deep throat edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
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couldnt take it seriosuly after Tennant left
last thread:
His mouth was made for the BBC
/lbg/ says hi:3
This is to be announced tomorrow. Not the trailer.
That's funny because it's only gotten less cheesy since Tennant left.
Why are gays so much more promiscuous?
In RTD's book about writing Who, he never shuts up wanting to fuck other guys (including several actors from the shows).
If my girlfriend was like that I'd give her the boot.
So I ask... why?
How'd Adam get a part in it
He was the only person who would do it for free.
just pay him in autographs
RTD is an extravagant gay and probably has a massive cock. Gatiss is gay too, but he's pretty meek.
If I had to guess I'd say it's cause men have a higher libido (generally) and there's no risk of pregnancy. Also no periods (although to be fair some disgusting people don't mind a little period blood with their intercourse).
Watching Meglos. Part one is nowhere near as gripping as The Leisure hive was. The villain is a cactus. Some of the dialogue is hard to hear. Virtually nothing actually happens in part one. The loop is done very well with the music and everything but such an idea has been done at least twice before.
Hope it gets better
No two-part regeneration story for Capaldi:
>the moment Doctor Who jumped the gay shark was Tennant snogging a woman
Doesn't matter to be honest - as long as it's a good story. End of Time did not need to be 2 parts, Time of the Doctor did.
If it's 1/12 meeting, then they could do the story in an hour/75 mins.
You took it seriously when Tennant was there?
Don't blame Bidmead. The first script he commissioned is Full Circle.
He was forced to use the other scripts already there when he took over, including State of Decay.
This must be bait??
reminder Radio Times gave away eps 11 and 12 are his swansong
We went from the Adipose and Abzorbaloff to Heaven Sent. The majority of /who/ agrees with me by the way (check /who/ ranks Who) so fuck offerino and die a consomme man.
we went from midnight and turn left to the bells of saint john and let's kill hitler
What's wrong with The Bells of Saint John?
You should've said The Wedding of River Song or Hell Bent instead.
>post yfw bill is the original incarnation of the doctor
Hello? Sleep no More? The Ashildr two-parter? Hell, even Deep Breath sucked Scottish cock.
Before I go... I just want to tell you - you were fantastic.
Absolutely fantastic!
And you know what?
So was I.
Hello? Moffat didn't write Sleep No More and only co-wrote one episode in the Ashildr two-parter. Deep Breath has fantastic direction, great performances and a decent story. It's just too slow for some plebs.
When is the trailer being officially released?
Allegedly Monday according to one tweet
>implying the 12th doctor's reasoning as to why he has the same face as that guy from pompei in series 4 was not the laziest and worst piece of script writing ever
>Moffat didn't write Sleep No More
He probably did. Then realized it was shit so slapped Gatiss' name onto it.
Heaven Sent is a notable exception. You don't get much cheesier than a sodding superhero or that stupid Hydroflax robot. Both showrunners are far too cheesy.
When has Doctor Who never not been cheesy though? It seems to be its USP.
It's also better when it's fun.
Reminder that Chibnall will probably get rid of cheesyness at all. We'll get Detective story arc and more local stories, no end of da worlds anymore.
TOO cheesy. TOO. Fun doesn't have to mean cringe-inducing embarrassment. In fact it CAN'T mean that.
Can we stop giving this dwsr guy attention? He's right about One returning though
I thought there were no workable scripts left over from the Williams era; or is this one of the ones that were deemed unworkable but then he was forced to use anyway?
I just finished part two, and it took me until midway through this part to have any idea of what the fuck was going on. Some nice lines in there, though.
>It's a "BBC Studios Plastic Forest" episode
>It's a "somebody is attacked by plants" episode
>It's a "the CSO was probably amazing for the time but looks shit now" episode
>this one of the ones that were deemed unworkable but then he was forced to use anyway?
Episode titles being announced
01. A Star in Her Eye
02. Smile
03. On Thin Ice
04. Knock on Wood
05. Oxygen
06. Extremis
07. Like Yesterday
08. Truth
09. The Queen of Mars
10. Eaters of Light
11. The Converted
12. The Highest Science
Already confirmed senpai
Doctor Who was never intentionally cheesy in the 70s, they played everything with absolute conviction and did their very best with the budget they had (it only started getting intentionally silly with Graham Williams and Douglas Adams)
The problem is, everybody remembers Doctor Who as being this cheap, camp, silly romp for some reason, but it was only ever this as a sort of side thing. Whenever people try to write it deliberately cheesy or deliberately camp, it ends up falling flat on its face and being shit because that's not what the show was ever about
The show should never parody itself
as if this pleb would know
>Knock on Wood
Like Yesterday was a fake one
The big octupus eye in the trailer is a Nestene.
