What are some essential Horrorkinos, its a genre i've never really looked into
What are some essential Horrorkinos, its a genre i've never really looked into
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Candyman is one of my all-time favourite horrors.
Dog Soldiers.
blair witch project and the ring (american version) are my favorites.
I would give you a comprehensive list but you used the word "kino" so instead I'm going to tell you to go fuck yourself.
the shinning
evil dead
Fifth post, best post
It's literally another dumb tourist shitting up on Sup Forums. Give him something b&w or before 1980 and he will screech, I'm sure
Cool thread, I've been curious about this genre myself. I watched The Machinist a while back and it seems to be categorized as a thriller but it felt like a horror to me. I find I like the "psychological horror" type of films where they're more subtle about it, less of that jump scare angry ghosts bullshit. I'm gonna watch Neon Demon soon because apparently it's one, that might be good too.
Yeah, based on that reaction I'm going to guess your answers wouldn't have been very good anyway.
Definitely watch the blair with project, not a thriller but there's no jumpscares and the horror comes from your imagination basically
The Thing (1982)
Rosemary's Baby
The Exorcist
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Fly
It Follows
Only after you've seen a lot of other horror:
Cabin in the Woods
If you're counting horror comedy:
Braindead/Dead Alive
Evil Dead 2
Army of Darkness
Excellent by the low standards of the genre (werewolf movies).
Stuff that hasn't been posted
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Borderlands
It Follows
>I'm gonna watch Neon Demon soon because apparently it's one
It's style over substance shit. Watch Starry Eyes instead, similar themes but much better execution.
Don't cry now, faggot
>blair witch project
Found footage is the worst genre. And the sad thing is, this is actually good by the standards of the genre.
>less of that jump scare angry ghosts bullshit
Don't make this mistake user. Find within yourself the capability to ironically enjoy jump scares and erotic slasher/monster fliques. Grab some snacks and beer with your friends, open up shit like Hills Have Eyes and go full on "AWW SHIT GURRL DONT GO IN THERE" mode. You'll have a blast.
>ctrl+f, no vvitch
The man wanted examples of horror kino, not examples of horror flicks.
i agree that found footage is trash but blair witch was the only film that did it right.
A lot of people will post a lot of meme movies itt (witch, it follows) don't fall for this underage b& shit. The holy grail of horror kino is 28 days later and it shits all over everything else itt
Lake Mungo is the best horror film of the 21st century
Pure Kino
>doesn't even try to understand what my post was about
>goes straight to the movie name
Are you a search engine? How did you get past the captcha?
This thread began as "not Reddit". And with this post it just went full Reddit.
It Follow is the only horror that's even slightly scary. Horror is not usually scary because 24fps is constantly reminding you that it's not real with the poor motion quality. It Follows bypasses that by being psychologically scary - you, the viewer, are going to die too, and there's nothing you can do about it. And it's made by somebody who obviously cares a lot about the genre, so I can forgive its minor flaws.
How is it reddit?
Not really. The thread started with someone probably from reddit with the kino imbecility, and now reaches the usual plebness with your post.
Lake Mungo is great, btw, one of the best in the genre since the '90s
Patrician's Guide:
Start from the beginning of horror cinema and work your way through to the mid-90s then STOP RIGHT THERE and proceed to only view foreign horror.
You talk like someone straight from Sup Forums. Then again, there's plenty of company here
Found footage is simply a subgenre, not good or bad by default. And many other films have value within it, even if Blair is really one of the best.
Still scarier than It Follows.
>REC (Spanish)
>Don't Look Now
>Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer
>The Hole
>Evil Dead (II for giggles)
>Rosemary's Baby
>The Babadook
>The Haunting
>The Descent
>The Children
I highly recommend checking out late 90's-early 2000's japanese and korean horror movies, lots of spooky shit was made over there in that period
>The Ring
>The Eye
>Dark Water
etc etc
>The Babadook
Not even horror. The monster is metaphorical. Everything it supposedly does is done by the lead character.
The Ring was spookino
>Not even horror. The monster is metaphorical.
Kid, I got some bad news about The Shining for ya...
Explain the old photo then.
>horror movies can only have "real" monsters
I was under the impression that this level of plebdom was strictly legendary.
You do know a lot of horror movies do that kind of shit, right?
Excellent choice, my man. Also, just gonna leave this here.
name 3
It's the kind of dumb shit you can expect from a female director. Copy the style of The Exorcist but remove the demon.
I keep seeing Jacob's Ladder in that poster.
So you can just say "hur that's not horror"?
Green Room
It's no more real than Jack's conversation with the bartender or Grady.
Except he's already dead so it must be other people seeing it.
Interesting list. I personally prefer hellraiser 2 but love all of your other choices.
Henry is a great movie. I feel like you could almost fill a thread with FF movies from the perspective of serial killers. Man Bites Dog is another that springs to mind.
I'll get you started: Hide and Seek
Fuck that was good. Reminded me of Danny Elfman.
Kill List
Watch Inside, that was pretty fun. Went kind of off the rails in the third act. Carptenter's Apocalypse trilogy. The Serpent and The Rainbow, which is the only good Wes Craven movie.
Could have passed as a normal post but then you have to shit the bed
>which is the only good Wes Craven movie
Fuck off, hipster pleb
Glad you liked it. I miss when movies had memorable scores.
Can you recommend that anymore? It's straight up a movie about discrimination and blacks being second-tier citizens.
I think the appropriate reaction now is to say "moar like cuck-dyman!" and then sniff one's own farts for a solid hour.
did you know that Norman Bates's mother in Psycho isn't real? everything she supposedly does is done by the lead character.
it's about time we finally expose Albfurd Hickcuck!
>Ring(American version)
Dream Warriors is the only good NoES movie and it wasn't directed by Craven. And Serpent has one of the best villain monologues of all time. "What did you dream of Dr. Allen?"
>The Fly
Jeff Goldblum deserved an Oscar for his work in this movie. I feel like The Fly will be one of those timeless movies like The Exorcist, which only gets better and better with each viewing.
>Dream Warriors is the only good NoES movie
Stop trying to bait around
Yeah, Cronenberg was on fire for much of the decade
Best remake ever. I forgot to specify the date when I first listed it, but it should be obvious I meant the 1986 version. Original The Fly is laughably bad.