Do americans really do this?
Do americans really do this?
Why do you think the rest of the world calls them "americlaps"?
i dont call them that
>grown ass men behaving like babies..
Dont you have an active military and a capitalist doogy eat dogg society?
Why are so many of you so infentile?
Yes. Not every movie. But yes. Most recently I saw it when I went to see Arrival. It was a matinee at a sort of artsy independent theater and the audience was mostly older people. A good number of them applauded at the end.
KEK that's just sad as fuck.
All it takes is one lone clapper to start
you arent part of the world, you silly neet.
I'm Malaysian, and for the first time in my life, I witnessed a bunch of people clapping at the end of a movie. It was the first screening of Logan at my local theater
Sadly yes. I noticed it start happening around the 2000s.
It's probably from the South like most shitty parts of American culture.
When I was a kid in California no one clapped at the screen because, why would you?
lol yes we do.
When i voted for trump at the local highschool, they even clapped for me because it was my first time voting.
literally the same thing happened to me last election. this election i just went to the booth, found a card that said which options were part of the Trump ticket, checked those and left. didn't even stay for the voting BBQ.
yeah, people clap all over the world. its a social thing, not that a raging autista like you would understand anyways.
>getting triggered by applause
yes user, Sup Forums memes are real. things people tell you on an anonymous anime website are never false.
The people who made the movie aren't hearing your applause. It's pointless.
Except Americans actually do that.
Again its a pretty recent thing though, at least on the coasts. And only with some movies.
whats that? jazz hands? what the fuck is this faggotry?
these people are insufferable.
>my date can open the door for herself, it's pointless
What a shit analogy.
but they want to communicate the rest that they enjoyed the movie. this is not for autistas, as stated.
i only see ppl clap when its a matinee and only the first 2-3 weeks , but ya its fucking weird
my mom claps
great argument, friend.
So I like the whole Americlap meme but if you actually want real talk about it, yes, more crowded theaters will often clap at funny or exciting moments or at the end of a decent blockbuster.
If someone genuinely thinks there's something wrong with clapping at a movie they're probably on the spectrum.
>mfw im the clapstarter when the plane lands
if you dont do this, you all live an existence of misery.
>All it takes is one lone clapper to start
A lone clapper who doesn't get any back up is always kinda fun though
wait what? everyone always claps at the end of a plane ride. that isn't a common practice outside america?
people didnt know if clap or not at the end of Elle in my cinema. it was just too tonally weird.
I took "intro to philosophy" to cover a GE a couple years ago. Students would snap their fingers in agreement when our professor of a student said something agreeable. One of these chimps even asked the class to substitute their clapping for snapping because "clapping is loud and it triggers people."
but do they do it ironically?
my plane is always super ironic, bordering post ironic.
I start the clap at every movie I see. Especially when there's less than 10 people in the theater
You're equating courtesy given to an individual to giving it to someone who isn't there.
holy shit. i would gladly snap their fingers so they cant perform that faggotry ever again.
Who gives a shit if some stranger liked a movie I just saw?
the authors of the film have nothing to do with the clapping.
>europeans have to file a form in triplicate and wait six (6) months for tentative approval pending review from the municipal government before they can host a pig noise contest
>get fined 500 euros for noise complaints from the local refugee shelter because it's prayer time
Then the analogy is shit because it has nothing to do with manners.
it's manners to the theater staff that played the film for you, you dense autist
They're actually watching me bang OPs wife right now, not a movie.
i don't see what footage from a local city council meeting has to do with watching a movie
>wait what? everyone always claps at the end of a plane ride. that isn't a common practice outside america?
Good grief. Why in the fuck would you clap? You were more likely to die in the taxi on the way to the airport.
they arent strangers anymore. you spent 2 hours with them enjoying a movie, synchronizing your brain waves with theirs. if the movie was good enough, youll be left with lots of questions and feelings and musings about what you just experienced, the rest too. but, as already stated, people on the spectrum cant do this, among many other things.
Americlaps clap for anything
it's awkward to clap for the taxi driver cuz he can hear you
Americans are so fucking weird
No, that can't be. That's simply retarded. I'm sorry, I'd rather be an autist.
Yeah, except most people from most nations don't do this. It's clearly just an odd burgerland ritual.
lots of cultures could be described as weird too. but americans are above all else, super gaudy. they are a whole, collective act of bad taste.
most nations can't afford theaters
>american education system
>voting BBQ.
silly amercans
No they dont. It's a meme. I've been to the theaters almost a hundred times in my life yet I have not once seen people clap at any point, not even at the end.
The worst that they do is laugh at stupid shit.
you've probably been wearing the complimentary earplugs the whole time you retard. you know you're only supposed to put them in when you get tired and want to nap right?
Like tipping in general, but especially the food delivery guy. Fuck off, you just did your job, there was nothing personal about it, unlike a waiter. You don't tip the UPS guy.
maybe you live in a boring ass state?
As a culture, Americans are basically like a poor person who wins the lottery
I saw it happen one time but I was like 8 and it was a special screening of some religious movie so everyone there was super amped for god to be affirmed on screen.
literally niggers.
i bet you love rick & morty.
Yes they do this and it sucks
Because I saw a religious movie once and it's the only time I've ever been around people clapping in a theatre?
I've seen clapping at theatres twice, once for a sold out showing of Shin Godzilla in an upscale, modern theatre, and the other at a small town renovated 1920s cinema screening Devergent or some shit. The first had enthusiastic fans, 2nd was A lot of older people.
>happening around the 2000s.
When LOTR came out. Everyone is chilling and having fun with their friends at the theatre bro.
>not saying there snapping triggers you and asking everyone to say K'Chow
I live in Europe and people clap all the time after movies.
t. Non Americans that want the meme to be real so bad
Do it. No, you don't got the guts.
hand over the dubs and i wont gut ye ya yellowbelly
You'll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands.
user, is this you?
meanwhile in India
I love my country
imagine the crowds at Dabangg
>Theater clapped twice for Hidden Figures
Depends on the movie, the crowd, and the time. I've seen the entire theatre clap -- but that's a rare event -- usually everyone just shuffles out like usual.
This meme has a kernel of truth.
nope, here's a bunch of calicuck retards clapping and screaming for Halloween (1979)
I swear to god the next time a nigga claps during the intro crawl of a star wars movie
i only remember experiencing this one time when i was younger. can't remember the movie though.
the theaters i go to now don't tolerate that shit
holy shit, that autist in the second video and his underage gay voice
>implying there's anything wrong with showing your appreciation of quality kino
Are europoors really this dumb?
Post your theater shooting loadouts.
Europoors need not apply.
Im from saudi arabia we clapped during "9/11 The Two Towers" when it was broadcasted live in our theatres.
ayo famo where u get that rhodie bag?
Do Americans wear their shoes indoor? I'm asking for a friend
>our theatres.
There is one theatre in saudi arabia that only plays science documentaries
There isn't an "American" policy regarding shoes indoor. It kind of differs from household to household.
Clapping in a movie is retarded.
But so is clapping after a plane landing.
It's the pilots fucking job to fly. I'll clap if he does something out of the ordinary, like makes a safe landing after a fault in the plane.
Fucking burgers man. Do you clap when a ship captain brings you to port? A bus driver gets you to your stop? But then again, you fuckers even tip your pizza guys.
I think it's somewhere in the constitution, between the part about clapping and the one about retarded, unnecessary small talk.
Yeah, theyre stupid
They yell "Woooooh!!" and "Yeeeeah!!!" alot.