What are some films where the bad guys think they're good guys?
What are some films where the bad guys think they're good guys?
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any amerifat/brit ww2 film
Remember when they were called illegal?
>people still subscribe to the "germans were not evil in WW2" meme
oo lala
Can someone explain to me why they don't just become legal citizens? Is the process of doing that really challenging?
Yes, please stop hiding so you can be deported.
No, it's easy as fuck.
Falling Down
like 90% of them?
most of them either have criminal records or just dont give a fuck
It literally takes years and requires all sorts of fees and appointments and interviews and litterally a phone book of paper work.
It's a pretty long and often expensive process in general and it's not just automatic you have to be accepted, so uneducated day laborers and their families are going to be told to stay in Mexico.
You have to go back
>to your shitty containment board
>so uneducated day laborers and their families are going to be told to stay in Mexico.
Good. They belong there. Most of these uneducated pigs fly their Mexican flags outside their homes. Why even abandon the country then if they have such pride?
Why doesn't Mexico get its shit together?
Black Hawk Down
Will do
I live in the east side of Brighttown btw, you'll know the house when you see it
When will the deportors arrive?
It's their country by right. You stole it.
because their countrys are shitholes so they come here get jobs and buy houses and turn it into a mini shithole
Stop hiding, just get deported. good.
>We don't want uneducated laborers!
>We need to bring manufacturing jobs back to America! Obama killed coal jobs!!
Fucking lol
Wow! Brilliant insight right here.
It's extremely difficult.
If you don't have immediate family with citizenship, you need to have technical skills. Otherwise there's no way in.
Good. We don't need more unskilled labor to become part of a welfare state once automation replaces them.
reminder Trump knows their secret plan and won't fall for it
can't wait for this movie
people who drive without tax & insurance are now "undocumented drivers"
tfw I am an undocumented surgeon
>they all have the same skin, hair and eye color
Diverse as hell lol.
I didn't steal anything, but they do send back their tax-free wages to the country and by proxy support the Narco culture that raped the land.
you are aware the working class has 30 years at the most right? probably a lot less in some sectors.
t. Sup Forums parasite
>go to work
>hear people talking about how these fuckers are getting raided and deported around the city
Feels good desu. I haven't seen one since Trump came into office at the Home Depot or anything when I drive to Costco. Usually there are like 30 of them standing around.
To be fair, America was their country first
you have to go back
>to plebbit
You're disqualified if you've committed a crime.
what about the native americans who called much of the southwest their land
Nigga they're the descendants of the Natives
I have a driver's license
*Just not legally ;)
it varies
some people have it easier then others, and given the state of the world right now its not particularity easy. But tough shit, its not supposed to be
>I am an automobile owner
>*Just not legally
Too lazy to show up and sign the paperwork. They are literally too lazy to not commit crime.
Why don't they just stay in Mexico and make it great again?
The illegals are the shit-tier people that no country would want to willingly allow in.
Imagine you're the boss at a company. You have an entire selection and interview process to make sure you hire the right people as new employees. but then, for some reason, other people can just waltz right into the office and start working too. But you didn't validate them and make sure they were worth having in the company.
because our government invented the most lethal cartel and let them loose in their country
I have sex
*just not legally
She consented to my dick in her ass
*Just not legally
I made love to woman of my dreams
*Just not legally
wow your a fucking moron. do you know why mexico allowed americans into texas to settle? one of the resons was for them to be a barrier between indians raiding mexican villages. mexican meztizo indians were totally different then american native ones
I possess a firearm
*Just not legally
how? by killing pablo escobar?
Good. America has been naturally moving to a post-industrial service based economy for the past 50 years. People who think low-skill labor is a good thing are backwards economically illiterate retards.
nigger, they had no unified culture or language. their biggest technological achievement was a fucking paper house. did you know a Native American had never seen a horse before until Europe arrived? We gave them that essential part of their identity. If not for us, there would be a few hundred more years of scalping each other, raping women, and shitting in the rivers.
I hate them
>tfw you don't have enough money to pay your undocumented pharmacist so you conduct an undocumented sale of your neighbor's tv
I'm personally happy about illegal immigrants. I don't work in a shitty uneducated manual labor job. The only thing that illegal immigrants do to me is drive down prices of goods.
I'm a pretty lucky immigrant (won the Diversity Visa lottery), and it still took five years to get citizenship after getting the green card. Green cards are also apparently less protection than they used to be, with Trump's executive orders even applying to them.
This. And also en.wikipedia.org
Texas rightfully belongs to Texas, as signed by the most decorated and revered war hero in Mexican history.
footage from any trump rally
I own this vehicle*
*Just not legally
hello i am meme posting
*just not legally
I do, too.
the los zetas cartel
>drug wars raging in mehico
>our goverment takes notice
>decides the best plan is to invent a spec ops army of Mexicans trained by us special forces and CIA to wage a bloodier war then thought possible and end it
>Mexican government has no money to pay them once their finished being trained, as they had been promised
>oh but the cartels do
>cartels hire them, then they kill off the cartels by being way more hard core
and thats why you see butchered corpses hung from over passes and all other kinds of shit in mexico now. we basically let loose an army of rambos and they took over. theyre not as strong any more but theyre still plenty strong. this is right up there with giving the cartels guns in a way to track them (operation fast and furious) for brilliance. Dont get me wrong, I dont like illegal immigrants flooding into our country and proudly declaring it, I think there should be some regulation. But im aware of the bigger picture that we stuck our dicks into and made it worse
>tfw obama is still praised as being the coll meme tastic president by college kids despite all the shit he's done
>tfw even mentioning this, or bombing doctors without borders is always shut down by my lib friends
I'm legally retarded*
*Just not legally
Inglorious Basterds, and I'm not even being edgy; how are they any different from the Nazis in the film? They're just as psychotic.