I was promised a subversion of the horror genre

I was promised a subversion of the horror genre.

>Jump scare 5 minutes into the movie.

Right... Well at least I can enjoy it as a horror movie.

>An hour and 45 minutes of "Gee something might be going wrong, then 15 minutes of "Oh... guess that was it."

But it at least 'skiers America's racial bias.'

> "Nigga, don go into dat white girls house!"
> "Dey makin black sex slaves! You hafta beleve me!"
> "Black is fashionable this season. It isn't a racial thing."

u ok buddy? just try to relax

Stock reddit response

I can't really call the deer hitting the windshield a jumpscare considering it was in the trailer soooo

That's true. He has a point.

how do u respond to something u didnt read ???

this movie was excellent. i went in expecting to hate it but i couldnt

What I didn't like about it:
I thought the Mom's acting wasn't that great at all, kinda the same for *MOST* of the white party goers
Too many jumpscares or just in general jump scenes. Like there was one where Georgina walks by in the next hallway and plays a LOUD ass fuckin horror ding or whatever and it scared me and I hated it.
They used the Sunkey Place visuals too much. The first time it happened with those awesome orchestra chords really got me into it but then I got lost after seeing it so many times later.
They kinda drilled the whole "coagula" thing into your brain after he got strapped to that chair.
You have to suspend disbelief that Rose would literally dedicate her whole life to wooing guys into becoming
The whole deer hitting scene was completely unexplained and obviously wasn't planned. The cop wasn't it on it. Yet the deer they hit really impacted the main character for some reason. And the deer was kind of a symbol or something for the procedure or something, right?
Thought the entire "let's go to the cops" scene was cliche, garbage, and unfunny
They didn't include a scene from the trailer that shows the deer skeleton like screeching at the main character in the sunken place and that pissed me off
What I like about it:
Thought main character's acting was amazing. Watch an interview with Rose's actress and him with some other faggot, they talk about him sitting motionless and crying that much for like 8 takes, I love him in this.
Thought it was pretty funny at points, had be laughing
Jordan Peele commented that this is a movie that has to be watched with people and I couldn't agree more. You'll be jumping and shouting with your fellow audience members, laughing too (even when the movie doesn't exactly call for laughter)
Thought the entire delivery of the film was awesome considering watching it a second time really fucks with you

the deer was a symbol for his mom. she died the same way, got hit by a car and left to die. he wanted to be there for the animal as he does in the end when he hits Georgina with the car.

what about suspension of disbelief when they try to tell you that it's possible to transfer a piece of some white persons brain into a black persons body and it'll transfer their conscious control.

This. I had no problem with suspending my belief that some random bitch was crazy, but I was put off by the procedure almost entirely.

More stuff I liked:
Loved the shot comp with the bingo / auction scene but thought including a portrait of him in the background was stupid as fuck for a couple reasons. First of all, they all just met him, what the fuck's the point of showing a portrait like that. They'd have to go through making that shit. Also, why do they have a fucking picture that looks like it's from a photoshoot.
Grandpa's acting
Fact that the blind guy won the auction but seemed like the only human guy at the party
I like how most people thought this was gonna be a racist movie but if you take a step back and look at it, they weren't inherently racist really. They certainly didn't hate black people. In fact some of them wanted to become black people.
More stuff I didn't like:
What were they gonna do if Chris and Rose didn't go on the walk together but instead stuck around for bingo.
I don't think the big black guy is AS FUNNY as everyone is praising him to be. He's hilarious yeah, but not top of the line comedy honestly.
The end scene where the grandpa shoots himself and the girl almost gets strangled kinda threw a lot of emotions at you because you're not sure what the fuck is gonna happen at like 8 different points in that one scene.
The dad gets stabbed by deer antlers, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think he could've reached that, first off, and also I don't think the antlers were that sharp to pierce the skin and everything.
The brother getting hit with the ball was kinda weird, I don't think blood would show up like it did and I don't think it would really impact too too hard like that. Idk that's subjective
Rose pretends not to find the keys for way too long before revealing that she doesn't want to give them to Chris. Once they know they have him, what's the point of fucking with him like that.

Aww I didn't even think of that, that's so sad. Thank you user

It's not super hard for me to suspend disbelief as far as neurosurgical procedures and stuff like that. Did I think, "wtf" when they explained it? Hell yes, but it didn't bother me that much

After I left, I wondered: for all the interracial couples that went to watch it together, was it awkward between them after the movie?

Being a minority, and having a white girlfriend, knowing that her parents are actually racist? Yeah we left theater kinda weird

I bet all of you who didn't like it are WHITE

I can't imagine how embarrassing it is for you cucks to watch this. There are even moments that will go over your head lol

I dunno, but I left the theater with a hatred for white people.

>The whole deer hitting scene was completely unexplained and obviously wasn't planned. The cop wasn't it on it. Yet the deer they hit really impacted the main character for some reason. And the deer was kind of a symbol or something for the procedure or something, right?

The point of it was to be a metaphor for black people. Not the hitting it aspect but later when they're talking to the white dad and he gives that fucked speech about how "a good deer is a dead deer" and how they did a service by getting rid of one from the "wild". Thats why the deer comes back again at the end of the movie when the main character realizes whats going on, and why he kills the dad with the deer antlers in revenge.

