Why doesnt Sup Forums ever making anything other than shit posting?
Sup Forums made multiple fucking albums
Why doesnt Sup Forums ever making anything other than shit posting?
Sup Forums made multiple fucking albums
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We used to before the mods drove away all of the regulars.
There are actually a decent amount of working industry professionals, even (((famous))) people, who regularly browse & post on Sup Forums
Now that the IMDB boards are history, there will probably be even more.
>Sup Forums made an Anime and manga
>Sup Forums made a Musical and half-assed an game
>Sup Forums started a political Movement and got a president elected.
>/ck/ probably has a recipe or something
>Sup Forums just has a overused meme from a capeshit film.
What the fuck guys?
/ck/ has plenty of meme recipes like dessert ramen.
Sup Forums is meme central, it is essentially neo-Sup Forums because everyone fled that board.
Once Sup Forums died everyone went to other boards and once the cancer spreads to a board most of those people flee to another one. So Sup Forums is in a state where the cancer is rising batman and same with Sup Forums having been fucked up with /vg/.
People are populating places like /ck/ and Sup Forums more because of it.
still doesn't explain why Sup Forums has never made a film.
Correction: No filmmaker would admit to browsing Sup Forums
Sup Forums isn't about film, it's essentially the pop culture board. Hence you youtube celeb threads and what not.
Sup Forums helped write the script to a porno
Your full of crap.
I'm sure George Clooney sure loves cunny threads, Emily Blunt is a brapposter, and Brad Pitt is a baneposter.
Fuck off faggot.
one of the kardashians posted one of my shitposts on twitter
we also do independent stuff youtube.com
Even Sup Forums made some sort of voip encryption chat thing.
Wasn't Sup Forums working on Motherlove? Whatever happened to that?
...we have
post it then you faggot.
that's /mlp/'s movie.
Sup Forums didn't get a president elected they just helped a bit, but they have done stuff like call in multiple airstrikes on ISIS.
>there are still people who don't know that 78% of cunnyposting is done by George Clooney
>and the rest is done by Emily Blunt
What was Avatar if not one of those 'let's create a script with 1 word per post' threads?
>Sup Forums made multiple fucking albums
And they're all fucking embarrassingly terrible.