I can't beat it
I can't beat it
>wakes up
I would have fuckin destroyed that diarrhea girl at the beginning who clogged up her toilet, then gone home to michelle williams and been like 'eh aye don' need yas any mouh michelle i gawt that fahkin diarrhear broad'
what about the mom of the girl his nephew was banging?
>You can't just die.
That scene was amazing.
'ehhh tell that to ah fahkin kids ya fahkin whouh'
how would i marry michelle williams?
I wanted here to grab the oscar for this, she deserves one imo, but I can't be mad at Viola Davis winning another
also Michelle Williams a cute
>"There's nothin' there"
is it me or did the bitch with the leak want to be fucked by him?
Agreed, Michelle is incredibly talented. I think she should have won in 2011 for Blue Valentine or the next year for My Week with Marilyn instead of them giving another one to Streep for a shit performance in a terrible movie.
She purposely had a conversation saying she wanted to fuck him within earshot of him on purpose
So yes, I would say she wanted to fuck him
by being some ultra-rich high-up scientologist with lots of drugs
Manchester should have won t b h
you could tell at the oscars, she was looking at busy phillips like 'bitch there's no fuckin way im gettin that shit we're gonna go home and eat popcorn again like every night' and busy phillips was like 'i still love you michelle' and then they went home and had kettle corn even though busy doesn't like it as much
You can be mad she won the Tony for Lead but bid for Supporting. She stole the award.
Also that garbage speech.
>I can't beat to it
the blonde's fake crying was overly annoying, more than mr. dontwanasocializewithyourgfsmom
Shut up.
He's talking about the blonde who mentioned him watching her shower. And of course she did. How clueless are you?
>How clueless are you?
might explain why I'm still a virgin
I got that vibe too user
>mfw this entire film
Hedges should've won Supporting Actor, He had perfect timing. Fuck the Oscars.
I like the guy who won, but Naomi Harris was the only thing Oscar worthy about Moonlight
Reminder that Casey Aflleck is a sexist, rapist, pig that doesn't deserve any awards. He literally raped Brie Larson just by standing next to her.
Go back.
This is the complete opposite of what is true. Mahershasjhlalahafsjala deserved his. Naomi Harris was cartoonish.
Seen that a million times.
All he did was walk around, quite literally smack his lips a lot and monologue to a brick wall.
The character was likable, but it was just a plot device for Act III. Honestly I don't get the obsession with the film, it watched like a promising film student's first attempt at a feature.
this movie was for faggot bitch niggers who cry to their mommies
>I love you
>*Lee dies internally a little more*
I thought it was good. The cinematography was amateurish at times, and the script didn't really seem to go anywhere, it skipped over a lot of things that should've been highlighted, but it was very clean and straight-forward. And he got great performances out of his actors, with the exception of Harris, who just played random crackwhore nr3.
This is bait right? No one actually thought her porn tier acting was good? Not to mention she had like one scene in the entire film that she played any significant part in.
>make film about african americans woo oscars so representative
>cast british blacks instead
>the only movie Sup Forums collectively agrees was great
lol, nice.
i dont get some explain me what made you cry here pls have not seen entire movie only this scene
>has never been in an emotional situation in their fat pathetic life because they hide in their basement
It shows
Fuck off faggot that was cute.
You too, go back.
>have not seen entire movie only this scene
That's your problem.
wrong scene, Lee
How the fuck did this lose to Moonlight?
I watched both back to back and this was so much better it wasn't even close
Payback for last year
Fuck no it's just a typical white people being depressed drama.
and moonlight is about hoodnigger faggots
what's your point
I was genuinely happy for Lonergan winning original screenplay and Casey for best actor, a truly well-deserved win with no bullshit around it.