it's current year and there hasn't been a decent vampire movie since interview with the vampire
It's current year and there hasn't been a decent vampire movie since interview with the vampire
they should make Blood and Gold into a movie.
Interview with the vampire is unironically terrible
There hasn't been a good vapire film since 1922, and that's not me being a contrarian
watch more movies user
had a cool dream about this kinoflick recently
>be brad's character
> get cruise's girlfriend aka next victim to sit in my lap
>tell cruise i got the magic stick
>cruise yells at me, boasts who will she be with at the end of the night
>feel dejected
>back to my quarters a shitty rat's nest
>some old world cockney hooker is there
>she looks like a cracked out kate beckinsale
>she says, "ya wanna go lumpin'?"
>"lumpin'" i reply confusedly in brad's voice
> she means get fucked up together
>i say, "sure"
>we neck in my quarters
>i hear old timey radio about fried chicken
>thinking radio didn't exist in the Old World
>bite hooker's neck
>wake up to mukbang ASMR youtube vid on my tv of some Flip chick yapping about and eating fried chicken
fuck off faggot
>tfw no qt eternal loli gf
>i want booooobieees!!!!!!!!
wat do?
Explain to her how a delicious flat chest is superior over having ugly blobs of fat hanging out of her chest.
>it's current year and there hasn't been a decent fujoshikino since interview with the vampire
fixed that for you sempai
At least you got the title correct
OP here
i forgot about What we do in the shadows, which was decent.
however, there hasn't been a vampire movie BETTER than interview with the vampire since it came out
hasn't been a better lead vampire than cruise. rice was defiant about cruise playing lestat then she said she cried in the theater at the premiere and said about cruise, "that's my lestat!" cruise can do no wrong.
Really? Was that actually good? Might have to go watch it.
Operating Thetan level VIII confirmed
no, its fucking over rated shit
interview with the vampire is orders of magnitude better than let the right one in.
also, mandela effect anyone? interview with A vampire, or THE vampire?
name a better movie vampire than radu. i'll wait
>Those quints.
Everybody go home. Thread's over.
wasted on a fucking vampire thread...
>xhe didnt see the vampkino of the decade
quints dont lie
>take your pick:
Let the Right One In
What We Do in the Shadows
Only Lovers Left Alive
none of those are as good as interview with the vampire
they just dont make them like they used to
This is the guy she originally wanted.
let the right one in is fucking shit, seriously whats the appeal?
at no point is it scary or interesting, i mean its a fucking romance movie with the occasional mention of a vampire.
Do you actually get scared by images on a screen user?
>girl walks home alone at night
>what we do in the shadows
either of those is better than IWTV, for different reasons each
IWTV was ok but it also was too apologetic of what are supposed to be monsters. Basically a precursor to Twilight in this sense
Check out this melodrama fan. Yeah, sure does suck when characters have sensible feelings and motivations instead of being mindless mustache-twirlers.
dafuq is that shit? looks like something uwe boll would make
It was from his point of view you dumb fuck
Media has been obsessed with zombies since early 2000's, but that love affair has been fading in recent times fortunately.
julian sands? thank god that didn't happen. he'd make lestat too pompous and pretentious.
yeah i guess you like your sparkling sensitive vampires, but thats a subversion of the trope via female sex fantasy. You can flesh out a vampire as a char (like Bram stoker's) while showing us its very human motivation and desires without making it any less than a monster.
The ending scene completely corroborates it. So we are never asked to question Luie in any way or form.
>dafuq is that shit
do not talk like that about radu please
>pompous and pretentious.
Sounds like Lestat to me.
modern zombiekino peaked in 2008 with Deadgirl. its all been decline since
>anyone who wants anything besides black and white morality plays is a pansy
>things that are monsters from our viewpoint must always be portrayed as monsters, period
Is your head made of concrete?
>interview with the vampire is orders of magnitude better than let the right one in
Interview isn't even that good of a vampire movie. It's campy as fuck with a corny plot. LTROI was actual kino.
>Louie murders and eats people
Objectively a monster by conventional morality.
