2005 Peter Jackson's King Kong

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Peter Jackson's King Kong?

Is it better than Kong: Skull Island?

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Bit campy, but overall great. Much better than new one

Jackson has his problem of being too detailed about characters' motives and used too much music and make the movies too long but yeah it's a great movie and much better than Skull island

>the German white male captain Englehorn heartlessesly shoots dark-skinned tribals
>is the only person that sees Kong as the nasty subhuman ape that he is
>conviently sends his black first mate to lead the search party he knows will get wiped out on Skull Island
>is essentially the one who takes down the over-sized untermensch King Kong

Was Thomas Krestchmann's character the Incarnation of Nazism?

Holy shit Engelhorn was literally HITLER

I haven't seen 2005 since it came out, but I remember finding it long and tedious.

watch it NOW user. For me its gotten much better with time. A lot of awesome special effects, fights and good visuals. Its most definetally worth a watch if you havent seen it in awhile.

It's a long slog of trash not worth watching twice. New one is much better

I liked 2005 Kong, have yet to see Skull Island.

Kretchmann mostly plays nazis anyway

It was fucking kino


Same user. Really liked 2005 and Im really wanting to see the new one.

>I haven't seen 2005 since it came out, but I remember finding it long and tedious.

Same. It's the only film that I have almost walked out of.

Too much romance.

That scene where Kong had fun with her sliding in the snow was retarded.

Watched jacksons King kong yesterday and it's shitty
>way too long
>too much unrealistic (like the dinos running down the path
If it was only 1,5-2 hours and well cut it would be a 7/10

I saw it at the Thursday midnight showing when it came out. I was a freshman in college and I went with some friends and a qt British girl was my date (I'm American). Even though we had classes the next day and didn't get back until super late it was totally worth it and one of my favorite memories.

W-why hasn't life gotten better. .

2005 kong is one of my most hated movies ever
i don't think it's the worst made or whatever but i just hate it so much

absolute kino

>the ship is about to crash
>let's the black man on the wheel so he can blame him
clever captain

Same. If Jackson didn't made Lotr I would say he should be shot for King Kong

No. Skull Island is better. This movie is boring as fuck and all the characters were forgettable and bland aside from Jack Black.

can you explain to me why you hate it so much? Its quite entertaining in my opinion.

why do you hate it

nah that shit was cute

amen to that.

Jack Black ruined it for me. I hate him and just seeing him in a movie makes me hate it. The only exception is Orange County.

If he wasn't in the movie, I would have thought it was very good. Especially when they fell down into the ravine with those bugs coming out of everywhere eating them. Fucking horrific.

even school of rock?

That CGI is actually decent.

yeah wtf??

Hated it. I'm sorry, I don't think less of anyone that likes him, I just can't stand seeing his face.

Other actors include:
>Bill Murray
>James Franco
>Russell Brand
>Dane Cook
>Justin Long
>Adam Sandler
>Rob Schneider
>Will Smith
>Bradly Cooper
>Sean William Scott
>George Clooney
>Richard Gere
>Julia Roberts

others too

boring old grandpa.

>the time wasting, overly long, irrelevant plot line surrounding Ann Darrow, the old man, and the theater getting closed down
>too much useless CGI like the spinning airplane wheels on the fighter planes
>the whole stuff about Jimmy and Mr. Hayes. Unnecessary, irrelevant, and ultimately unresolved. Why was Hayes protective of Jimmy?
>Kong violently shaking Ann around after he gets to his home turf, and her suffering no ill effects. She'd bedead. Kong was supposed to be gentle with Ann
>the time wasting, overly long, irritating scenes where Kong repeatedly roars for no good reason
>the completely ludicrous scene where Kong smashes the stolen taxi but Driscoll isn't even scratched
>the completely awful scene where Kong fights 3 T-Rexes while holding Anne in his hand. For the love of God, she'd be killed instantly. At least the original had the sense to have him put her down to fight the tyrannosaurus
>incredibly preposterous and insulting scene where Jimmy shoots all the CGI nerd created insects off of Driscoll. Shuts his eyes while firing, and hits all the bugs
>the horrible, horrible ridiculous scene where Kong and Ann et all are falling through the vines, getting caught repeatedly by new vines swinging out, not getting injured, falling again, caught by another swinging vine, not getting injured, etc. Vines pendulum-like swinging with the monster almost gobbling Ann up, only to be just out of reach,

fuck you

I fall asleep and then wake up and there is a giant gorilla running around new york. this happens everytime


You have good taste and pointed out nearly all the things I hate about this movie. People who think 2005 Kong is something great have no sense of quality.

