ITT: The finest podkino
ITT: The finest podkino
What's that?
Did Maddox continue on with Biggest Problem in the Universe after Dick left?
I just wanna jump in here and say thank you to that user who recommended Hello Internet and Myth of the 20th Century. SO dam good even the other casts from myth are great. Also NO AGENDA is pure KINO!
Le inside baseball cast WTF IS ITS NAME!
No, he started a new podcast that sucks ass
Sleepycast seems good saw a bit of there animated stuff. I'll tune in.
the sleepy cabin
Couldn't get into the personalities on this. Fuck, I guess I'm old.
>2 hr ramble
>still riding the Maddox Meme
If only he could FOCUS and Edit this podcast, it would be a lot, lot better. With Biggest, I always wanted more time by the end, and I probably would've paid for extended versions. With Dick Show, it's always just too long, and getting a new listener to sit with it for 2 hours is impossible.
LORE is pretty great Tbh
Sorry it's not working for you, I personally think it's much better than TBPITU ever was. It reached 1mi views incredibly fast and the Patreon is taking in over 20k/mo (which puts it in the top 5 most profitable podcasts on Patreon), whereas Maddox is basically penniless with a failing podcast network. TBIPTU was a great format, but let's get real, the quality was all Dick. No wonder each went their own way and Maddox's new podcast is awful, whereas TDS is exponentially more successful than TBIPTU ever was (Dick makes more in two months from it than he did in a year of TBPITU)
The Biggest Problem up until episode 41 (Where Dick absolutely annihilates Maddox on the Homeowners Association) is absolute kinography.
That's a hilarious premise
Holy shit I didnt realize it was now at 20k/month. I subbed when it first started, insane how fast its blown up. Also does anyone feel like sean talks too much? Like I generally find him agreeable but hes just not that interesting. They should bring asterios on as a cohost and have sean chime in every once in a while like he did with biggest problem.
i forgot the live episodes existed and watched them for the first time after dick dropped some hot goss on them
he looks like an iranian prisoner here who has been captured and forced to wear a hijab and is reading out a statement under duress
he was describing the bullshit he had to go through in setting this up, maddoxs alpha male character doesnt work since he revealed himself to be a skinny balding arab who also indulges in social justice
I actually find the erotic fiction part very boring and his the +30 seconds button a few times whenever I hear them
Why is his face so tiny
Sean's reaction to the story having him do gay shit is priceless
obnoxious af
Knockoff has done some Sup Forums tier stuff
Is this real? Sounds amazing
Anyone here on the Sword and Scale train?
It's a frankensteins and draculas episode
Just googled it. Sounds cool, but it's barely a podcast from what I gather. More like a radio serial story
Why did him and Maddox part ways anyways? I never really followed any of that drama
dick slept with his ex. maddox went full chump and just'd himself.
I guess that explains his video about cucks that got massively downvoted
>it's making more money, so it's better!
Typical Dick fan. What's it like to have your nuts squeezed?
I don't know why people prefer Dick to Maddox. Dick is so much flatter, one dimensional, and feels plain dumb.
Maddox is a peasant, but seems like a smart guy, and is creative with his peasantry.
Still, both went to shit after the breakup, quality wise.
Dick definitely bounced back better than maddox after that he brought most of the personality to the show initially so when he left he took it all with him to his new show
maddox isnt as funny or smart as he thinks he is and I dont know why you say he is more creative, his new show is awful (himself arguing two sides to an issue) and his newest creation is a virtual currency which will also bomb
>What's it like to have your nuts squeezed?
I'm not even a Patreon. I just listen to the show, never bought a bonus episode
>Dick is so much flatter, one dimensional, and feels plain dumb.
>Maddox is a peasant, but seems like a smart guy
I used to think that until like episode 15 of Biggest Problem. As the show developed, the amount of times Dick has utterly BTFO'd Maddox in arguments (and often with rather sub-optimal reasoning) is just astounding
Talking nonsense with charisma isn't the same as BTFO'ing someone. All of those times you liked Dick, I was probably cringing. I just got on the wrong foot with him, and didn't feel his charm, so I could only look at the stupid shit he was saying constantly.
>Maddox seems like a smart guy
Go back and listen to Biggest Problem again. Maddox immediately falls on his face whenever he strays from a script, and half of his problems and arguments with Dick are based on him not understanding some simple fact
>libertarians are ancaps but HOAs are the perfect libertarian government
>I could only look at the stupid shit he was saying constantly.
