I'll start:
>the editing in suicide squad was atrocious
Prove your not a blind follower and name 1 (one) criticism you have of DC
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 civil war webms
batman v superman had a terrible script
Rushing their entire cinematic universe. Basically introducing a lot of characters at once, cramming them all together, waiting a few years after MOS to make a new one instead of using that time for other justice league character solo movies, etc. I like the movies themselves but the entire universe feels like it's in such an odd order and just plain unorganized.
not enough hot naked batman v superman action
The acting in Man of Steel was bad, but Russell Crowe's portrayal of Jor-El was especially bad. Completely flat, boring, and forgettable as a character. There's a reason Brando is so often praised. His portrayal of Jor-El is one of the most under appreciated performances of all time. He gave that character (and the opening of Donner's first movie) heart and soul. The fact that he read his lines on cue cards only makes it more impressive.
>You will travel far, my little Kal-El, but we will never leave you, even in the face of our deaths.
>provide me ammo for my personal vendetta towards Marvel because I'm too busy trying to damage control for Iron Fist
No thanks. do your own work, Mouse cuck.
personal vendetta towards DC*
I'm going to bed.
The entire DCEU is built upon a poor foundation, and tries to cater to both comic fans/general audience while successfully failing to make either happy. Comic fans are pissed about the rush job/liberties taken with the content, and regular moviegoers are either confused or too used to the Marvel formula. WB has the tools to wipe the floor with Disney, yet they cant seem to decide what they want to be or how to handle their characters. I want a hard reboot, with new everything.
The Joker sucks ass
True. It felt like I was watching Natural Born Killers.
Fuck off SJW
OP is engaging in a classic Chinese/NK subversion technique: make your enemy admit the faults of his own country to build seeds of doubt in his mind
Fuck you, Marvelfags can at least admit when something is shit in their fandom
>Thor movie plots
>Iron Man 2
>Probably Iron Fist
>Second half of any Netflix show
All of their movies (that don't have Nolan behind the camera) suck.
wait how am I SJW?
Doomsday CG.
Is that Wonder Woman
DC needed to establish batman's character with his own movie before sending him after Superman in BVS. A movie that could have also had more about the joker before just tossing him into a few scenes from Suicide Squad.
btw, It is my opinion that Suicide Squad is nearly flawless movie and is better than anything DC has done so far.
This. We're not asking for ANOTHER origin story (god knows we've seen the Waynes shot enough already), we just needed a framework that established who this Batman was, and by extent Gotham and the villains, before Bruce went apeshit. Like take for instance the Flash cameo in SS, I dont know a single goddamn thing about this version of Barry Allen so why should I fucking care?
Get fucked, DC fags
>Superman calls his mother by her first name
Fucking disrespectful fucking faggot.
They make superhero movies.
Would you prefer he cried "mommy" while Batman beat him up?
He was trying to tell Batman someone was in danger
>this is KUH-TANA
every tiem
I loved Man of Steel and BvS but Suicide Squad was absolute shit.
>shit editing
>shit music
>shit CGI villains
>shit climax
>shit everything
Seriously a horrendous movie.
>pretending to be enlightened
>having the same criticisms as literally everyone else
Have fun being euphoric though. Im sure the classy qt's will like it.
>being this desperate
Guardians not looking great huh shill?
They didn't give me the stuff I grew up with as a kid so I don't care for them.
Here's one:
Drop Aquaman and Cyborg and give us a Justice League with Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow.
I don't even read DC comics, but I know that Martian Manhunter was based as fuck.
Fuck David S. Goyer for insulting Martian Manhunter fans and calling She-Hulk fans "sexists".
>Drop Aquaman and Cyborg and give us a Justice League with Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow.
almost all cape stuff is shit.
this coming from a guy who writes un ironic cape fiction
yes it is also shit
The DC cinematic universe isn't creatively weird enough.
I really want to see some golden age throwbacks, some elseworlds stuff, maybe even new villains or heroes like Sandman (not the Gaiman one) or Zsazz.
They should have went totally left field when starting the universe, like going full Golden age.
Wonder Woman SHOULD be a bondage slut.
Shills are becoming a real problem, we can't look the other way for much longer
You know what's the worst part?
A sexy, fit female as Wonder Woman could've influenced more women to drop anorexia and aim for fit, thick and beautiful figures.
