Confirmed by the new trailer.

Shortly after Superman's death, immortal warrior Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) receives a letter from Bruce Wayne asking her to join the metahuman alliance he's assembling to protect the world. Diana writes him an e-mail detailing her life: She is the princess of the Amazons, warriors created by Zeus to defend humanity from his malevolent son Ares, the god of war. Betrayed by the humans under Ares's influence, the Amazons abandoned mankind and fled to the faraway island of Themyscira, where Diana was born, molded out of clay by her mother, Queen Hyppolita (Connie Nielsen), and brought to life by Zeus, who was then slain by Ares.

During World War I, American spy Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crash-lands on Themyscira with stolen evidence that German forces led by rogue Colonel Eirich Luddendorff (Danny Huston) are building chemical weapons. Believing Ares to be masterminding the conflict, Diana volunteers to escort Trevor back to Men's World and stop him, stealing a magic sword known as "the Godkiller" to do so. Arriving in London, Diana befriends Trevor's secretary Etta Candy (Lucy Davis), while Trevor presents the evidence to his superiors and is sent to accompany diplomat Sir Patrick Morgan (David Thewlis) to France, where Trevor's superiors believe that Luddendorff is targeting an armistice between German and the Allies.

Believing Luddendorff to be Ares, Diana plans to assassinate him during the armistice, but is dissuaded by Trevor. Luddendorf's head scientst, Maru (Elena Anaya), uses their chemical weapon to assassinate the representatives of the Allies and their enemies, and besieges the town. Diana joins Trevor and his comrades - Spymaster Sameer (Saiid Taghmaoui), sharpshooter Charlie (Ewem Bremner) and smuggler Chief (Eugene Brave Rock) - in fending off the German forces and becomes known as "Wonder Woman". Diana and Trevor become closer as mission progresses.

Diana and her allies raid Luddendorff's fortress to retrieve the chemical weapons and Diana kills Luddendorff, only to realize that Ares had been masquerading as Morgan all along. He overpowers her, destroys the Godkiller and reveals that she is the illegitimate daughter of Zeus before sending the chemical weapons away in a plane. Trevor confesses his feelings for Diana and then intercepts the plane, sacrificing himself to destroy it. His actions prove to Diana that humans are worth fighting for and she confronts Ares, embracing her lineage and banging her bracelets together to create an energy beam that disintegrates Ares.

With Ares's defeat, the Allies and their enemies are freed from his influence and end the war, and Trevor's sacrifice is honored. Diana later reveals that despite Ares's defeat humanity didn't renounce on their violent ways and caused her to become desillusioned and abandoned her mantle for 100 years. However, Superman's sacrifice has once again shown her humanity's capacity for good and she accepts Wayne's offer before flying off to help people trapped in a burning building, once again becoming Wonder Woman.

Sounds like shit, desu. Reboot this fucking thing already.

> Diana later reveals that despite Ares's defeat humanity didn't renounce on their violent ways and caused her to become desillusioned and abandoned her mantle for 100 years.
This movie is fucking stupid.


>the point of the entire movie is rendered worthless

I guess you could blame that one on Snyder, since he's the one who had the brilliant idea to make her give up for 100 years

/tv someone knows how many months is she pregnant and whe is the movie out

you can google both of those things quite easily, why are you so fucking lazy and useless.

Sounds boring.

>First female-led superhero movie
>Chris Pine steals the show

Bravo, DC.

>Diana writes him an e-mail detailing her life

>woman protagonist
This is gonna flop hard, I can't wait to see the damage (((control))).

Supermans dead?

did they really rip off the logan poster?

The test screening wasnt the final cut retard

Different screenigns even report different endings

I am just going by what the OP posted retard. Maybe retard you should be polite and post the other ending?

>Diana writes him an e-mail detailing her life


So who's Hitler in this movie ? Ares?

Makes sense to me, turns out the darkness was in the hearts of men all along. May as well cut and run for a century. Can't save people that don't want to be saved.

There's no other ending.

Don't forget there's gas that makes gasmasks break. It's fucking retarded.

>world war fucking 1 strenghtened her faith in humanity
>still loses it off-screen
>regains it because an alien sacrificed himself


>comic book movie that ends with an aryan American soldier called Steve fighting in a world war hijacking the Germans doomsday weapon plane that will fly around the world dropping WMDs and sacrifices himself by crashing it leaving behind the foreign woman he fell in love with

>give a woman a job offer
>she sends you an email with her life story in it


different reports say it's barely mentioned why she gave up anyway

where have I seen this before?

