>tfw professor said watching television is "for those who don't like to think" and that we should read books instead
Tfw professor said watching television is "for those who don't like to think" and that we should read books instead
did you at least yell out "D-DELETE THIS"
No but I asked him if he at least watched Breaking Bad, and he just snickered.
Is there a way I can get him fired for this?
>teacher says television is for idiots and that people should read
>instead of calling him out say "b-b-b-reaking bad?"
Pathetic, you deserve to feel bad
shoot up the campus
jesus fucking christ did you really say that
I would've openly laughed in your chubby face
he's right
He's right you know
academia is full of autistic and bitter losers who have to watch Chad fail their modules and fuck all the same girls they never got to fuck in college over and over and over. it is a fate worse than death. let him pretend that he "likes to think", he'll never think about just how awful his life really is.
Sup Forums btfo
Well? he wasn't wrong
Hey man, it's a lot easier to maintain your composure when you're shit-posting anonymously and at leisure than when you're in a room filled with an audience. Check your privilege normie, and apologize to him.
Not OP but thanks
>I can't talk in class, too many people make me nervous
they have medicine for your problems, you know that right?
He's completely right, movie enthusiasts are drooling plebeians that are just barely above the vidya pond-slime in the grand hierarchy of art aficionados.
t. /lit/
Hey I don't like the show that much, it's just what popped in my head at the time, but it's complex enough for a good rebuttal.
I imagine if I asked him about The Sopranos or The Wire he wouldn't have been impressed either.
For some reason I read Breaking Bad as Big Bang Theory.
We're just a big fat joke
I know but they're not OTC and I'm too scared to meet a doctor
As far as fiction goes movies are just as good as literature.
He's either an idiot or was just talking about reality or talk shows and the majority of tv series, which ARE shit for dumb plebs, yeah.
>People ITT
lmfao this sounds very true
Mad Men is a better novel than any actual novel I've ever written and it has deeper themes and allegories.
Ask him if you can fuck his wife too or do you need to call your black friend.
doctors are nice tho bruh they want your $$$ so they treat you well
only gotta do it once every 6th months too
>As far as fiction goes movies are just as good as literature.
>this is what movieplebs actually think
>tfw decide to venture out into other boards because you feel a kinship with Sup Forums and want to see if that magic can be recaptured elsewhere
>they're fucking making fun of us even within Sup Forums
isn't reddit enough of an enemy?
Truth is Rude user
You should write better novels then
if you read fiction you are just as much of a pleb as someone watching reality tv
I suggest reading the Mad Men Carousel alongside watching the show.
i wanna put it in
Why are you even here?
for you
I bet you say that to all your inferiors
He's not wrong though. Look at the state of this board. Do you really think anyone here has even an ounce of intelligence in their shallow little pea-brain?
>Is there a way I can get him fired for this?
Yes, in Trump's America this is literally a fireable offense. How dare he push his effete (((liberal))) values on you as a professor, I'd tel my parents.
100% correct. Television is perhaps the dumbest medium out there. Watch film instead.
I sincerely wish this board was for film only, and TV was restricted to Sup Forums. They cannot be compared.
>people actually think this
I've got an IQ of 80 m8, that's a B.
What in the world am I reading?
Fucking this. We need one board for movies and one board for tv shows and other shit.
It would be somewhat accurate if he meant genre fiction
youre aware you're on the board that still considers baneposting hilarious right
Sup Forums deserves all the ridicule it gets
>Professor hasn't watched Battlestar Galactica.
Sup Forums is the most pleb popular media related board. Your professor was completely right.
Television is the medium of choice for the lowest common denominator, everyone knows this.
What the fuck is this shit
I'd expect Sup Forums of all boards to agree with me
I don't watch TV, I only come here to shitpost.
I suspect a large part of this board is the same way.
for you
Please. Even a 10 year old kid knows TV is garbage.
>he thinks his space wars soap operas are taken seriously by anyone who isn't an obese neckbeard virgin manchild
He's right, tv is shit.
same here desu to be honest
>No but I asked him if he at least watched Breaking Bad
>Literally proves my point.
The Fantasy/Sci Fi isn't worth my time/ isn't worthy of anything meme needs to end.
It isn't. It's shallow, formulaic and cliched. Only people of extreme low intelligence think it's sophisticated or cool.
I hate tv and movies.
I only watch film.