ITT, Scenes women and beta males will NEVER understand. Pic very much related
ITT, Scenes women and beta males will NEVER understand. Pic very much related
as a sociopath he was correct in burning his daughter, logically speakig
but GoT is for beta males and women
>"why did the men charge after him even though they knew they would lose?" - my gf
what a stupid fucking whore
I really think they fucked with his character as the show went on but it was great seeing him unfazed right before his death. Just fully accepted it and understood.
as logical as a man believing in a flame god can get anyway
Stannis scenes were not.
You'd believe in a flame god too after seeing a demon shadow baby being birthed
Count your blessings. Mine just asks when it will be over so she can come back into the room.
I understood this scene, my ex-gf literally said "why does he keep listening to the red lady and why is he still fighting?" She didnt recognize the irony that I listened to her in everything and she controlled my life even more than Mel controlled Stannis. Literally dropped her one week later and got myself a good bitch after. Never let a woman control you, that shit sucked. Im free now
Same senpai
but even Sun Tzu says that fighting an hopeless battle is a waste
MEN are brave
Were any sjws outraged about this particular line? I enjoy tears
Technically, but still some seemingly impossible victories come around.
Its literally been called the donald trump of superhero movies
My sjw roomate dropped the show because of "the disgusting and unnecessary sansa rape."
He's smart because the show is shit now.
I dropped it because of the disgusting and unnecessary Joff/Tywin deaths.
Show got fucking boring when the primary villains were dead.
>free now
You still have a new woman though.
so much for stannis for being a master commander
the fuck happened to holding off storm's ends on fuck all rations for weeks on end with only 500 or so men?
dude camps his army in enemy territory in the dead of winter; at least 30% of which dies of attrition then decides to charge one of the most naturally defensible castles (winterfell) in all of westeros. Even if he didnt get hammered and anviled by the cavalry, he would've lost a straight siege/frontal attack.
Probably the most braindead, weak-minded character in the show. Fucker thought he was azor ahai; laughable. This is what happens when you're so grossly overshadowed by the status of another sibling - fredo part 2.
Fuck stannis. Literally led the destruction of his own house - Renly would've kept the Baratheon seat at the crown.
>gay niggas
What a waste of a movie name "Moonlight", to spend it on faggot niggers. Hey, you're a gay piece of shit. That means you take it up the shit-smelling rear you disgusting piece of shit. There's nothing "Moonlight" about that
Both of you have never read sun tzu.
To this day, this is probably the tensest scene of any movie I've ever watched. Good stuff
the actual scene i get
the setup is retarded, since stannis is supposed to be a tactical genius
Obligatory post rightfully pointing out D&D's character assassination of Stannis
The showrunners are jews who don't like authoritative men. Stannis BTFOs Ramsay Snow in the 6th book.
this 2bh
not much into the lore but why did he even go into the north in the first place . why didn't he just use his mercenary army and attack kings landing or some other place I doubt many northerners would of joined him on a 2nd stark invasion of the south anyway . getting past the twins is another thing all together
>implying he would actually do that
D&D are fucking hacks