This was garbage.
This was garbage
But it was meta and full of references! So quirky and random xD
Nah, it was pretty good
I agree. The moment where Samual Jackson literally pronounces a meme is extremely cringeworthy. The movie itself looked good though. It just felt like a shitty comedy.
Are you talking about him saying bitch please? How was that cringeworthy? It's not one of those memes that doesn't work in a practical setting, user. It's a pretty simple phrase.
I meant that scene yes. Together with the stupid suicide scene. The scene where the soldier was eating at Skull Island and another soldier was throwing a tantrum. Again, it felt like a shitty comedy to me. There was no tension at all. The ending was also complete garbage.
Why do I think of Evangelion every time I see that poster?
They went the easiest route possible. I don't like that. Showing Kong immediately. Pandering to the FPS audience. Memes, quotes and references all the time. No tension. Shitty ending (what about the others?).
I was glad when the movie was over.
These were pretty bad; they took out any sense of it being a period piece
Yeah. Everything sucks. No movie is good. They're all bad. Sucks to live in current year.
Oh and of course all the men die but not the woman though she was thrown with the force of 5035030430g in the water with tons of debris falling on her head.
Classic Hollywood.
>Sucks to live in current year.
It's just one shitty blockbuster. Calm your autism, lad.
She didn't hit the water that hard.
Kang Kong gave her monkey CPR
Just one? No, user. Every movie is bad. They haven't made a good movie since 2006 remember?
It was fine; did its job. Had some nice callbacks to previous Kong films with things like him being tangled in chains. But the best part of the movie was the post credits scene.
I liked it but the american reddit-tier humour was so bad
Because the director himself literally said Evangelion was an influence on the film.
Nah, I loved it.
Did you feel there may have been so many writers, don't give a fuck about but their par. Moreover, nobody on the production didn't really oversee whole things ......
>A cubs just a baby bear. You gotta think.
What does that have to do with modern day?
Didn't you feel there may have been so many writers, don't give a fuck about but their part. Moreover, nobody on the production didn't really oversee whole things ......
It's a monster movie so it was too high class for your capeshit-centered mind.
I went in with a huge bag of peanut MM's and was in a glorious mood when it started. I left with a boner so it must have been good.
The cubs won the world series you dumbass. Get out of the basement
Nobody cares about your hand egg / baseball amerifats lmao
that is really reaching