1. Logan
2. X2: X-Men United
3. Deadpool
4. Days of Future Past
5. First Class
6. The Wolverine
7. The Last Stand
8. Origins: Wolverine
9. X-Men (watch it again, it's bad)
10. Apocalypse
X-Men Power Rankings
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This might be the first time I've ever 100% agreed with one of these lists.
x men is gay af though
I had to go watch Logan a second time to make sure I wasn't overrating it but yeah you're right it really is that fucking good.
It's an objectively better continuity than both the MCC and DCEU
True, but compared to other capeshit it ALMOST looks straight
For the most part id agree. I just wish origins was lower on the list. Everything from the shitty plot to the godawful cgi claws made me despise that movie
gimme a quick run down on the time lines
Decent list, but Origins needs to be at the bottom. I haven't seen Apocalypse, and I don't give a fuck. Origins is a B movie.
Also, original Xmen must be higher up. Watched it recently, it's still great.
1. First Class
2. Days of Future Past
3. Logan
4. X2
5. Deadpool
6. Apocalypse
7. The Wolverine
8. Last Stand
9. X-Men
10. Origins
Origins is so fucking terrible. Apocalypse was just one funny Power Rangers tier looking villain, I probably would've prefered it if they just had Magneto/Storm/Angel/Psylocke working as a team somehow. Still was 'fun' at least.
X-Men hasn't aged well at all. I cop how fucking annoying Rogue but it feels cheap overall.
I will rank it thus: 1.Logan 2.X2. r3.X-Men (Yes, IT BROKE NEW GROUND! 4. First Class 5.Deadpool (all the best moments were in the trailer. 6. The Wolverine (it had heart). Beyond that, I'm too drunk to respond
1. Logan
2. X2 (was just called X2 here)
3. Deadpool
4. X-Men
5. X-Men: First Class
6. X-Men: Apocalypse
7. X-Men: Days of Future Past
8. The Wolverine
9. X-Men: The Last Stand
10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
We agree on the top 3, at any rate.
What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you suckling of X2's dick
>gimme a quick run down on the time lines
I have a detailed pic that's about 75% done I'm working on that will explain it all very nicely.
For now though, I can just tell you that if you want it to make sense, there's a very specific order you can watch them in that will leave you with no major questions...
1. Origins
2. First Class
3. X-Men
4. X2
5. The Last Stand
6. The Wolverine
7. Days of Future Past
8. Apocalypse
9. Deadpool
10. Logan
If you watch them in that order, the timeline split won't confuse you.
>3. Deadpool
Close, but I'd put DoFP above First Class. Magneto hunting down the Nazis in South America was the best part of First Class, but it kinda sucks otherwise.
>two most powerful mutants end up using these names that a drunken blue slut made up for them
Imagine if there wasn't any Jennifer Lawrence/Mystique shit in First Class.The whole movie about Charles and Eric.It would be k i n o
Both Timelines:
>The first scene of X-Men: Apocalypse
>The pre-WWII stuff shown in X-Men Origins: Wolverine
>The WWII stuff shown in The Wolverine
>The stuff in X-Men Origins: Wolverine shown between the '40s and the '50s.
>1950s/1960s: The majority of X-Men: First Class
>The stuff in X-Men Origins: Wolverine shown between the '60s and the '70s.
Original Timeline:
>1970s: Most of X-Men Origins: Wolverine (also shows stuff earlier in his life)
>1990s: The first scene of X-Men: The Last Stand
>2000s: X-Men, X2, the majority of X-Men: The Last Stand
>2010s: The majority of The Wolverine
>2020s: The future shown in X-Men: Days of Future Past
New Timeline:
>1970s: The '70s shown in X-Men: Days of Future Past
>1980s: X-Men: Apocalypse
>2010s: Deadpool
>2020s: The final scene of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Logan
Sorry if any of that doesn't make sense, happy to clarify.
Just finished watching Apocalypse for the first time 15mins ago. Jesus fuck it was terrible.
I literally just watched all of them last week in preparation for Logan.
I agree Logan is the best. It's the only one I would call definitely a great movie.
