1. Your country

1. Your country
2. what would you do?

2. Im tryna smash

Other urls found in this thread:


1) USA
2) tell whoever wrote that to write like a human.

I read that sentece 5 times and I still don't get wtf he tries to say

in english please

Huh real turks are BLACK you know damn well what is written

is that translated from a different language or something?

that English is horrendous

It's intentional because the writer is trying to convey his inability to conduct himself and his language in the face of a woman with all the prime features of female fertility

is that how black americans talk?
i saw comments on youtube videos with that retarded slang and weird grammar

no, it is not African American English Vernacular, i.e. black American talk. This is just an idiot.

unless there fucking around

most blacks use proper english, at least in person,
on social media they use more acronyms and shit, but it's still readable if you have a basic understanding of English, unlike OP's pic

what the fuck am I reading

Yo yeea we's Turks is all indeed black and git Sheniquah's ass back ova' heeah.

EVerytime i find this based SaudiAnon. I dig you famalam

Thank you based bro


what the fuck i wrong with cr*ckers. how the fuck do you not get simple slang

>1. Your country
>2. what would you do?

here's a good one


it's not very funny

translation to whatever is written in there? I'm don't get nigger babbling.

It's not black english, it's someone doing a bad job of parodying black english. it doesn't mean anything.


I'm a face man, so this picture does nothing for me.

ITs a meme u dip

i hate niggers


I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally.

DO you hate abos?

yeah the first drawing is an american nigger and te second is an abo nigger

WHat would you say is the main difference between an abo and a "nigger"?

That's actually very smart

The nigger is human and the abo is austr*lian

not our fault niggers are too stupid to speak a language properly

well abos are worse because they are the native niggers so they are angry that we took there land, where african niggers are angry that they got bought to our land. we have sudanese refugees here and they are the same as american niggers

Do they also impregnate yall white wymins with the Big Abo Cock? Or BEC?

They were talking about the image, you fucking idiot.


nah honestly abo's only mix with themselfs because most whites dont like them, youll only see a woman of different race with an abo if she is from a poor part of town and on drugs