>Louie turns little girls into vampires and murders his maker to run away with his loli
Thats a fucked up thing to do even by vampire standards. Hence all the trouble he has when other vampires rightfully want to put an end to that.
He is a fucking monster by any measure-Oh but he is hot and sensitive, its all okay!
true but sands would overdo it. cruise underplayed lestat which was brilliant
>Oh but he is hot and sensitive, its all okay!
What the hell are you talking about? You do realize that there's a difference between an actor portraying a character well and that character being morally good, right? Cruise does a good job of portraying Lestat, and although he is a monster, part of portraying Lestat well is showing how he justifies his own behavior from his perspective. Well-constructed characters never actually believe they're evil, even (or especially) when they actually are and we're supposed to conclude that they're monsters.
If you want actual shitty "sparkle" vampires with no substance or redeemable value, try watching Queen of the Damned.
>movie about two fags raising a daughter
Subspecies is so underrated.
So - serious question - has Sup Forums ruined every single board at this point?
>is sick
>blames the cure
you guys have a containment board if i remember correctly
tell that to the dance corpse
while definitely not as bad, IWTV isnt much better than queen of the damned or the twilight saga
the all push the same female fantasy fulfilment vampire, which is an overdone cliche
>overdone cliche
Was it at the time though?
>IWTV isnt much better than queen of the damned or the twilight saga
You're insane
>the all push the same female fantasy fulfilment vampire
This is what happens to your taste when your cancerous political ideology metastasizes to every part of your life and worldview
>being this hard in denial.
The movie is definately an allegory for homosexuals.
>it's current year and there hasn't been a V:tM kino yet
Holy fuck, we get it. You're persecuted because people don't do exactly what you want 100% of the time. You fucking Trumpkins are like "my ex-girlfriends: the political movement". God you blubbery vaginas get on my last fucking nerve.
>Godwin's law
i see. you cant accept your husbando movie isnt perfect, so therefore i must be a nazi
no homo but would you guys let them spitroast you? once again no homo this is a strictly hypothetical question
Yeah, super hurtful for you, I know. Seek Preparation H here
Get out
Lestat is literally fucking gay for louie
90's born kids are just like that, whatever their political leanings
>still no Anita Blake television series or film adaptation
Is it too late to keep dreaming?
go meme your stupid shit on reddit, pleb
once they become vampires they don't have a real sexuality
>So - serious question - has Sup Forums redpilled every single board at shit point?
>buttheart cause I used the word fag.
I dont care about people fucking each other in the ass but you butthurt morons are annoying as fuck.
byzantium (also a neil jordan film)
only lovers left alive
let the right one in (the remake is also good)
a girl walks home alone at night
>at shit point
Yes, that does seem to be the methodology they're trying to use.
If you unironically like Anne Rice trash, Reddit is where you belong.
subspecies is a fun as fuck series of vampire flicks
This is a KEK board now.
if you are unironically hating on absolute vampire kino like interview with the vampire then maybe you should go to film school, turbofaggot
Dumb frogposter
Better than a butthurt poster.
fuck off, nerd
Yes. Kino peaked. But it hasn't stopped the media from pumping out shit to plebs for a cash grab. TWD is a prime example.
Dont reply to him.
rice is fucking comfy you pleb
>gay vampires
Bisexual actually
>I know nothing about vampires because I am underage and retarded
ftfy fammo
Nah she wanted Rutger Hauer
Beyond sexuality actually
Care to explain?
that Vampire comedy with Jermaine and Murray from Flight of the Conchordes was pretty good
serious Vampire movies are for retards
never seen a good vampire comedy movie but they are for retards anyway
fuck off
shit taste
this any good?
The first season of vampire diaries.
whoops forgot to add that it isn't a movie but pretty decent story.
Casting sucked in Interview. There's a lot to love about that movie, but I hate how much the actors try to draw attention to the fact that they're tabloid celebrities in ridiculous costumes.
same thing
media has been obsessed with zombies since the 1980s famigo.
No, you dumb millennial. They were niche until 00s.