Are you religious Sup Forums ?
If yes why ?
Are you religious Sup Forums ?
Joshua Peterson
Other urls found in this thread:
Jordan Hernandez
Reform Jew.
Benjamin Thomas
because I grew out of my edgy atheist phase when I was 20
Elijah Collins
>No Discordianism
Fuck your image, OP.
Hudson Hernandez
Because kuffars will get punished by Allah and I don't want to be punished
Ryder Rivera
Not really
I dig the Hermetic tradition, Jungian psychology and the Copenhagen interpretation.
Austin Lopez
Catholic here. Although shout out to my Orthadox bros
Josiah Fisher
Liam White
i worship ayylmao from jupiter so when they finally come they dont use me as a battery or something
Owen Perez
Here in Czech Republic, it's actually considered edgy to be religious. I'm an atheist but not the neckbeard kind, we don't even have those here.