Why did so many libertarians turn into alt-right fucktards?
I'm asking because I've been browsing Sup Forums since it was called /new/, and I feel like I've witnessed a pretty giant swing in the average Sup Forumsack's ideology. I feel like GG was the turning point. Pre-GG, the most popular ideology seemed to be libertarianism. Posts on Keynesian vs. Austrian economics were probably the most popular debates. Of course, you had the alt-right white nationalists and the cuckold porn spammers at that point too, but they were mostly a minority and a giant percentage of them were memers from the /new/ days. But post-GG, it seems like the entire board's focus has shifted to a culture war of sorts. That seems weird as fuck to me, since normally libertarians think the government should stay out of cultural issues and give people, well, liberty in that regard. The alt-right philosophy seems to be entirely opposite to that. The logic seems to be "restore the social and cultural conditions of 1950s america and the economic and politic stuff will sort it self out".
So, Sup Forums? How do you go from a political philosophy that stresses cultural apathy to one that's almost entirely based on a perceived culture war?
Edgy reactionaries reacting 100% to tumblr. It's sad that 2 websites reacting to each other created such a bunch of bull shit now.
Jayden Cruz
Is that really all there is to it?
I mean, that seems like that's all there is to it. But I'd like to hope there's some actual train of thought behind most Trumposters aside from "muh ess jay dubyas". Like, I want to believe that there's some actual logic behind these people.
I really don't want to think that Sup Forums meme'd a man into the general election.
William Johnson
Because desperate times call for desperate measures. Libertarians may have good intentions, but they in effect will be no better than neo-cons, which in effect are no better than Dems. Johnson is pro open borders, pro amnesty. That tells you all you should need to know.
A Libertarian president may have been helpful in a world where USA was still 90% white.
Thomas Hill
Maybe they went back to re ddit where their jewish ideology is more welcome. Have fun for voting for legalize weed open borders man.
Bentley Torres
Adam Kelly
Been here since 2013. Libertarians were never anything more than a retarded and loud minority.
Luis Stewart
It's become increasingly obvious that people literally want to exterminate straight white males, and all the economic policy on the world doesn't mean shit when Muslims are raping your women and the thought police are silencing you for suggesting maybe we stop that.
I know what you're talking about and yes, the world has gotten that much worse just the last few years and yes, everybody notices, which is why we have occasional threads about 'man shit sure has gotten terrible just the last few years'
Owen Garcia
I hope for trump because I'm a poorfag and him winning pisses off richfags. When it comes to politics, I always tend to agree with Gary Johnson more and with Trump quite seldom. But that's besides the point. Johnson's not going to win. Trump or Shillary is.
Brayden Foster
Reactionary shift because of Obama and Hillary. They'll swing back to the left when we get our next Bush-tier Republican president
Libertarians are contrarian by nature, for better or worse