we were put on this board for a reason
We were put on this board for a reason
Childhood is idolizing Jack.
Adulthood is realizing Locke made more sense.
we were durned for a reason
this is a stupid meme but it actually makes a lot of sense in this case
jack is the young and somewhat sensible leader (more sensible than sawyer), who wants to help everyone but doesn't quite understand the world yet.
locke is the experienced leader who knows how the world works, whose choices may appear morally disagreeable at first but ultimately are the more practical and realistic decisions.
LOST sucks
watching LOST right now, currently on S3
i love it t b h
did you even watch the show? locke is the most retarded person on the island because he was dumb enough to believe all the hocus pocus bullshit simply because his old life was so pathetic and he got pushed around by his daddy that he forced himself to believe that he was special even though he wasnt special at all and was manipulated for years by a fucking pillar of black smoke
Im rewatching it now and am on S3 as well. Unfortunately the Jack tattoo episode is next for me
currently watching L O S T as well. 3 episodes left in S3. cannot fucking wait to see bearded jack in all his glory
i dont care what anyone says. ive seen breaking bad, ive seen got, ive seen the walking pleb, ive seen the leftovers, ive seen mr robot, ive seen the sorpanos, ive seen the wire, etc... s3 last 5 mins are the best 5 mins in the history of television
Lock got played by Smoke/MiB the whole show.
Saddest character arc ever desu.
Remember this: the flashbacks are not flashbacks
>Its a Kate ep
To be fair, Locke's father is the most evil character in the history of fiction
Look on the bright side. The gook who gives him the tattoo is hot as fuck.
After watching that final scene and my 16 yr old self realizing that it was actually a flash forward the whole time. The credits came and I just sat there staring at the screen. My mouth was hanging open for a good 2 mins, just staring. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Even watching it 10 yrs later, I still get goosebumps during that scene. Just unbelievable that a network tv show could achieve something so beautiful.
There will NEVER be another experience like L O S T again. I feel so bad for people who couldn't experience it when it aired and are forced to binge watch it now (binge watching destroys the entire experience of watching a tv show).
I got my digits for a reason
that applies only for season 4 and onwards, don't confuse him into thinking the flashbacks from the first 3 seasons are not flashbacks
Locke is an idiot, though. He just goes from totally confused to dead certain to totally confused to dead certain to totally confused to dead certain, and sometimes the things he's dead certain about are wrong.
He just wanders around frustrated because he doesn't know what he's doing, then when he has an "answer" he's singleminded in following it without a single doubt. And then, when he's proven to be completely wrong, he goes right back to being totally confused and frustrated. If you add a vaguely condescending attitude, then you've got Locke.
First he's dead certain they have to get into the hatch, then push the button, then when he thinks the button is meaningless, he almost kills Eko and Charlie to stop the button from being pushed. Oops, he was wrong as fuck. Then just wander around the island bullshitting everyone, and even if he only has a vague idea what he's doing, he's still confident enough to throw knives in people's backs and act condescending to people who disagree.
Get fucked, Locke.
I watched it first time last summer. It was ok, because I didn't know any spoilers. I watched it one episode a day. When I ended Season 3, I stopped watching it for two weeks because I went on vacation. It were the two weeks of my life where I speculated and thought about a thing more than ever
L O S T is objectively the greates television series of all time.
Unless Fargo continues being excellent or Twin Peaks knocks it out of the park with its 3rd season, it will never be dethroned.
well she was in many trans porn movies, pretty sure she has a dick
Those are some serious allegations, user. I'm afraid I'm gonna need some proof.
what's her name?
Prove it.
That's what the audience loved about Locke though. He was us. Nobody else cared about the mystery of the island except Locke. And even if it turns out he was being manipulated since day 1, at least he fucking tried to get some answers. Locke was the only one that helped the viewer along.
Also, his entire arch is tragic as fuck. Possibly the most tragic character in any show ever. The very first act in his entire life was his parents abandoning him. And when he's finally given the chance to meet them, they con him, chew him up and spit him out. And even after trying to move on, he loses his fiance to his obsession with being loved by his father. And after trying to move on again, he's crippled by his father. He endured so much pain but when he got to the island, he became the man he always dreamed of being. He finally saw himself as a special human being. He finally belonged to something greater. And he died believing that everything he fought for was for nothing. And it was. He wasn't special. He wasn't strong. He was the weakest person on the island because he was the only person that MiB was able to manipulate into doing exactly what he wanted over and over and over again.
Fuck man...
No man, there will never be a series like LOST again, and i say this beucase of the popularity of the show, when i was a child my parents watched it, LOTS of people watched it. Pick Game of Thrones for example, GoT and Walking Dead are the TOP 2 most popular series right now and don't even come close to LOST in popularity
kek this was the last episode i watched yesterday
it's locke that made jack and eventually the o6 return to the island so without him the awful final season would've never taken place
but still he's my favorite character
>the awful final season
You're just memeing. If you actually watched that season you'd definitely rank it among the first couple of seasons, even only for the last couple of brilliant episodes
Season 4 is the season that wasn't up to par.
everyone says the final 2 season are terrible, but they're miles ahead of the 4th season. I know it's due to the writers strike at the time, but it still was easily the worst season.
