Really makes you think

really makes you think

no it doesn't

It's just some arbitrary lines drawn by someone who does't understand anything about the cultures here.

Put South Carolina, Arizona Tennessee and Utah with the Texas nation

It makes me think you have Autism. France is more likely to split between northern france and aquitane than we are to split an any sort of way.

0% chance that map was made by an American.

>notices title
well ahem

it's completely stupid. the division in the usa isn't by state. it's liberals vs the rest of us

Actually such a split would be beneficial for the White Americans, given California is kicked out of the yellow sector and Chicago and NYC are demolished.

It's one of those whacky maps where one particular country just get balkanized for no reason, yet the rest of the world remains normal and somehow annexes it all.

Completely worthless

That's dumb, if america splits its going to be a beaner separatist reconquista movement in the southern half the country. American internal divisions are more racial than geographical.

>Its one of those texas gets invaded by mexico threads again...sigh

>Mexican Influence

The GDP would be much higher than Mexico's.

lol Russia.
Texas would never return to Mexico.

bless him

>May join the European Union
>Mexican influence
>Canadian influence

A professor in LARPing, was it?

That map doesn't even make sense.

Also, a lot of states would just go independent. People are starting to realize that "unions" really don't offer any benefits.

>east coast joining european union
is this nigger retarded or is he just trying to fill it out cause he can't think of anything else


>mfw in 30 years due to demographic changes, Texas will have a referendum to secede from the Union
>and join Mexico

You heard it here first.

>under anyone's influence
Each of those blocs would be a global power, except maybe Central North.

>To Russia
>Not to Canada

Into the trash. Complete garbage, Russia has fuck all infrastructure in the eastern section, its like living in a fucking barren tundra with no support, they all dig through the ice for grass.

Also most alaskans only live there because they get paid to. Russia doesnt pay people to live anywhere.


you clearly don't know shit about alaska. alaska would fight to the death to keep its independence. alaskans are some of the most patriotic mother fuckers around

>>Mexican influence

I guarantee Texas economy in itself is stronger than the entire country of mexico

>if any one of these things happened wwIII would start within hours

Idaho, Utah, chinese.

Kansas, Colorado, canadian.

Miss, Alabama, Georgia, mexican

Tennesee, Kentucky, european.

He understands america about as well as I understand russia and all those failed countries that surround it.

Patriotic until everyone else splits up first, leaving them out in the cold, pun intended :D

>In total collapse of the USA the states split with each other based on their current state lines
Clickbait at best

Yea the hipster cucks on the west want to form "Cascadia" which is western Canada and the US pretty much.