What are some films about nations that have destroyed themselves in one generation?
What are some films about nations that have destroyed themselves in one generation?
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>one generation
Its one of germanys most favorite things to do
city of amber
A German-perpetrated Holocaust toward the Arab untermensch is what is needed, just as it was needed against the Jews
Will this be the final solution for the German Question? One can hope.
So what? They speak German, don't they.
>under fives
Is that how you say it?
It's worth mentioning those migrant-background stats include ethnic-white Germans forced out of Silesia and East Prussia by the red army at the end of ww2
>language is the only thing that matters
Fucking shoot yourself.
It isn't, however
^this matters too
Nothing new. Majority of Prussians were germanized Balto-Slavs.
lmao you guys are going to be thoroughly cucked in 30 years
>According to research published in 2004, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany during 1933–1945, likely belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E-M35 ("E1b1b1"), a haplogroup which originated in East Africa about 22,400 years BP.[60]
>Hitler's haplogroup is E1b1b, being more common among Berbers, Somalian people and Jews than among overall Germans.
Right I forgot skin is the only thing that matters
Remember WW2
I love how you edited out the source...
The majority of western europe is just different romanized ethnic groups.
eww gross why are they all brown
Finally Europe will be rid of the German menace. This is a blessing in the long run.
Because they're lesser humans.
Literally everyone's ancestors came from Africa
>it will still take decades for Germany to getting even close to the US level of cucked
Actually they don't, and majority refuses to learn it
real germans followed Hitler's example.
today's "germans" are just soviet rape babies
These from the same people that predicted Clinton's victory?
so they wuz literally kangs?
Not even brown people want this. They go to Europe to flee other shitty brown people only to come to a nation already under siege by the assholes you fled from. Immigration only works when immigrants are kept as a small minority. Otherwise migration is pretty much pointless.
American was never a white country sweetie.
>white people will go extinct in the next 25+ years
Feels good man
lol, so Australia started that white?
Race is more than just skin colour.
The soviets did so much fucking to those kraut women
where do we go bros? i hear poland is the last bastion of white people
>be gercuck
>election coming up
>main contenders are Merkel and pic related
Are krauts really that into self-loathing and having no pride or spine? Seriously, where does this sense of self-destruction come from in the German people?
Even other cucked nations in the EU are starting to wake up including the cuck kings themselves Sweden, where their rightwing party is soon a majority.
Slavs aren't white
Not true, just liberal bullshit. My ancestors came from the North and my descendants will die there.
Can you cite that research? I'd be interested in reading what their sample was
The definition of white people will just change. Italians and Irish weren't considered white, but gradually they became so. Anyone lightskinned enough will just become "white" in the future.
the nazis did much worse during their invasion of russia, don't let neo-nazi revisionism fool you man
That number is completely fabricated, but whatever.
The Syrian war won't go on forever and many of those people will return home once all this shit settles down.
Unless Trump starts another big war in the Middle East. Then it will only get worse.
Italians and Irish aren't white. Only germanics are white.
I live in cologne, what's the percentage here?
>today's "germans" are just soviet rape babies
From your own link
>However, most rapes did not result in pregnancies, and many pregnancies did not result in the victims giving birth. Abortions were the preferred choice of rape victims, and many died as a consequence of internal injuries after being brutally violated, untreated sexually transmitted diseases due to a lack of medicine, badly performed abortions, and suicides, particularly for traumatized victims who had been raped many times. In addition, many children died in postwar Germany as a result of widespread starvation, scarce supplies, and diseases such as typhus and diphtheria. The infant mortality in Berlin reached up to 90 per cent.
bullshit hans. all europeans are white, even albos
If onto Eastern Europe had a good economy and living standards, it's an Africa tier shithole. They still haven't recovered communism. I'd rather stay in Fuckign Sweden than some poor shithole like Poland.
Also poland's birth rate is even lower than Japan
>he isn't looking forward to smoking hot half and half girls
They will never leave the land of the gibs.
Why would you leave the civilised world and return to dirt roads and bombed buildings?
Plus its only young males that came over in the first place and they can't rape white women in syria.
>many people will return to their third world shithole after living on first-world welfare
whatever you say eurocuck
It's easy user. The German government is DESPERATE to not portray themselves as Nazis, so they let all these refugees in to prove how progressive they are now. And in doing so they have destroyed their country, because now it is overrun with uncontrollable extremists and to shut them down and stop the madness would just make it look to the rest of the world like they're finally ready for the 4th Reich
>millions of people are going to return to a bombed out wasteland
They can't even support the people internally displaced
Germany, what the fuck happened to you?
nice try schlomo
>neo-nazi revisionism
Very compelling research you have there Dr. Goldberg.
wtf america....
I never said they were dumbass, I simply said society accepted them as "white". The same thing is happening to light skinned spics. Only Nordic people with no hook nose, blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and pink nipples are white
at least blacks decrease too... America will be majority white for my lifetime, at least.
America happened. The cancer upon the world, the whore of Babylon.
A romanian could never be considered white by an intelligent person. Neither could a spaniard.
Its also a poor shithole run by communists
t. Polak
Why does Sup Forums endlessly make off-topic bait threads like these on various other boards?
Its only a matter of time