I hated Juliet because she looked like a bicth and was a bitch to Ben for no reason in season 3, and it seemed that she was only being friends to the plane guys because of the "sixth sense that knows who are the good guys cliche". I still kept hating on her even after knowing her reasons of being a bitch towards Ben
I completely forgave her when she died and Sawyer called her Blondie because Blondie is what I call my crush
Locke's character arc is only so shitty because he's a singleminded retard. His father gives him an opening, and he pours every ounce of himself into it. His father screwed him over, and he obsessively stalks him and destroys his relationship with Peg Bundy because he's incapable of acting like a regular person.
The problem I have with Locke isn't that he wanted to get answers, it's that he's 100% sure that whatever he's doing is right, even when he's completely wrong. It's normal to want to get into the hatch; it's not normal to be a secret-keeping Cpt. Ahab about it. It's normal to think you should push the button; it's not normal to try and force people like Jack into agreeing with you that it's your destiny. It would absolutely be normal to say "fuck this button" when you find the tape, but the extent he took it to was insane. How would Locke have reacted if Jack had forced him out when he was pro-button? Why does he think it's okay to force out Eko? And when Desmond starts making some pretty good points, instead of thinking about it, he smashes the computer because he's so positive and can't wait even an hour and a half to do what he thinks is right. If there wasn't a computer to smash, he would have broken Desmond's fingers to make sure that the button didn't get pushed even one more time.
He charges like that through the whole series. I'm right, what I'm doing is right, if you try and stop me I'll blow things up and kill people, because even if turns out that I'm wrong, I know that I'm right.
just remembered that ben is one of my favorite cases on tv where you hate a character at first and then you start to like him later on
for such a retarded ending LOST had the best character arcs
>Peg Bundy
Who would win in a fight for her heart? Al Bundy, John Locke, Clay Murrow or Phillip J. Fry?
>tfw Jacob's reveal
I don't remember being more hyped
>hate a character at first
That's not what happens with Ben
First, you kinda like Henry Gale, but feel there is something fishy with him
Then, you think he is kinda of a jerk for double-crossing them
Then, you respect him for being a good, competent leader
Then, you scream at every character in the show FOR KEEPING TRUSTING IN HIM LIKE FUCKING RETARDS
Then you just love him
If you put aside the influence that the Internet has on you regarding the ending, what did you really think of it?
Definitely Al Bundy. Married With Children wasn't a great show or anything, but it's one really redeeming thing was that even though they spent all day every day giving each other shit, when it really came down to it they'd do anything to protect each other. That's really what love and family is. No matter what, when push comes to shove, you're always on the same side.
Nobody else can compete with that.
To durn
Not him, but the ending is fantastic. The final season is dogshit except for each character's "awakenings". The final few scenes (Jack handing over the reins to Hurley, Jack dying, moving on) are just beautiful though. Enough to warrant trudging through S6.
"I don't know how long the battery will last."
-Sayid Jarrah
I remember liking season 6 when it was airing and being confused at those who disliked it online but on rewatches I keep liking it less and less.
The "remember" episodes and scenes and the finale are pure brilliance and make me very emotional each time I watch them. They are what makes the season.
I will you had believed me?
Hit LIKE if you read it in his accent
>watch first minutes of Sense8
>"Ei, it's Sayeed!"
>he has a girlfriend
>she dies right then
who /desmond/
Imagine years of this speculation and talking with other autists online, and analysing every frame of the show with them. It was a glorious experience
>mfw Keamy actually shoots Alex
but S4 has the constant. probably in the top 5 episodes
Easily the best character in the show.
"I have to get my honor back"
Say what you want, but /Keamy/ was /ourguy/
I only felt bad for Ben whan that bicth Alex died
season 4 was the most action-packed. in my rewatch right now, finished s5 a couple of weeks ago and must admit that i was pretty impressed by s4. the season premiere has no unnecessary scenes, the split of the group into two camps is iconic. the freighter crew is great, not suprising that 2 of 4 characters made it to the finale alive (considering the character 'development' of charlotte one of the drawbacks of early s5). whereas everybody's talking about 'the constant' (which is pure kino), 'the shape of all things to come' should also be noted as one of the top 10 hours of lost imo, emerson is mesmerizing, so is the plot. flashforwards are also a great alternative for the episode format providing new opportunities both to examine the old characters in a completely new environment and move the story at the same time. there were bad moments, sure: that stupid juliette episode (not much better than 'stranger in a strange land), kate jealously jumping from jack to sawyer (loved that they did resolve the love quadrangle however), some details in the last episode (bad cgi, keamy's transmitter that send signals to the freighter from deep underground, etc.)
to sum up, the writers' strike made lost producers change the show's format making it more action-oriented which is great because more than 50 previous episodes were quite enough to analyze all the characters present in lost. as a matter of fact this lack of new info about main heroes was one of the things that ruined most of s3 episodes
i mean what can we say
>mfw Locke was right
Got goosebumps just from your description, I miss the autist tier analysis so much. There has gotta be another show like this eventually, we suck at making tv if there isn't
Lmao Bai Ling is not a transexual
He looks kinda like Aniki
Holy fuck I forgot about that one. I remember watching it when it first aired, the network kept pushing that the fans were finally going to start getting some answers again.