X2 has aged, but it's still got the storytelling of a good superhero movie.
The Last Stand is a shame because it has a select few great moments in an otherwise pretty terrible movie. I'd say this is the most inconsistant of the all.
First Class is a good movie that just doesn't risk enough. It feels like the MCU variant of an Xmen movie.
Days of Future Past is the most ambitious film here, but it doesn't hit all its marks. The Rogue cut makes the original version unwatchable by comparison but even that doesn't fix everything.
The first half of the wolverine, and I literally mean to the exact half way point of the movie, is fantastic, but everything after falls off a cliff.
Origins is... surprisingly not as bad as I remember it being. Oh, it's bad, don't get me wrong, but I've seen far worth superhero movies. Speaking of which...
The original Xmen film is bad. It wasn't good in the 90s and it's not good now. Yes it's worse than origins. Considerably so actually. The effects, diologue and storytelling are piss poor and the theme of the film doesn't even break through.
Apocalypse is also terrible. It only slightly edges out Xmen because of the production value actually giving a shit.
J law looked her absolute best in first class tho so I'll let it slide
Aren't you embarrassed about watching kids movies? You should be.
So I've let the Logan hype settle down and I still think it's the best mobie, But I wonder if having X24 as the final boss was a good idea. Then again, I'm not sure what they could have done better.
>The Wolverine is entirely new timeline.
So why was the final scene in The Wolverine him seeing advertisements for the machines who are the antagonists of DoFP, followed by Xavier and Magneto coming up to him and saying that need his help to fight them, leading into DoFP, where he fights them?
>This was confirmed.
>citation needed, because that makes zero sense.
Logan is original timeline, bub. Time still goes on after the future in Days Of and presumably Wolverine wakes up despite sending his consciousness to the past (like The Prestige I suppose). It references X1's cage fights and Statue of Liberty and shows his The Wolverine katana.
I deleted it because I got the movie titles mixed up.
I thought you were talking about Logan.
The director as well as the post credits scene in apocalypse confirmed Logan was entirely new timeline.
There are things in the original trilogy th hat still happen in the new timeline, we just don't know to what extent.
But Logan is a new timeline film.
Same here. Great list, OP.
I haven't seen every movie but why is Deadpool new timeline?
>10. Apocalypse
It's been forever since I've watched most of these, but off the top of my head I'd have to say
1. X2
2. Days of Future Past
3. First Class
4. Logan
5. The Wolverine
6. X-Men
7. Apocalypse
8. Last Stand
9. Origins Wolverine
The top 4 being pretty good and the quality going down quite a bit after that
Jesus why'd you put X2 that high
2. First Class
3. X2
4. whatever the rest are shit anyways
>Logan makes everything that happened in DOFP meaningless
Again, I haven't seen it in about 10 years, so it could be worse than I remember, I just know I liked it when it came out
You can make that argument for most xmen movies
I like both origins and last Stand SIGNIFICANTLY more than both the first xmen and apocalypse.
Look at this shit.
Look at it.
Origins is a very bad popcorn flick, but it's funny to laugh at how bad it is. This shit on the other hand is just hard to watch.
still didn't you just see logan
Plenty of the events in Wolverine's history happened in both timelines. He escaped and ran out into the snow in both timelines, why would he take up cage-fighting in one but not the other? Also, his history in Japan began in the 1940s before the timeline divergence occurred. In both timelines, his Japanese pal would've asked him to return to Japan in 2013.
>The director as well as the post credits scene in apocalypse confirmed Logan was entirely new timeline.
The post-credits scene in Apocalypse doesn't infer that Logan is in a separate timeline at all.
Would you please link me to somewhere the director has said it's a new timeline? All I could find was him saying that it doesn't matter what timeline it is.
Everything released after DOFP is new timeline.
The old timeline is gone, literally wiped from existance. There are some events that happened in the new timeline that also happened in the old one (the events of the first xmen movie for instance seemed to have mostly happened according to "Logan") but not exactly the same way.
Logan is the only character that has memories of both timelines.
To answer your question about Deadpool, the old time line already had a Deadpool.
