But muh Putin XYÛLO dindu nuffin!
But muh Putin XYÛLO dindu nuffin!
>10000 troops
It's literally nothing
There's like 100k in konigsberg alone
You're not allowed to do whatever you want in your country?
>NATO moves troops and equipment closer to Russia
>Russia responds with troops to the boarder
>responding to NATO encroachment with troop redeployment
How blind to realpolitik do you have to be?
u should watch but tl;dr:
>Russia have only 2 military bases abroad, both in areas with terrorism and nowhere near the US or NATO
>the US and NATO have military bases on Russia's fucking doorstep
>the US military budget is 10 times Russia's
>who is the aggressor here?
also, consider the warsaw pact, a peace treaty among all the soviet states. when the USSR fell NATO swooped in those countries except russia.
> look, we do not have official troops here, only a couple dozens of milcorps and support personnel for a base, that can hold up to 100k
> also we "lost" some nuclear warheads somewhere around here - and these missiles on bases are only for missile defense, (((trust me)))
regardless of who did anything wrong
a war with russia would be a pretty stupid idea
It's very clear that liberal democracy has failed.
People in europe don't see that the main problem is the muslim problem and immigrant problem and they try to find an anemy anywhere but inside their countries, preferably somewhere in 'evil country full of neocon whites'