Both say stupid shit constantly. The things Maddox felt especially strong about were the ones he argued most poorly (Smash Bros. not being a fighting game jumps to mind). The only thing I didn't like about Dick are his obvious exaggerations of his sexual conquests. Which Maddox counters with autistic lies (will have an anecdote about having dated a girl that did X whenever X is brought up as an issue) and bags of sand stories
Drew & Mike Podcast
High Society Radio
Part of the Problem
East Side Dave Show (paywall)
Gavin Mcinnes Show (paywall)
Nick Dipaolo
Rogan if he has somebody good
Dicks new show is unlistenable shit. I loved the biggest problem, and I gave dick a chance with the first 8 episodes, but then I gave up. It's rubbish, he rants about nothing, there is no point to this show.
Maddox is even worse
They lost the format, which was really strong. To enjoy TDS you need to be OK with it not being 100% based on arguing. It's mostly a comedy show now, more bits than TBPITU ever had
Where my cumboys at? That fucking Halloween episode were Nick starts telling a ghost story and then he slowly starts to hint that the story is about Trayvon Martin while Stav starts laughing incredibly hard just fucking kills me. His delivery on it is just perfect.
>paying for Gavin's show
Why would anyone do this to themselves? His last Rogan appearance was him strawmanning liberals and bitching about them, then when Joe asked him a legit question about abortion he fed him some bullshit response about how he's "not playing that game" and dodge the question completely. He's a sperg, he also got all defensive of religion when that whole molestation thing came out about the Duggars, because it was painfully obvious that the kid was molesting his sisters because he lives in an exceedingly sexually repressive household.
t. Ass blasted lib
Not an argument, he's still dull as dirt.
Anyone who's personality revolves around a political belief is not an interest person.
Uhh Yeah Dude
Out of my way
>got to this many episodes
>never even heard of it
I feel like a pleb now
podcasts are a waste of time, audiobook master race
I don't listen to gavin because he's 100% correct
that's why Part Of The Problem is on there. (((Dave Smith))) is 100% correct on everything. but he's not as wildly entertaining as Gavin.
gavin is 90% correct on everything. and the 10% that isn't correct is very distinctive, personal, and idiosycratic.
and specifically regarding the "not playing that game" thing: gavin's point is that bringing your own family into a policy discussion is counterproductive. a government cannot treat millions of citizens the way a father treats his daughter. a government has to make very clear and firm rules to be applied equally across everybody. that is why "rule of law" is superior to "rule of man." and in most cases, laws cannot account for every freak possibility. they should be based on how most cases are, and they shouldn't be influenced by passionate emotions.
for the record, this is not my opinion. as an ancap, I believe there should be no universal law. the protection of rights is the responsibility of the individual. new arrangements for nonviolent resolution of rights disputes will become the new "law" but particular precedents will only spread if people in future disputes agree that the precedents were fair. otherwise they will negotiate for different terms, and those precedents might spread.
the motivation to find nonviolent solutions to rights disputes is fueled by the costliness of the failure to come to an agreement: violent solutions.
pair that with the fact that, if people in similar situations in the past got the same deal as you're getting, you tend not to feel screwed over. now you get a spontaneous and voluntary system for rights disputes in a pure free market system.
>this is why rule of law is superior to rule of man
oh wait I didn't actually explain why rule of law is superior. whoops.
if judges are free to judge crimes however they want, there is the possibility for corruption or racial/political discrimination.
in real life, there is some leeway even if the law is relatively specific and clear. "rule of law" is never an absolute. but it should be a goal to minimize the room for interpretation in a law.
CumTown is true podcast kino. It's the only thing I use patreon for.
UYD, chapo trap house and cum lads are great
Sean is by far one of the funniest people.
*blocks your path*
Is 80's girl hot?
Hot enough to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars over losing her, apparently
2 kiwi blokes watch the Adam Sandler movie Grown Ups once a week for a year. You can actually track the mental unravelling as time goes on and they have great banter. They actually get really distressed and because they are so familiar with the movie nitpick every detail and come up with insane back stories for side characters etc. One of the few podcasts that has me struggling to stifle laughter on the bus.
They have also done
The Daily Shoah
Oops, forgot pic.
>surrounds himself with untalented suck-ups like asterios
>spends most of the time on the podcast stroking his own dick and getting into maddox's personal shit
>clutches at his pearls about being misrepresented in a private video maddox uploaded
>proceeds to misrepresent him as a racist sympathizer
>the more "hot goss" he drops, the more he reveals himself to be a two-faced, scandalmongering, manipulative piece of shit
how is he better than maddox again?
shut up cleg
> in a private video maddox uploaded
wasn't private first
Dick is an ass, but ain't no turbo autist.
so wait, 80's girl is maddox's ex? why does he refer to her online handle? is she internet famous or sth?
by her*
Just how many Madbucks did you buy
Since we're talking about podcasts can anyone req me some video game/TV/movie related podcasts?
