What would be the result

of abolishing welfare?

I want real answers

niggers wont make kids anymore

not supporting legalized murder does not mean I care to give money to those who can't afford to take care of their children.
idk how you could possibly be stupid enough to oversimplify the issue this much and think you made an intelligent observation.

A rapidly increasing crime rate. Welfare cities would break down into looting and robbery (moreso than usual). Likely also lower migration

We have riots when EBT cards are down. Cutting all welfare would be the biggest chimp out of all time.

More abortions.

mexicans would start leaving. 3/4ths are mooching off welfare, theyld have to go back because they can't find work and can't support themselves here.

I asked a question though.

Extreme right and extreme left would become very popular, didn't america had a fairly strong socialist party back in 30s?

Welfare keeps people in check, its the bread part of panem et circenses. Without it, groups, esspecially far left groups will exploit the situation to gain popularity.

Bullshit, they'll still make kids. And they'll riot more.