
Fatkino thread

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>Tfw you don't have a portable arm rest that's always with you



But seriously that's one of the most disgusting things I've seen.



Why is it that almost all the fat people on this show come off like assholes?


Because they are assholes. They let themselves get this way without giving a shit about how it effects other people


Let's say the husband or whatever he is just walked out on her. What would happen?

The real sad story is the husband. He's in prison ffs. The only thing he can do with his wife is talk. They can't have sex, they cant go outside together. He also has to get her food and wash her and change the bedpan.

post good full episodes please, thanks

Because they are. Getting to a size like that is a product of extremely selfish lifestyles choices- she and people like her are forcing those around them to accommodate their self-destructive behavior, from doing their shopping for them to washing them. They use every manipulative tactic they can conceive of to maintain their food intake, from bargaining to emotional manipulation and everything in between.

A very small percentage of cases of severe, morbid obesity are due to pre-existing issues like the oft-touted thyroid problems, the rest are the result of people letting themselves eat 10k calories of sugar, fat and starch a day and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Being that fat is a choice nine times out of ten. The terrible thing is that by the time they've reached that size the damage is done- their health is savaged and their addictive dependency for sugar and fat is crippling them. They're almost worth pitying until you realize they brought that fate upon themselves.


Gilbert Grape is a great movie

This show has lead me to a number of conclusions

1. The South and Mid-West are even worst than I thought
2. Fatties and assholes
3. There are a shocking number of fat people with kids

friendly reminder that we're all gonna make it

the nutty professor



Like she's sitting there stuffing her fat face and laughing about how much pizza she's eating.

that's small time my dude

check this out


One of the worst people of them all.

do any of these stream on hulu or netflix?



I've noticed a lot of the time it's kind of a feeder abuse thing on the husbands. They get semi-unconditional love from a being by making the being fully dependent on them. Like yeah maybe he could leave her but then he'd be alone. If he tries to find another woman another woman could leave him easy enough cause she is mobile and independent. These fat slob women look like garbage and you can't fuck but you have someone that can never leave you and wouldn't want to.

That's why a lot of the time if these beings are successful in losing weight you see that 3 years later they're divorced. And not even in that "oh she got hot so she's fucking chad". Literally the bitches are still fat and ugly but they're only 250+ and mobile and that's just too independent for these beta dudes. If these dudes are needed they don't feel wanted.

Same thing reversed sexes too. The women that feed the fat dudes are often equally poisonous.

she could be qt if she lost 500 lbs

fugg mugg diggggg

How do these fat sacks of shit get all the money to support their way of life?

The husband said he doesn't work. He says the whole family is living off Penny's disability.

They also have a cat and a dog.

And then they moved out to a new house to be closer to the hospital and have lived there for 6 months.

>crying while eating the pizza

>How do these fat sacks of shit get all the money to support their way of life?

Your tax dollars, goy.


But I'm not American.

Because they are incredibly selfish and uncaring

They demand those around them, wipe their asses and then bring them more food

>She dropped down to 185 pounds after the episode
>"she still fat dumb bitch lol"

>the cops lifted her rolls of fat to look for drugs

Woah I've never seen this one

>come off like

they are

I was struggling to really take in what was being said, but apart from her convinced she was "providing for her family" by doing this, did she ACTUALLY say something about that shit being healthy? Do they elaborate on this? What the actual fuck does "healthy" mean to these people?


Is this on youtube? looks entertaining


>endless threads every day for normie humor

When did Sup Forums go this far down the toilet?

>he doesnt visit /fit/

hello fattie


>Ocean City hat

What part of Maryland did this take place in?

>650lb virgin


jesus christ,he got all that off, and he looked decent

how could you let yourself get back into that shape

>how could you let yourself get back into that shape

I'm gonna guess that he thought losing weight would magically fix all of his problems, i.e. he would no longer be an awkward beta virgin loser. Losing weight doesn't mean shit if all you don't sort yourself out.

even if you get all of it off you've still got those massive skin folds that make you look like a freak

>double fistin' frapps

ayye lamo

the world is a wonderfully sad place

>Couldn't get motivated to do it for her kids' sake long ago.

Then she never will.

That sounds like a tasty world desu

Goddamn Cherries got big.

she does look pretty gross


That daughter has a nice face. She should lose some weight.

sometimes you can't choose between s'mores and double choco chip, so you choose both

How come they both look so much unhappier in their fit pictures?

because they aren't on a sugar high

Can someone explain to me why we as a society allow these """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" to continue living?

Because they're doing the selfie face. It's common not to smile in those and put your face into whatever position makes you look the least wrinkled and flawed.

Just Friends-tier transformation

I mean the subjects of each episode are obviously outliers in the grand scheme of the population, but more often than not their direct family is aggressively (if not as fatally) obese as well.

maybe when they were losing the weight they thought when they finally finished they would look like super models
but in the end they turned out to be just average

just go ahead and make it another subreddit general faggot

doctors make money treating them
companies make money feeding them

>Double teaming milkshakes

Christ I tried one of those once and could barely finish it. Those one of those little glass bottle frapps are more my size, and contain a hell of a lot less sugar too.

>that Bateman look at 1:25

But c'mon how HOW do you let this happen?

>David turned to alcohol and drugs to cope

Those are still supposed to keep you relatively thin since you're more interested in coke than food.

Damn, this is some heavy stuff.

if you lose enough weight, the surgery to remove the skin is considered non-cosmetic

because you suddenly have to treat food as a burden for the rest of your life

I remember watching this thing about this Hispanic woman who was so fat she couldn't even walk and she accidently(?) killed some kid by laying on them or something. Eventually she managed to lose enough weight so she could walk again.

I REALLY REALLY don't understand how people can possibly get that fucking big. Like that's gotta be one stop above morbid obesity.

Best fatkino