I recently became obsessed with the film.
Not by the memes, spoon throwing, the handegg or awful lines. That's funny and all.
What I'm obsessed with is the man himself. Tommy Wiseau.
Who the fuck is Tommy Wiseau and how the hell in earth did this got released?
How did he financed it?
I'm currently reading the book Disaster Artist, after seeing the The Room for the first time yesterday. I know James Franco is making a comedy about the book but for me is just so sad. Tommy Wiseau is portrayed by Greg as a lonely man, wishing to stay young perpetually and be surrounded by friends.
This fucking book is an emotional rollercoaster that I don't even think the author himself really feels.
From the part funny were wiseau is acting the iconic scene from "A streetcar named desire" to the sad part were he just films the alley scene in "the room"
It's all just sad as fuck. Tommy Wiseau appears to have some sort of mental problem by the stories Greg tells in his book.
But then, he throws 6 fucking millions at a movie and get it released!!! How come someone mentally challenged managed to get 6 million?
Were did the money come from?
People say it's from the mafia. But if it was money-laundering Tommy would be giving credit to dead people when he could get a no-show job from that. Plus, when you do money laundering you are supposed to get money back. Buying shitload of equipment doesn't exactly do that.
How come the actors didn't make more movies? The Room is bad but gave lots of exposure and for example, Robyn Paris is not that bad in it, she should have landed a couple TV dramas and shit like that.
Who the fuck is Tommy Wiseau?
I recently became obsessed with the film
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if you're so interesting read The Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero. It outlines pretty what's the deal with Tommy
Have you read my post?
I'm readin it right now.
Actually, I'm listening because the audiobook read by Greg himself is fucking Gold, he even impersonates Tommy quite faithfully.
Lmao this website is so fucking shit people don't even read other people's posts they just want (you)s. Take some of your precious time to actually read a post before responding.
OP, I think it's more of a sad commentary on the death of art. Aristocrats used to finance amazing artists because they were intelligent and educated enough to know what good art was. Now our """"aristocrats"""" are as ignorant or more ignorant than the "commoner"
holy fuck read more then a couple of sentences
The book is genuinely excellent and really compliments the film and Tommy's mythos.
They have a new film which looks insane, directed by some camera lens inventor and millionaire.
Also The Disaster Artist film is about to or just premiered at SXSW
Try to see a screening in your area if possible. You can meet Tommy and they're a singularly fun experience.
F(r)iends look like unironic kino
Piecing together the enigma is part of his appeal.
From what I gather he bought property in San Fran in the old days and sold jeans of all things. I used to think there was criminal activity involved but nope that's probably not even the case. It's as simple as 'he made a tonne of money from renting out his properties then used 2 million of it to make his passion project', living out his dreams.
Street Fashions USA sold very questionable Levi designs
I saw the trailer and just the fact that Greg and Tommy appear in that is amazing.
Greg sucks at acting still. He has so much appeal during the live readings of his book but on screen he is just so fucking flat.
The cinematography of the film looked good.
It's not directed and written by Tommy so there is that.
He probably sold bootleg clothing, and that's as criminal as it got for him. He just did it in such a high amount and over so much time that it made him a lot of money. Sestero made it sound like Wiseau was 50 or so by the time of the Room, so that would have been a few decades of making dodgy deals for Wiseau, probably not that farfetched that he had so much cash.
>he made a tonne of money
The thing is. He doesn't appear that intelligent. The Disaster Artist book is filled with stupid stories from him. Hitting other people's cars, buying 6 pairs of roller-blades, awkward as fuck calls... How can someone this weird be so business savvy?
I think a lot of it's an act, Tommy exhibits some pretty sociopathic behavior in Disaster Artist
Did he really manipulate Greg for his own amusement?
Did he get a kick out of harassing struggling actors?
This movie is literally the most revolutionary piece of postmodern art since Duchamp's Fountain.
thread theme
>Impying we're really going to spend time and energy on reading an short essay asking questions that have already been resolved.
I think he does. The guy is weird for sure but I think he's far from a idiot.