Two reasons.
First, the same actor played the same character in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine, and his origin story is entirely different, so it must be part of the new timeline.
Secondly, the film was released after DoFP so it can be assumed unless told otherwise, I'd think.
Well I'm particularly butthurt about DOFP. To me it was the absolutely perfect end to X-Men and they had to ruin the ending.
Days of Future Past
X2: X-Men United
First Class
The Wolverine
The Last Stand
Origins: Wolverine
Jesus Christmas that's horrible
Logan is new timeline
this is the only valid ranking
OK I take it back, that is harder to watch than even origins. Is the whole movie that bad?
1. Logan
2. The Wolverine
3. Days of Future Past
4. First Class
5. X-Men
6. Deadpool
7. X2: X-Men United
8. Origins: Wolverine
9. The Last Stand
1-4 are decent, 5-6 are meh, 7-9 are bad
haven't seen apocalypse
>OK I take it back, that is harder to watch than even origins. Is the whole movie that bad?
Yes. The original XMEN movie is fucking garbage
yeah, but just because that's fresh in my mind doesn't mean I remember liking X2 less. It came out before super hero movies had to be dark and gridmark, and before Disney started pumping out paint by numbers shit. There were some good action sequences. I just remember it being a pretty well balanced movie at the time. I also think that Logan is a bit overrated. All of the big character moments are drowned out by the fact that the movie is just wolverine, little girl wolverine, and clone wolverine stabbing people for 2 and half hours.
Right, the new timeline established in DoFP. That's what I was saying.
It's impossible for me to rank X-Men, Origins, and Apocalypse because they are all different kinds of horrible. I'm astounded that a decade after the disaster that was the last Stand, they somehow found a way to do the pheonix story even WORSE in apocalype.
I feel bad for Hugh.
He has spent close to 2 decades of his life playing a character in a horrible franchise and he finally gets a great movie and it's the one where he fucking dies
1. X2
2. DofP
3. Logan
> Power Gap
4. First Class
5. X-Men
> Power Gap
6. The Wolverine
7. Deadpool (In terms of being an X-Men film. It's still pretty bland to me though it is good.)
> Power Gap
8. Apocalypse
9. The Last Stand
> Power Gap
10. Origins
Yeah, but at least he was always the best part of his shitty movies, and he seemed to have fun with it. Also he'll probably get to be more kino wolverine in Deadpool 2
Remember that X-Men is 17 years old at this point. It came out pre-Raimi Spider-Man. It's older than a lot of the people posting here, you've gotta have context.
He is never playing Wolverine again he said
Sup Forums did a study in November and the average poster here is like 24 years old.
We're actually one of the older boards.
This. It was also right after Batman & Robin.
It was considered "dark" to get rid of the yellow furry suit and chuck Wolverine in tight leather.
It's extremely camp by today's standards, but it was a stepping stone towards Spider-Man, and then Batman Begins.
>when you realize Jackman looks more like X24 irl than he does Logan and instead of making him look young for X24 they actually made him look old for Logan.
Holy shit ive never seen someone have so much fun acting
Days of Future Past was the last X-men movie I have seen, aside from Deadpool. It was pretty damn good, kind of dragged on a bit though
Tipped the fuck out of my chair laughing
>This will never be you
It hurts.
I am not arguing that the first xmen is dogshit, but more so that apocalypse, while also shit, is better than the origins and last stand
I actually got a few good faps out to Olivia and Sophie in Apocalypse, so there's that I guess.
Was there even anyone attractive in Origins?
Were there even any good supehero movies before raimi spidey?
1. Logan
2. First Class
3. X2
4. Days of Future Past
5. X-Men
6. The Wolverine
7. Memepool
8. Apocalypse
9. Origins
10. The Last Stand
Batman 2 had its moments. mostly seal's music
>Were there even any good supehero movies before raimi spidey?
Burton Batman and the Donner cut of superman II, and even that wasn't for the spectacle of them being superhero films, that was just great writing with superheroes as the main characters. They would probably be better today.
