Jesus, my sides
Jesus, my sides
2 sjw's shared this in my jewsfeed and it made me physically cringe.
I feel you.
What the hell have we come to when we have people preaching these things?
Holy shit what.
Not all blacks are niggers, just like not all women are sluts.
It should be more like:
"Telling a nigger to respect police so they don't get killed is like telling a slut not to sell her body so she won't get killed by some psycho..."
You realise white people also have to respect the police, right?
No they do not being white in this country give you free reign to do what ever you pleas and guns down as many help less innocent black men as you pleas I swer it's like nothing has changed and we still slaves and mup da didda doo.
Is like we be still livin under slavery from whitey
Theres no way crackas mup da doo didda can ever learn to not kill us
>implying they both aren't common sense