Disturbing Youtube channels geared towards children

If you leave your children with unsupervised networked access devices they could bump into videos like these. Who the fuck make these videos? It's obviously geared towards children.





Fuck, I can't watch this. It's disturbing. You guys need to know the children are now in the dark side of Youtube.

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This isn't Sup Forums - Television & Film

Get your normie yt drama shit out of here you fucking piece of shit

oh god this is such a huge part of youtube. Lots of "dares" too but those are I guess a few degrees less harmless, since they mainly appeal to pedo foot freaks and don't constitute literal grooming propaganda like this shit does

I wonder if this passes the filters for Youtube Kids (which is watched by more children than any tv channel)

These videos make me question what planet I'm on.

It's shit geared towards autistic kids which are the entire new generation of kids that sit there and watch YouTube all day and never learning to socialize with other kids.
Humanity is doomed.

Sup Forums is the only thing that has significantly warped my sexual fetishes. These all seem like nice places to start.

Yes, we know. There's a lot of people making bank off stupid fucking channels that cater to kids.

More kids than ever have access to the internet. My neighbor has 3 kids and every single fucking one of them has their own iPad and own iPhones.

We know.

I really want to know where this shit comes from

>My neighbor has 3 kids
They have to go back

Yes it is.

if you think current millennials are fucked in the head just wait until the shitheads watching this shit are 18+

It comes from too many children being on the internet and it being so easy to make money from this type of shit. YouTube pays based on what advertisers pay per 1,000 viewers.

The amount that advertisers pay for ads related to these videos is through the roof compared to shit like PewdiePie and Smosh's type of videos.

This is why there's a huge surge of these channels.

oh sorry you're so bored by a rash of sexual videos being shown to literal toddlers on youtube but some of us think its kinda weird


>Frozen Elsa cheating on Spiderman w/ Black Spiderman
Even the toy channels BLACKEDpost

This is degeneracy incarnate.

This is some weirdo's fetish.

Generation-I is fucked beyond comprehension.

>"So what do you do for a living?"

Type in "Joker Baby" in YouTube and regret what you found.

>tfw my niece watches this shit

I'm being a little facetious when I say this, because I don't believe in any of the pizzagate shit, but...

is this a plot to turn the children of tomorrow into sexual freaks? Everybody grows up with fart and shit fetishes, VR marriage to spiderman or elsa becomes mandatory, etc etc

>Frozen Elsa &Snow White Fart On Spiderman While Sleeping!
they BRAAAPpost too

>implying this shit is A N Y worse than the Teletubbies
The only real discrepancy is that this shit is no holds barred.

>Cousins autistic kid watches Pokemon card unboxing videos

Yeah actually it is.

While teletubbies started the trend of Babies shows being absolutely free of any meaningful content.

This is just an even more bastardized version of that.

oh yeah I remember that episode of teletubbies where tinky winky took the blue vaccuum and sucked off la la's clothes and went down on him then the others gathered around and took turns farting on them as they made out

so it really is the same

>Frozen Elsa & Snow White Fart on Spiderman While Sleeping!

>Elsa in a thong farting on Spiderman

Teletubbies is deep compared to fucking Booba zone or whatever that insanity is called

>>implying this shit is A N Y worse than the Teletubbies

Yes, the teletubbies were fucking weird and terrible.

But this shit is sexual fetish tier.


What did they mean by this?

To be honest Teletubbies aims to an audience so young they really can't get any real "content"

It's not intended for kids to see, just literal toddlers

That's pretty much what I said. Children are innately sexual beings (sexual, not sexualized) and these videos just appeal to those instincts with no restrictions whatsoever.

This is what the Teletubbies would be like if there weren't soccer moms to complain. What they're doing is gross, yes, but this is what happens when content generation is pretty much a free-for-all. Thank the Internet for that. We're all so eternally fucked.

I have no idea why these videos are made but I have toddler cousins and put an ipad in front of them and they'll watch this shit on repeat for hours.

31 million fucking views. I hope they stop this shit by the time they are five.

That's kind of alright though, at least that way he gets to see them without actually wasting money on buying the things. My cousin had hundreds when we were little.

>Children are innately sexual beings


Oh no he gets bought shitloads of them too, it's why I can't understand it

>Children are innately sexual beings
Fire up the van Chris

I can't handle this.

This is more abrasive than actual gore.

This is what I'm fucking talking about. Each one of these is meant to give infants and children weird sexual fetishes. Look at
Almost every one of these has a corresponding category on Clips4sale. In no particular order you got cast porn, cripple porn, shit and fart porn, inflation, hyperstylized sexual features, cheating, cucking, hotwives, bondage, gangbangs, giantess, body mod, latex, and snuff. All by the same people. Why? This makes no sense


>the dark side of Youtube

It's fucking dark, but it's not "Search for 'webcam from'" level dark.

this is kind of funny desu


Oh, so it's nonsense.

run before its to late

I remember hearing a conspiracy that teletubbies was communist propoganda.

>Never have to learn from there mistakes, just say "Oh ou" and the creepy vacuum fixes the mess.
>Three out of the four teletubbies have LGBTQ+ tenancies.
>They all listen to the loud speaker without question.

Its pretty far fetched, but the fact that it is seemingly meaningless content with strange messages. For the teletubbies it's socialism. For Spiderman and Elsa videos it's /d/+ tier fetishes.
This kind of proves my point.

Why is this thread still up sange? Are you trying to take the heat off of yourself since you left up hardcore cp for an hour?


Hold onto your butts


Children are still human beings. I'm not saying they're born with the desire to stick their penor in shit.

ugh what the fuck is this?

Are you a child psychologist?

But that doesn't make any sense

>left up hardcore cp for an hour



>brothers and cousins spend all day watching minecraft/roblox on ipads
>look at the channels they watch
>find this kind of shit youtube.com/user/EthanGamerTV/featured
>10 years old and over a million subscribers

look at the fucking comments too

not him but this is a pretty basic tenant of modern psychology

The woman who created them is a commie turboliberal afaik


Youtube needs to get some kind of "Original Content" filter to block out all of these repetitive garbage. Oh wait the site is garbage.

something that is apparently for children

Can you provide a source? I'd like to learn more about it if it is.

The rabbit hole that is children's mobile games

Does this mean we are now allowed to discuss fox news and the likes on Sup Forums?

>10 million views


dude u gotta save your family, roblox is confirmed a massive pedophile den

Never gonna happen famalam while they take a slice of ad money

I don't care how much money you make, how can you live with yourself while regularly creating this literal garbage?

Thanks god Emperor Putin is going to ban them for me and nuke the rest.


nah fuck the world we should nuke the earth

nuclear winter is better than the upcoming sexual revolution this will bring out in the next generation

>young children actually playing video games instead of watching

they'll be fine

Not sure if this is trying to get kids to want nose jobs, or to become ENT surgeons

No, because those are news shows about politics and belong on the politics board.

Nothing in both the teletubies or this fart fetish shit makes any sense.

I just gave up on my old Roblox account two days ago. It was a waste of time, and my projects I where making I would have zero ownership over due to there terms of service and what I was making sucked anyway.