>Batman 2
Please be bait
Seal had a song in batman 3... is this just fishing for (YOU)'s?
Cookie tracking says the board's 31.1 though
That's also entirely possible.
Teens these days don't even know what Sup Forums is.
Not that I can remember so probably nothing worth your dick
can't I just.. not watch Origins??
that shit was fucking awful
*collects the (you)'s and vanishes into the cold night*
1. The Winter Soldier
2. Iron Man
3. The Avengers
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. The Incredible Hulk
6. Ant-Man
7. Civil War
8. Thor
9. Iron Man 2
10. The First Avenger
11. Doctor Strange
12. Literally Redit the Robot
13. Iron Man 3
14. The Dark World
Logan can't be set it in the original timeline where Sentinels kill all the mutants because guess what, Wolverine and Professor X would be fucking dead
It's not, it's nu-timeline
Pretty good.
You'll probably get some flack for putting iron man 2 over 3 but I agree that while 2 is a but dumb, it's at least not as insulting as 3.
Just drink while you're watching it
3 isn't a bad movie, it just doesn't work well in the established universe.
1. Capeshit
2. Capeshit
3. Capeshit
4. Capeshit
5. Capeshit
6. Capeshit
7. Capeshit
8. Capeshit
9. Capeshit
10. Capeshit
Logan is certainly NOT capeshit
Words can't express how much I can't wait for this fucking abomination of cinema to be over
>inb4 it will keep going
Irrelevant. It can't last forever and the infinity war is the real major ending point for most of these people. After that it will slowly fade.
1. Iron Man
2. The Avengers
3. Doctor Strange
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. The Winter Soldier
6. The Incredible Hulk
7. Thor
8. Age of Ultron
9. Civil War
10. Ant-Man
11. Iron Man 3
12. The First Avenger
13. Iron Man 2
14. The Dark World
1. Logan
2. Deadpool
3. The Wolverine
4. DoFP
5. FC
6. Apocalypse
7. Origins: Wolverine
8. X3
Have to rewatch 1 and 2 to accurately place them.
this to be honest family
I would put Wolverine Orgins at the bottom, hard to say Apocalypse was so bad also.
1. Logan (Mangold, 2017)
2. X2 (Singer, 2003)
3. Deadpool (Miller, 2016)
4. X-Men (Singer, 2000)
5. X-Men: First Class (Vaughn, 2011)
6. X-Men: Apocalypse (Singer, 2016)
7. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Singer, 2014)
8. The Wolverine (Mangold, 2013)
9. X-Men: The Last Stand (Ratner, 2006)
10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Hood, 2009)
I'm aware that I liked Apocalypse more than most people.
Dude you and me both.
It would be one thing if I could just ignore the MCU, but you really cant, because this expanded universe shit has infiltrated every single corner of cinema as a result.
DC has a cinematic universe now.
Cloverfield has a cinematic universe now.
King Kong and fucking Godzilla share a cinematic universe now, because that definitely needed to happen...
Remember the days when James Bond would go to his desk, get a mission, and then just DO THE MISSION?
Well too bad, because now everything is super personal and connected to his past. It's all part of some overarching continuity muhahaha.
And don't even get me started on Shit Wars. I remember when there were 3 shit wars movies and that was it, then we got the shit wars prequels, and that was finally it. But now we get a shit wars movie literally every year. We will have more shit wars movies in the next decade than what we had previously in all.
Oh and let's not forget ARRY POTTAH. Because finishing that off wasn't enough, now we have the American spin off prequel series.
Even LOTR fell victim to this with Jackson's abysmal 2 part, NO, 3 PART prequel trilogy.
Marvel capeshit has done more damage to movies than 3D has. Fuck man I want off this ride.
i hate capeshit too
you left out the biggest offender
Are they prequels, yes. Is it a pretty solid stand alone trilogy assuming that War isn't shit, yes. At least there aren't spinoffs every other year, and it doesn't cross over with other properties
Dawn was literally Nothing Happened: the Movie
>next, on Netflix!!
do not dare them, please, I beg of you
What was the point of the second movie?
The third movie is literally the second plot all over again