It's your funeral

>it's your funeral

>it's actually not his funeral

>it's my funeral and no one came

>Funeral scene
>It's raining

>You like that song? I wrote that for you.
>I'm gonna sing it at your funeral.

>funeral scene
>it's bright, warm day

>over my dead body
>that can be arranged

>We need to talk

>soldier's funeral
>21 gun salute
>the widow is startled by every shot

>Slow-mo shot of bullet casings hitting the ground
>Birdseye shot of flag being folded and placed on coffin

>soldier funeral
>scene cuts to the widow being gangbanged by 5 black guys

>Amazing Grace played at funeral

>the widow's veil is lifted and cum drips from her chin

>soldier comes home from war
>is now a pariah in his home town

>see you in hell

>widow tosses a rose on the casket as it lowers


>"Over my dead body"
>"That's the intent"

Toss sounded better

>funeral scene
>its raining
>thunder and flash of lightning act as transition to the next scene

>Protagonist confronts villian
>"we are not so different, you and I"

>man, look at that big guy

I've never understood that Pepe. Is he hoovering the popcorn into his mouth?

He's gotten /comfy/ and then gets so excited he throws his popcorn everywhere

>Death is only the beginning

I think he's shaking with excitement and the popcorn was in his hand

>funeral scene
>mysterious man smoking next to his car in the distance

At this point, asking what that pepe is doing has got to be a meme on its own

>sad, emotional scene
>it starts to rain

okay Harry, you made your point.

>"This day couldn't get any worse."
>It starts to rain and a car splashes him with water

> "lets see Paul Allens card"

>"ok, NOW this day couldn't get any worse"
>goes to his car to see it being towed away

>funeral scene
>dead bodies start to climb out of their graves

>Film ends with a funeral of a main character
>Other characters all walk off
>Camera holds on grave
>Dirt rises/ground shakes/hand come out of grave

>main character is killed
>wimpy sidekick character adopts main character's personality

>funeral scene
>MC is watching from afar


>funeral scene
>cuts to mourning widow having sex with her late husband's friends

I've never understood this poster, is he shoving cocks into his mouth?


>funeral scene
>it's hailing
Has it ever been done before?


>coffin gets lowered
>guy tosses a button with a smiley face on it