Why? It's not alienating white people. They could have all been asian the story would've almost the same. The whole beginning premise is the guy is scared to go to his WHITE parent's house, but that really has no correlation with the rest of the movie. They're a group of people who want to abduct black people to kinda possess their bodies BECAUSE they're physically superior, not because they hate black people

This movie should have been marketed as a comedy. The whole premise is goofy as fuck. Even the jump scares are fucking goofy.

>Black woman walks into frame

>Jump scare

Now I liked the movie, but not because it's a good horror movie.

My theater cheered when it turned out it wasnt a white cop at the end.

did a pretty effective job at getting its point across desu

Holy fuck I completely forgot about that fucking retarded ass speech about deers being like the next rat plague or some shit lmfao
That is kinda clever to kill him with those antlers though after he says that

I wouldn't classify it as a horror movie but more like a thriller with some comedic elements. I was laughing when I wasn't supposed to be. Do you know how fucking stupid this would look marketed as a comedy? You don't know shit

It's irrational. It's like how people develop a hatred for black people when they get robbed by a black guy when not all black people are bad.

Could've been any fuckin cop lmfao, we all kinda sighed at the fact that it wasn't any cop cause I thought THAT was gonna be the ending. White cop arrests black guy because he burned down a white family's house and killed their daughter. Would've actually been a cooler ending imo

There actually was that one asian guy who asked if being black was advantageous or not

Who said you're allowed to post here, Tyrone?
Shouldn't you be checking up with your parole officer right now?

I also think that would have been a more powerful ending

Read that Peele originally had it that way but changed it to be more uplifting due to rise in police shooting of blacks

>knowing what's a reddit response
Sounds like you speak from experience

So mean

Why did the groundskeeper shoot himself though?

I thought the flash 'cures' them

Hispanic not black

Nah I'm just fucking yo moms. Come upstairs to hi. Posting on my phone btw

Would've made sense too. Just enough time for them to trace the phone call he never finished do you think? Eh probably not, but the ending of him just staring out a fucking car window? dogshit

no just brings them back to being them for a second. He shot himself to put himself out of the misery. he was really Rose's grandfather

theres no cure, the other persons brain is put inside their head

Ah see I thought after the first flash incident Rose's mom had to hypnotize him again to regain control otherwise he would be WOKE

>Cures them
Did you even watch the whole thing?

You market it like an awkward comedy, like Arrested Development. That's literally most of the movie, The scenes that were supposed to be thrilling were even funny until the very end, with the grandpa and girlfriend. But then they just rubber banded it back with the fat friend showing up.

Nah only reason he didn't pass out again from the teacup was because he put chair fluff into his ear canals.
Even thought that pretty fucking stupid too. You're telling me he was able to put those inside of his ear while strapped to a chair? Bs

That's kinda how I thought, but still I thought it was marketed the way it was supposed to be marketed. I think the thriller scenes sometimes were unintentionally funny and that's why I was laughing so hard at them sometimes

That also irked me but I have to admit the metaphor is clever...

Picking cotton

Hey I have a complaint, you'd think with all the fucking boyfriends Rose seemed to have, considering all those fucking photos, that there would be more than just one black guy that showed up to that party. I mean a good argument is just that they already have a body they don't need to go to the party anymore but that's kinda fuckin stupid aren't they supposed to be a cult or some shit

god fucking dammit I didn't get that either
I wanna say that wasn't Jordan's intention but it was. I know it was.

Blacks are more violent in general and have significantly less abstract intelligence than other races, so it's not irrational at all to avoid them. It's intelligent to do so, actually.


has Jordan taken the Bog Pill or something? was going on with his face

I thought the deer was symbolic of the sunken place, since it can't move or anything and should be mercy killed
both the metaphor for black people in general, and that shit about his mother makes sense with it, and the whole deer thing doesn't piss me off as much now

I really enjoyed the film but you're right in that in the end its not really that spectacular.

No. The deer was definitely a metaphor for his mother.

I don't agree with the horror thing. I don't think it was even supposed to BE a horror movie, It's more a suspense.
And because of that, it did suspense well, which takes care of point two.

But yeah. I have no idea how this was supposed to challenge racial views or anything. I mean why the fuck did it even need to be black people? They could have anybody for the procedure. The movies answer was because it's 'fashionable.' And that's just a stupid answer with no meaning.

The whole movie I just wondered why Peele felt the need to make it racial if he wasn't going to make it... you know, racial.

it fits with the other shit though especially with the dad's speech about culling

its both things

I think Peele needs his co-comedian to be good.
This movie was okay, but lacked... something.

I think if Kenan would have been a part of it, they could have made something spectacular.

AW was perfect in this

Her entire career is based on unrealistic sexual partners


The moment they hit the dear i said to myself, I get the fucking metaphor, he's the deer, ha ha ha...then we got to the house, and there was a taxidermy dear trophy on the wall. A "buck" if you will.

Student film level subtlety there.

>Jordan Peele commented that this is a movie that has to be watched with people and I couldn't agree more. You'll be jumping and shouting with your fellow audience members, laughing too (even when the movie doesn't exactly call for laughter)
I hope the chair you're sitting on explodes and sens shrapnel into your prolapsed rectum.

more of her pls

do you like her as a boy?


yes yes yes

>Rich whitey's hate the black man
>Rich whitey's use black people to put their consciousness into
>Rich racist whitey's now have to spend the rest of their lives as a nigger

only one i got sorry

I didn't know they made a legend of zelda movie

>horror movie
C'mon man. Lower your expectations. Horror is dead.

RT is literally the Affirmative Action of movies

finally some actual criticism

I was wondering why Chance was plugging this movie on instragram