How does this make you feel Sup Forumsacks
The future of the western leadership
Ryan Richardson
Benjamin Kelly
>ID: jiw
oy vey
Alexander Baker
oh shit the goyim know
Nolan Rodriguez
i hope theresa may wont be as bad as i initially thought. she may use muh feminism to pander for votes but i think in her heart of heart she knows it's a load of old piffle. that and her censorship nonsense is silly, its a war she will inevitably lose and she knows it!
Colton Howard
They are all just pawns. Especially Clinton.
Jaxon Bell
Cooper Cruz
It's alright, Malcolm "Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy" Turnbull will save us from the perils of globalism.
Brody Butler
They are talking heads. Mr. jiw, you know that better than I do.
Ian Hall
Wasn't that less than 100 people who googled that?
Hudson Johnson
This is why we have problems