The latter two are hardly cheesy compared to anything from the RTD era lol. Also the RTD era has way more cheesy stories:
>Series 1
>Aliens of London / World War 3
>Boom Town (i'll admit this is 'good-cheesy' though
>Series 2
>The Idiot's Lantern
>Love and Monsters
>Fear Her
>Series 3
>Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
>The Lazarus Experiment
>Last of the Time Lords
>Series 4
>Partners in Crime
>The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
>The Unicorn and the Wasp (also 'good-cheesy')
>Specials (includes Christmas specials)
>Voyage of the Damned
>The End of Time Part 1 / 2
Total: 17 cheesy episodes - a conservative estimate as I only chose stories where almost everything is cheesy, but many other stories have cheesy elements too (pic related)
>Series 5
>Victory of the Daleks
>The Lodger
>Series 6
>The Curse of the Black Spot
>Closing Time
>Series 7
>The Power of Three
>Nightmare in Silver
>Series 8
>Robot of Sherwood
>Kill the Moon (good outside of moon egg though)
>In the Forest of the Night
>Series 9
>Sleep No More
>Specials (includes Christmas Specials)
>The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
Total: 11 episodes
But wait, we're not done yet. The RTD era was 60 episodes long, whereas Moffat's era is 76 episodes long. So let's work out the percentages:
>RTD: 17/60 = 28%
>Moffat: 11/76 = 14%
Therefore RTD's era is AT LEAST double as cheesy.
Similarly it should stop this grimdark bullshit we've had since S8/9.
young Gareth looked sexy
It's Meta Crisis 10 who has become the Valeyard who 12 has locked behind a Gallifreyan Deadlocked gate. I know it sounds stupid, but that's what they're doing. Valeyard 10 wears a costume similar to the first Doctor and has a classic screwdriver. He will also sport a beard. Tennant is filming his scenes as we speak. We might not see pictures as they are filming in studio for the next few weeks.
RTDfags mathematically BTFO. Forever.
>complaining about christmas specials being cheesy
Come on now
I'd take "don't cremate me" over "cute little blobs of fat" any day
>post yfw metacrisis 10 is the valeyard and returns in the finale, and confirms he killed rose and her family
They're not going to do the Valeyard story, and it's not going to be David Tennant dressed as William Hartnell.
This is fucking ridiculous.
you call everything you dont like cheesy, right?
Why? Partners in Crime had an actual story. Dark Water/Death in Heaven was about the Doctor's transgender friend giving him a birthday present, fleshed out with crap body horror.
No it shouldn't. Doctor Who it's at its best now. Uneducated chavs like you wouldn't understand but the critics and I get it.
I know there's been a flood of newfags from leddit and GB recently, so let me make something clear to all of you: RTD a shit. Ten is /who/'s least favourite Doctor and Series 2 is not "classic" it's cheesy trash. These are /who/'s opinions. Do you share them? If so, good, keep browsing. If not, fuck offerino and go to Tumblr where your trash beliefs will be viewed as gospel.
>speaking as an ambassador of /who/
hate this emme, bro!
>The critics and I
Are you going round to Peter's house for dinner later too?
Sorry friend they are and it's happening whether you like it or not.
>virtually no one dies
>goofy sunglasses hoodie guitar Doctor
>Robin Hood
>comedy robots
>comedy Vikings
>Matt Lucas
This "grimdark" meme needs to stop.
Lol no, I excluded the Series 2 finale, Doctor's Daughter, Wedding of River Song, etc. even though I dislike them.
>subjective opinions on what qualifies cheesy episodes are "mathmetical"
I've been on /who/ for ages, you can't deny the Satan pit/the Impossible planet weren't good.
oops typo
>it's a "TENNANT WAS NOT A SHIT 2/10 DOCTOR" meme again
Stop it. Get some help.
i mean he's right that the majority of us prefer moffat
>arguing with himself
>nothing else in his life
Christmas is when the normies tune in. Doctor Who looks like a joke to the general public.
someone make a fucking poll
who else /rtd/ here?
Nah, you're incorrect.
I can't deny that and I don't. RTD has good aspects but he's nothing compared to Moffat.
Doctor Who Christmas specials are always camp and cheesy, this is not a Moffat thing.
There are equal amount of shit and good episodes in both RTD and Moffat's era. Now shutup you ravenous manchildren.
Nice tits
Here you go. This poll was open for a few weeks so it's the most accurate you'll get
People don't have to die for something to be dark and depressing.
For example, the overriding theme of series 9 was how not dying is the greatest, most depressing curse of them all (Ashildr survives as her babies die of the bubonic plague).
There's also a major theme of deceit: Clara is a bossy liar and control freak, who the Doctor has become obsessed with. He murders a man to try and prevent her death, after spending billions of years in a bespoke hell.
The show has really lost its sense of spirit, adventure and optimism.
But RTD can do drama MUCH better.
It's a fact, m8, it doesn't matter who says it.
how did you know :3
>Series 8 third.
Explain this.
> RTD can do drama
Oh, that's a good one!
He didn't NEED to continue such a shitty tradition.
>tennant in the bottom half with the trash/boring doctors
Aw yiss. I've found my new home
Reddit immigrant here
>series 9 got highest
It was running right after S9 was released, S9 is by no means better than 5, 1, 3 or even 4.
>peter capaldi is the best doctor
>he hasn't watched any of series 3 and 4
Voyage of the damned 5.2? what that episode was easily an 8 it was kino.
And yet everything I pointed out is also true. Doctor Who doesn't know what it is or who it's aimed at anymore.
Even if you want to discount that for it's recency bias (fair enough), in the 2015 poll 72% of people said they preferred Moffat to RTD, even with a "I like both" option available.