Seriously, do what these other guys said. Relisten to some TBPITU, he sounds like a total fucking moron half the time.
Podcasts are for faggots.
He's just protecting her identity.
noagenda is kino
"my gf"
takes exactly as long to say
Its good when its a bunch of bros hanging out and then Mick starts showing up every episode and its like a bunch of bros and their lame dad hanging out. He just dragged everything down and was such a stupid meathead. Atleast when Corey says something stupid it's hilarious instead of embarrassing
t. boomer
Thanks for recommending Las Podcast on the Left the other day. Richard Chase was my favorite episode alongside Dean Corll.
I Iike the Maddox Goss but I don't see how Dick can ever expand the show to an audience larger than people who used to like TBPITU if he keeps riding that train.
I keep giving Last Podcast on the Left shot after shot because I keep seeing it recommended in Podcast threads and it theoretically covers things I'm interested in, but I never like it every time. Maybe because I keep expectingit to be more informative than a vehicle for constant rapid-fire unfunny jokes.
Like I tried listening to an episode about child molesters and instead of fucked up stories about real pedophiles or something it was just 30 minutes of "LOL LOW-EFFORT CHILD MOLESTATION JOKE! BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH FOLKS, PEDOPHILES ARE BAD!"
Then I tried one about "real 911" calls and it was more like one really shitty obviously fake call to Art Bell and one "911 call" that sounded more real, but turned out to be fake after a 2 minute google search.
I also watched a Jon Benet Ramsey episode, which was a little better, but still marred by shitty LOL DEAD RAPED KID jokes. I'm not even offended at all, they're just shitty jokes.
What is the "best" episode of Last Podcast on the Left so I can maybe see what people keep seeing in this thing for myself?
The whole of twitter got mad at Nick yeasterday because some feminist writer for Vice dug up his old tweets
Meanwhile he's already banned from all forms of social media so he can only respond through @nycguidovoice
Does anyone have a photo of her?
Anything comfier than Dick mansplaining with his piano theme in the background?
My man
you have literally described the common law system under which we currently live
Huh. That's exactly how I felt about them; I gave them a listen after people here recommended them in a thread about a Jon Benet Ramsey documentary (so you can guess which episode I listened to first), and it was everything you said.
It kicks right off with 'HAHA I'M DEAD IN THE BASEMENT 'CAUSE MY DAD RAPED MY HEAD OFF' tier discussion and I had to turn it off after ten minutes because it was so fucking shitty.
Hearing obnoxious assholes talk about interesting subjects is just too frustrating.
I kept looking after that and found Astonishing Legends and Thinking Sideways. They're both basically 'weird stuff' podcasts and while the hosts are a little bit too much the opposite of the Last Podcast on the Left guys (which is to say no swearing and lots of 'Now I just wanna says if you have kids or are squeamish ya might wanna cover your ears' type people) they at least get the story across without acting and sounding like a pack of fucking hyenas.
Calling her 80s girl is more descriptive and interesting. And maybe it's just me but I kinda cringe whenever I hear someone refer to their girlfriend and their girlfriend. Maybe I'm just a full blown autist though.
Everyone above me is an idiot
>Hello Internet
Always good to see a fellow Tim.
did you see that a bunch of sweeties got their tits out to show support
Recently they've moved towards covering 'heavier' topics, but they did one years ago called Archons, Seres and The Secret Fate of All Mankind that just pissripping alien shit which is one of the funniest episodes and doesn't get too LOLEDGY.
The Aum Shinrikio episodes are a good jumping off point for more recent stuff, good balance of humour and interesting information.
Hardcore History
Hollywood Handbook
Worst Idea of All Time (Seasons 1 and 2)
Thrilling Adventure Hour
There's a radioplay style podcast 12-parter called MarsCorp that I recently liked that's pretty kino.
Great production value and sound design, reasonably funny, similar to the old Hitchhiker's Guide radio shows if anyone likes them.
Hollywood handbook and nothing else comes close
Clegg go back to Sup Forums
Not him but I pay for Anthony Cumia, Gavin is just part of the network.
I'd pay any amount of money to have Michael Malice and Jim Goad regularly on a podcast as guests, plus Gavin is pretty funny and contrarian.
Any stories about his father are GOAT.
No Agenda is the best.