I'm unironically really excited for this. An original, non-franchise movie with a unique premise and what looks like some terrific action from a director who is well-established as knowing what the fuck he's doing. John Wick was fine, but mainly just worth supporting on principle because it wasn't capeshit or vidyashit. This looks like something I will actually enjoy a lot.
Baby Driver
>guy works for mob
>wants out
>mob don't want him out
wow how unique
I'm really not. Maybe I have rose tinted glasses on but I can't remember a time when Edgar Wright's writing was so shitty and boring. I mean it just seems cliche as hell.
>"you're not crazy, I'm the crazy one!"
>wow the driving matches the music
Didn't seem like much more than a shit flick
>I'm unironically really excited for this.
Good, fairly sure you can meet other fans on reddit
>unique premise
>terrific action
>director of Scott Pilgrim who "knows what the fuck he's doing"
that is just CLASSIC mob
>re-imagining REAL HUMAN BEAN
you know the more I hear about those guys the less I like them
>Baby Driver
Wanna know how I got these cars?
I'm the Driver Baby!
god damn it
It's like a ripoff of Mob movies, Transporter, and Drive all in one go.
Normies will like it.
>feeling like you need to proclaim "unironic excitement" for a film from an original director who pumps out decent films
How fucking cynical and jaded are you people that unironic excitement is a big deal?
unironic enjoyment is passé here op, cynical memeing only pls
I'm stoked too, it'll be good
Its seem like something Micheal Bay would come up with if he watched Drive and wanted to make the same movie, but with more explosions
it's edgar wright, should be good
>he knows what's trending on reddit at all times
is this the spiritual successor to Drive?
Yeah, you can clearly same it's in the same vein as Drive, with brooding emotion and commentary on movie heroes.
Classic Sup Forumskino
Its literally Drive as a comedy and with actual hot girls in it.
Except not good.
Very cynical and jaded, what do you think?
>talking shit about Carey Mulligan
I'll cut ya
Looks obnoxious. Got a headache from the trailer, and an urgent need to punch a nerd in the face
It's Drive if it actually adhered to the premise of being about a getaway driver, instead of him just turning into an autistic psycho mass murderer half way through and not even touching a steering wheel during the last act while Refn kills off each undeveloped supporting character one by one.
I was somewhat intrigued by this upcoming flick, but the viral marketing campaign is souring me on it. I'll probably skip it.
congrats u succesfully baited a (You) from Me
Hey listen I liked Drive enough, it was a good cinematic experience and watching it high in the theater was a lot of fun. But Refn has some really stupid sensibilities that allow him to make trash garbage like Only God Forgives, and they started leaking into Drive in the second half.
It's a guy richie homage.
Well done
Soon Sup Forums will be flooded with Times You Acted Like The Baby Driver
Drive is perfect you stupid retard
Its Edgar Wright, you have seen his movies right?
I posted this before I even read the thread. Do you faggots honestly not think this will be a parody a la Hot Fuzz?
>Soon Sup Forums will be flooded with Times You Acted Like The Baby Driver
Great, I'll have to leave again.
No, it really isn't.
i want lily james to call me baby