It's physically impossible for a male with self respect to watch this movie, prove me wrong

>she is the illegitimate daughter of Zeus
How the fuck is a 75 year old comic more progressive and feminist than a movie in fucking 2017?

Wonder Woman has no father. She was magically conceived by her mother and the female goddesses she prayed to.

>Trevor confesses his feelings for Diana and then intercepts the plane, sacrificing himself to destroy it.
They set the movie in WWI instead of WWII to make it different from Captain America.... but still seem to be ripping off that fucking movie.

Holy fuck. Why is Warners so fucking dumb?

They could have still had her in WWII and made her very different from Cap.

Don't forget the huge importance on some god killing blade.

Wonder Woman deserves better than this shit.

Viggo Mortsen is the villain in the end credits leading to WW2. Screen cap this.

Chris Pine's character in the movie will be Brithish, though, although in the comics the character is actually American.

Was that in the new 52 run? I gave up on that shit early on as much as I loved Chiang's art and like Azz on other books. Maybe if it was an Elseworlds or Vertigo title alongside a regular WW book, I would get it. Yet that being THE new Wonder Woman for their big new reboot pissed me off.

I don't get it, did they cut the Batman cameo? Because Ben Affleck was seen in the sets.

lmaoing@your lives rn

She was shown carrying and using a long sword awful a lot in that comic and even more so outside of it in books like Geoff Johns' Justice League. She hardly used her signature lasso.

Just another attempt to make the character look kewl and baddass without any idea of why she was interesting in the first place.

>zeuskilling god destroyed by le ebin bracelet clap
>probably butthurt reichboos soon
>deploying chemical weapons with a ww1 plane

>Geoff Johns' Justice League
or as I liked to call it
>Babby's First Justice League

Nope. He's an American stationed in London.

>Luddendorf's head scientst, Maru (Elena Anaya)


it has nothing to do with it, and you are a whiny baby

>Erich Ludendorff as big baddie
oh boy

>I didn't read it and it's terrible

I said it was terrible... as THE Wonder Woman book.
I said it would have been have been good as an alternative story instead of the flagship book for the character's relaunch.

They are lifting the Zeus is her dad horseshit from the book.

What's next? Shipping her with Superman?

atleast you guys have your great ongoing wonder womOH WAIT ITS FUCKING GARBAGE

>Diana writes him an e-mail detailing her life
hahahahaha, oh god. Who the fuck writes this shit?

By the way, the chemical weapon that is being created is a toxin that makes people go all 28 Days Later. Ares wants to use on the battlefields to turn it World War 1 into a more entertaining war.

The "Godkiller" sword that Wonder Woman believe was created to stop Ares, actually belonged to Ares and was used by him to off Zeus. That's why the Amazons hold it as a forbidden item. In the end Wonder Woman only help Ares by bringing him his sword back. He uses during the final battle to cut the shit out of her.

She wins him because she sees Pines, her man, dying, and then she goes all super sayan on his ass because she's actually Zeus' bastard.

Pines fucks her a lot.

Batman didn't just send her a letter asking her to join him. He was being a creepy af and send her a truck from his company containing the old photo she took during WW1 and a letter where he asks her to tell him all her secrets. That's why she writes him her memoirs.

The amazons were actually created by Aphoridite, but Zeus fucked the shit out of WW's mom behind the scenes.

"Hey Diana, wanna come join my superhero team?'

'My name is Diana, Queen of the Amazons, a lost tribe of...'

Who the fuck thought that kind of shit could make sense? You don't just start fucking dictating your life too someone via fucking email.

inb4 she discloses a bunch of questionable or possibly illegal/stupid shit and literally no-one questions the intelligence of documenting it in a way that it can be read by almost anyone.

>muh feminist must have no father! pathernogenesis is true progressiveness! hurr Xena hurr Kratos

fuck off comblrina

and I say this as someone who thinks they went way too far in the movie, making Zeus into God and the Amazons' main deity who own him everyrhing.

Being his daughter is the only thing in common, but the comic does not glorify Zeus.


the sword is a falseflag anyway

>By the way, the chemical weapon that is being created is a toxin that makes people go all 28 Days Later. Ares wants to use on the battlefields to turn it World War 1 into a more entertaining war.

More reliable reports (that even included characters' name later confirmed) say it just kills people

but there could be different cuts

The trailer looked better than Guardians of the Galaxy to be honest with you my families

>it's shit
not surprised

> it's a "how we got there" story

DC's not even trying to hide the fact that they're ripping off Captain America. I'll pass.

