Absolute Baykino.
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i don't get it
the transformers have taken over earth now?
>decide to make grittier Transformers movie
>fill it with a child cast
I'd like to fill that brown girl if u know what I mean haha
>Arthurian legends
>Time Travel
>Alternate Nazis-won timeline
>Evil Optimus
>Maybe Quintessons
I actually might see this
>He finally makes a mobie where the transformers are bad
> we will NEVER get another Pain and Gain style R rated satire where the Autobots completely buttfuck America to oblivion and Mark Wahlberg dies in the last 5 minutes via death sentence in Transformer Court
fuck it could all be so simple
Apparently in-between "Age of Extinction" and this thousands of Autobots and Decepticons descended upon Earth and the government declared all-out war on the Transformers. So the movie is set in a world on the verge of post-apocalyptic dystopia.
Makes more sense than the government trying to cover up battles between 20 foot tall robots in the middle of cities
>transformers look humanoid instead of fucking robots
>all kids cast
who got Bay in charge of this, he ruined this whole arch
>super sexualized minor
this is fucking annoying and creepy, Bay's probably a fucking pedophile
>references to old Sup Forums memes in pain and gain
>sperg attack during the samsung thing
>now also a pedo
is bay literally an old Sup Forums poster?
>ya, I fight like a girl >:3
fuck off
Maybe he wanted to say that children are the only hope, because they are not spoiled yet.
Everytime I think they can't get a worse CGI, they surprise me
The kids are only for one scene.
Damn this was PG-13 movie too.
which memes are in pain and gain?
Battered wife syndrome. It's not going to be different from the others. Expect another budlight commerical.
which movie is this from???
i thought it couldnt get worse after AoE
The last one I saw in cinema's was Dark of the Moon. I'm just interested in how this one juggles so much shit.
That being said, if it's ridiculously long then I won't bother
from what I remember: juliets hat, the marky mark vietnam shit, peter parkinsons and a few more
Geckos are just a rip off of ED209. Nobody cares enough about jap shit to steal from it and even if they did, most popular jap shit is just a rip off of western media anyways.
Kino of the Moon
>Hahaha we live in a dystopian future without even food but I have time to put makeup on
>Hahaha the fat guy is still fat
i just want a transformers vs humans all out war, no children, no goofy wahlberg/labeauf characters, just brutal war with gigantic robots and robotdinosaurs
Metal Gear
It was long as shit. It pandered harder to China than any movie besides The Martian. The Dinobots were in it for 2 mins.
Geckos can use stairs though
There's no time travel in this.
If it's supposed to be post-apocalyptic why does it look like their clothes are brand new?
>There's no time travel in this.
Yeah there is
considering that the average adult female is as strong as a 12 year old boy, i wonder what fighting like a 12 year old girl means.
but that's not how Bay makes 800,000,000 dollars on these things. They need this to get the parents to take their kids, the kids to ask to go, the black kids to go, and all the Chinese kids in china to go
This shit looks so ridiculous I'm actually tempted to see it even though I've hated every other movie
>muh strong women meme
Is every major franchise going to be like this from now on?
>shows a giant planet looking object eating other planets/moons
>probably isnt unicron
fuck that is the part that got me the most excited for this movie even though i know that bay is going to fuck it up somehow
>tough 12 yr old girl
jesusssssss thats fucking annoying and it was only like 20 seconds