So, what do you think could be the result of the race war?
As it's not really realistic to kill everybody (half of Sup Forums already think that hitler didn't try with the jews), you will probably have at some point to make some sort of peace treaty, so what will be the new lands share?
>The one place with the most amount of guns and rednecks will go to the niggers
Elijah James
I don't know enough Usa for make the perfect map, that why I ask.
Jaxon Baker
What kind of race war? The two most likely kinds would be massive country wide chimp outs against police or a mexican reconquista movement that leads to the second mexican american war.
Joseph Adams
It's way too complicated. If somehow by any chance it comes to that, it'll probably be a Syrian scenario where a bunch of blacks end up having to relocate somewhere. Maybe they'll go as refugees to California or Canada. They can claim oppression and King Cuck of Mooseland and the Corparate Lands of Cuck will probably take them all in.
Logan Lopez
I'd agree with that if White United States would be for thousand of year to come.
Kayden Morgan
Blacks will never willfully segregate into their own country.
Even the dullest of niggers understands that they are utterly dependent on whites for their quality of life.
Matthew Sullivan
Dominic Jones
>white united states >detroit pick one
Ayden Fisher
When the white man puts his plowshares down to pick up his rifle, not only will the nigger get shot but the niggers family will starve. Its the white man that farms.