Too small a kong for me to take the movie seriously

so he's living the dream

everything is better than skull island

>awesome special effects
The CGI models for the three dinosaurs he fights in that scene are THE SAME EXACT MODELS. They didn't even take the effort to mirror one or change the color a little bit. All of their crooked teeth have identical alignment and it looks like a video game.

Other than that, take out about 40 minutes of scenes on the boat and you got yourself a good film.

Naomi Watts getting blacked

Still better than skull island. Watching that film actually made me angry

After seeing Skull Island, I must say, the directing style was much more impressive than Peter Jackson's version.

Kong had a lot of visual flair where it really tried to mix artistic war cinematography with a heart of darkness adventure-vibe.

Overall, it's a solid 8/10.

PJ's is serviceable, but it really seems like it's bloated and focuses too much on the sympathetic side, coming off more as waxing poetic (not in a good way) than truly emotional.

While KONG was driven more by inner rage from both sides and means to create a very jarring experience, in terms of how graphic it is and how raw it feels.

It does use a lot of clichéd war music of the era and tends to abuse slow mo, but overall it doesn't make the film bad. John C Reilly walked a very fine line between schlock and comedy throughout the film.

Over 3 hours so won't watch it

it's okay but it was no pic related

I think it's really good but it could have definitely been shorter and more fun.

I remember the meme at the time being that the start goes on for way too long but it was good when they got to the island, but I rewatched it and the truth is that the start and end are the only parts that feel like you're watching a real movie and the Island section is mainly just a bunch of Hobbit level excessive action scenes with some pretty awful CGI.

Every single set piece goes on for around 3 times longer than it should do.

You forgot one thing: all the "it has to be bigger and out do the original" shit

Like crap, the action is excessive as hell.
>original had 1 T. rex, now we have 3
>they had one apatasaurus, now we have a stampede and raptors
I now get why the original cut the spider scene, it just kills the pacing

ehhh i dont know about that...i still really liked it for what it was.

Unironically this

Every one bitches about
>muh dinosaurs
And yeah the full scale Kong is weak, but this one still makes Kong a brutal animal without going to far sympathizing him, not to mention Bridges and Grodin were based in this, also GOAT sacrofice scene


John Barry's music was also 10/10

it's good but some of the CGI didn't age well

Also Naomi is a goddess among men

>literally gets cucked by supposed subhuman

yep that sums up modern nazis alright

I think the kong in Jackson's version is legit on the any level as well as the babe factor kicks in so well into the story Y'know !?

I can't say whether or not it's better then Skull Island because I haven't seen it, but as far as the film itself goes, it's awful. It's basically Jackson's Heavan's Gate (even though I rather like Heavan's Gate), but all the criticisms of that apply: overlong, self-serving, etc. I imagine made it at a point where he felt like he could accomplish anything, to fairly disastrous results.

I consider Jackson's Kong to be the best Kong. But the recent Kong movie is the most entertaining and funny one.

when did you realise jackson was a hack?

I could watch the original twice in the time it would take to watch the remake it would be ten times more entertaining.

I remember crying my eyes out at that scene because I knew he was going to die soon.

self-indulgent, one might say

its basically a sneak peak into the hobbit nonsense

It could have been good if he just made it a straightforward story insead of jamming in all that CGI bullshit. Somewhere during ROTK he forgot how to make a movie without handing half of it over to a bunch of geeks in a CGI shop.

You probably dont really enjoy films if you nitpick this much.

That doesn't sound like nitpicking though, he is just pointing out multiple things that sucked hard about the movie.

I think Jackson pushed too hard to make Kong sympathetic and had Ann legitimately fall in love with him, whereas in the original he is a brute and a mad beast who kills innocent people (the woman he pulled out of bed and basically teased before finally dropping her) and Ann wants to get away from him and is terrified of him.

33 > 76 > 2005

where would Skull Island and King Kong Lives fall?

nobody seen son of kong?

All of those are understandable except Bill Murray, unless you're only referring to Murray within the last 12 years where he looks like the physical embodiment of old age and death.

its pretty alright, denham is based

The 05 movie's cgi is atrocious. Haven't seen Skull Island

Haha probably haven't seen both by the way your talking.

Jack Blacks character really annoyed the hell out of me.

I don't know if he was over acting or being directed to be like that, but overall an unbelievable character.

I enjoyed it desu, me and my bro actually woke up really early in the morning to watch it on DVD before school because it was so long and we didn't finish it the night before. I thought skull island and the effects were really cool as a kid. The play station game is GOAT too and I remember killing a bunch of Velociraptors


No the CGI is quite bad. Most notably the bugs and the stampede.