(They stopped answering their own questions when LOST became a soap opera)
Then they finally answered the question, "what's up with Jack's tattoos?"
A question NO ONE ON EARTH had asked.
Pretty sure no one gave a shit or even gave his fucking tattoos a second thought.
>One of the many many disappointing episodes of LOST
I want to go back
Back to 2006
>they were trying to make a spinoff series about jack's tattoos
i loved lost when it came out but reading this thread made me realize i barely remember anything
it had a magnificent giacchino score in a final scene never heard either before or after the episode
Not too many people remember Jack's Jihadist subplot arc.
Friendly reminder that pic related will be cast on Westworld as a guy responsible to put the robot uprising down, only for us to find out that he is himself a robot planted by Ford, becoming later the robot leader
What are your top 3 reveals/twists of LOST?
Mine are:
1: Revealing the Dharma village.
2: The Hatch.
3: What was inside the Hatch (Swan station).
that scene when Jin runs toward Sawyer screaming OTHERS OTHERS and then they get their shit kicked in by scary looking Eko and friends
>After watching that final scene and my 16 yr old self realizing that it was actually a flash forward the whole time
please explain, can't remember shit
he was right that the island was special and ge wanted to make other people around him inderstand it. and they did sooner or later. jack is the most basic example transforming into locke after his return and quoting him the whole time. kate says this to him
somehow I always remember the one when the A team wants to rescue Jack from the others and he's playing football with Friendly
There will never be another TV show that gets people as hype as LOST did. No one cares about the mystery of GoT or TWD, they just wanna see murder and zombies.
But that's what made LOST great, it's mystery and the constant questions and the reveals and the twists. WHY CANT WE HAVE ANOTHER LIKE THAT!?!?
Oh please, it were:
1 - The flashback was a flashforward
2 - Ben was a Dharma iniciative member
3 - Widmore was Private Uphram's father
the ford that killed himself was a robot
i love that scene when they catch Ethan
sadly Charlie fucks it all up
In the last episode of Season 3, we see what it seems to be flashbacks of Jack. But, in the very final scene, we see him talking to Kate, meaning it is a flashforward
1. The hatch
2. Season 3 finale/Charlie's death
3. The finale (full circle made me bawwwwww)
when locke and boone run into claire in s1e14
westworld was pretty good. people guessed the twist day 1 though
I want to watch this again for the 4th time but Kate is the worst fucking character and she gets worse every time.
Has anyone edited the show so there is no Kate?
Childhood is idolizing Locke.
Adulthood is realizing Ben made more sense.
the entire structure of the show is each episode focuses on 1 character and shows an event from their past (a flashback) throughout the episode that somehow relates to whats going on on the island. this structure continues for 3 seasons.
the finale for season 3 is a jack episode about him going off the rails back home. as viewers, we have no reason to believe that the structure is any different than every other episode thus far, especially considering he talks about his father as if he were alive (he's dead at that point in the show). the very final scene shows kate get out of the car and jack go on about how they werent supposed to leave the island and they have to go back, revealing to the viewer that for the past 2 episodes we've actually been witnessing an event from the future (a flashforward) alongside whats been going on on the island. its a huge mindfuck, even moreso since jack is saying they need to go back to the island and we have no idea why, or even how they get off the island in the first place.
What are you talking about? I forget.
Actually Locke is faith and Jack is reason. The show shits on them both in different ways that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Holy shit just reading that recap gives me the fucking hype chills
2.Swan Station
3."I'm gonna kill him", pic related
Childhood is idolizing Locke.
Adulthood is realizing Ben made more sense
Immortality is realizing Ricardo was right all along
Jacob is this mysterious being that Ben speaks of but he is never seen. He's supposedly the leader of the island but nobody has ever seen or heard him except Ben and Locke.
He's finally revealed in season 6 episode 1 I believe? The entire show is about Jacob and the smoke monster in an eternal fight over the island or governing of the island or some shit. Smoke monster wants to leave but Jacob won't let him.
its a get baited by constant cliffhangers and still go back and watch again episode.
Fucking Jack why don't you trust Locke RRREEEEEEE
I think it was the s5 finale
The writers mentioned that in an interview. I get the impression they're a couple of squares who think it's really crazy that a surgeon would have tattoos. And it was a shitty episode, anyway.