.