About half a year ago I discovered, that my maternal grand mother was jewish...

About half a year ago I discovered, that my maternal grand mother was jewish. Though my mother - and later on I - was raised christian, according to jewish laws I'm a jew.
So I am considering to convert to judaism, because as a jew in Germany, you can basically do and say what you want.
I want to use this to convert people to the right.
I don't want Germany and Europe as a whole to be transformed to Africa2.0/Middle East2.0.
So my question is how hard is it to convert to judaism?
Do I have to learn Hebrew?
Do I have to get circumcized?
What's the whole process?

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off kike


You can also do and say what you want as a
Muslim, converting to Judaism will be too difficult for you anyway.

Congratulations! Now you can chose, if you want to be hated for being Merkel Germoney or a kike.

But you might want to ask this later on, most of the American Jews are still at work.

>inb4 Jews

But why?

You will get drastically different answers from orthodox, reform or secular Jews. Just as with evangelicals and "lesbian, protestant bishop in Sweden" among Christians. I'd just go to the next synagogue and ask around. But check out what kind of Judaism it teachesfirst.

Orthodox conversion is really demanding.
Reforms will accept anyone, but no one takes them seriously.


You're definitely going to need some documents to prove to the rabbi, OP, good luck. You will be our man behind enemy lines.