>Superman's sacrifice has once again shown her humanity's capacity for good

Uh, what?

sounds too much like the first cap america movie

>She came back as WW before superman died
really gets the old noggin joggin

You can't do good unless you are a superhuman.
Doctors without borders? All frauds.
Firefighters? Even worse.
And you don't even want to know what all those voluntary workers do in the soup kitchens and development projects around the world.
Also, Superman isn't even human. How can he show her anything about humanity in the first place?

He was raised as a human.

Maybe she got her intel on humanity from fox news.

I can raise a tiger as a human too. That doesn't mean the tiger is a fair representation of humans.
Then again, I guess we can be glad about WW being a little dense. Imagine if she took Batman's behaviour as a measurement for human virtue.

Trash. I bet 1000 bucks half you losers will see it regardless.

>The entire Greek pantheon will be dead by the end of this movie
>Literally the only good villains Wonder Woman has won't be around for the rest of the DCEU


How would she know something as insightful as what values he was raised on? She just saw him fighting and shooting lasers from his eyes before he died. And all Batman can tell her about him is that his mom has a cool first name.

Should've hired a female lead who can act then.

And when she goes asking the snyderversion of supermom about how he was raised she can learn that his father's biggest lesson was "Before all else, cover your own ass, immortal son and let me get shredded here in this whirlwind, so no one learns about your secret. If I get lucky, I'll end up in OZ with my dog."

>Diana writes him an e-mail detailing her life

>raise a tiger as a human
Pretty good idea for a movie desu

Can't wait to see Leslie Jones cast as Cheetah

>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>>>Hey, wanna join the Justice League?

>>Let me tell you the story of my life. It began [...]

>Cool story, Diana. A simple "yes" or "no" would have sufficed.

>However, Superman's sacrifice

Superman is not human

>You're too late, Wonder Woman! Nothing can stop the ARyan RacES' manifest destiny!

What did Zack "Hand me a script and I'll let 'er rip" Snyder mean by this?

Maybe they cut it after filming desu

That or sad benny's just taking visit for old time's sake

When you think about it Batman really is a big creep desu

Come now, that's not much of an achievement.


>yfw in the Justice League movie Darkseid pulls an Alduin going around ressurecting all the gods to be his slaves

Yay or nay?

>implying he wouldn't have his own email service, like waynenet.org

>"Humanity isn't worth fighting for."
>Steve Trevor sacrifices himself.
>"Humanity IS worth fighting for!"
>Humans don't renounce WW1
>"Oh nvm, Humanity isn't worth fighting for."

Good writing.

>Hey Diana, whatever you do
>please remember to like, favorite and subscribe to my youtube channel Batman Arkham Videos and follow me on twitter @ArkhamVideos

>yfw come Justice League, Darkseid makes ever evil by providing mathematical proof that no, humanity is DEFINITELY not worth fighting for

> Diana writes him an e-mail detailing her life: She is the princess of the Amazons, warriors created by Zeus to defend humanity from his malevolent son Ares, the god of war.

Straight away I see three glaring problems with this (aside from using email as vehicle for plot delivery)

1. MCU just did the god/classical history thing with Thor. Given that the plot of JL is already almost exactly the same as the avengers, this doesn't bode well

2. They are already doing the god/classical history thing with Aquaman, muddling their ideas and narrowing their range of characterisation even further

2. Wonder woman (and aquaman) features Greek mythology, the most overdone and fully explored mythology in any media ever. Warner can't seem to resist going for the easy route, resulting in a dullness that runs rampant throughout their attempted universe.

the CTR

>How the fuck is a 75 year old comic more progressive and feminist than a movie in fucking 2017?
Oh, you mean the original fetish comic where Diana was bound and gagged in almost every issue? Actually, that would be kind of hot.

>Barry Allen
>Hal Jordan
I think I puked in my mouth a little.

>inb4 she discloses a bunch of questionable or possibly illegal/stupid shit and literally no-one questions the intelligence of documenting it in a way that it can be read by almost anyone.
What are they going to do, send her to gitmo? get it together, marvelcuk

>[email protected]
Truly the world's greatest detective.

"Go see this movie or you're a misogynist"?

>to help people trapped in a burning building

jesus christ, really?


Who the fuck can watch this shit? Sounds like something straight out of a kid's comic book.

>people are unironically invested this much in capeshit

Go back to Sup Forums or plebbit you literal neckbeards

>This is gonna flop hard
It would get like an 80% in rotten tomatoes due muh womyn powah and as they are not butchering a franchise like they did with Ghostbusters it is going to be a total success.