But instead, WB/DC chose a woman who looks like a skeleton, still looks like a skeleton and will convince more women to look like skeletons.
BRAVO WARNER! You've just reinforced anorexia.
oh boy
>muh oscar
for makeup! hahahahaha what a joke
What's the point in Martian Manhunter when you already have Superman and Green Lantern? Give me a reason beyond "he was in my cartoon"
What's the point in Vision when you already Scarlet Witch?
Martian Manhunter is way more cosmic than Superman and he's literally cooler than Superman.
Martian Manhunter, unlike any of the other characters, has no home beyond the Justice League, his alienation from mankind is even greater than Superman's and as a character with less "iconic" stories there's more freedom to maneuver with him.
You just described the importance of women being positively represented in media and the importance of body diversity for women. You're probably also someone who hates "SJW"s and calls Feminism "cancer".
>Martian Manhunter is way more cosmic than Superman and he's literally cooler than Superman.
But they already have Green Lantern (and by extention the Green Lantern Corps). If this was a cartoon then sure throw in 10 random DC heroes. As far as movies go MM has nothing to offer. Already done the lonely alien shtick with Superman.
Shut up, you. I'm bitter there's never going to be a beefcake She-Hulk in live-action.
Why are marvel bros such SJW cucks? Who gives a fuck about that? DC already gave us a hundred thousand sluts being half naked this halloween
You should probably stop posting the same pictures in every thread, my little concern troll.
>Calling someone a cuck for wanting more healthy women in media
This is why women are anorexic. Gay men discouraging women from being healthy is the worst thing in modern society, today.
The circumstances for which Enchantress was able to get away and free her brother was horseshit... like, Waller seriously didn't consider that she would just port away when she was asleep?? Lazy as fuck writing, but honest to God my only criticism of the DCEU to date. Everything else has been perfect so far, but I have a feeling that's going to change with Wonder Women though.
I thought enchantress doing that stupid hip wiggle shit was very distracting
Would be princess carried by.
It's almost as if it has simple, stupid mistakes any moron with a basic knowledge of film can point out
Characters are nothing like DCAU - the only bearable capeshit there ever was.
>They hired the guys who edited the trailer to edit the film
>and people liked it
and it got an oscar. Check mate!
they didn't do the makeup
>Mouse cuck.
kek so fucking bitter
Not for editing.
The least you can do after being exposed is not to embarrass yourself. Have some decency
>a bunch of anons posting the same picture is being exposed
Go back to sucking plump rodent ass, I don't have time to deal with salty flick lovers.
Wait is this shill right? The MCU has only made 11 billions? That's... actually not that much, considering their production and marketing budgets, the distributors and theater's cuts and that the Mouse paid 4 billions for the franchise. Fuck, Iron Man 1 and Avengers 1 made more than a billion each and those weren't made by Disney. I guess they make money with merchandising because that doesn't look that great of a business on it's own
They're putting together a story that really does incorporate a lot of deep comics lore, but their fanbase is being ignored by normies that think they know the material. They can't keep relying on the fans to explain things.
It's a shame, really. If this were literally any other subgenre of film, it would get a pass, but since it's "capeshit," people think they can just turn their brains off and go in blind.
I love DC but most of the movies they've released lately are lacking story-wise.
Shame as they really have interesting characters.
Suicide Sqaud is worse than any marvel film made.
BvS though is a masterpiece.
People can't handle visual narrative and need hard exposition watered down with quips nowadays
>being this assblasted over simple criticism
This is why Sup Forums doesn't have discussion, just autists, and stale memes.
>don't be blind follower who defend it
>it's ok if you blindfully hate it though
Aside from the movies being shit, their fans are always giant sacks of embarrassment who can't go a single sentence without fucking up.
ugh, Sup Forums memes are the freshest!
Not enough jewfus
I'll start by saying that this is just speculation based on what we've heard and seen. Anyway, I found Man of Steel boring, but really really liked BvS.
But my problem is the ultra grim post-apocalyptic future where the DCEU is headed. I think it was a mistake to tease us with the destruction of the earth, 'cause now it feels like they're forced to keep going straight at that future. I'm afraid it really takes the freedom away from the movies. How can you have possibly fun movies when the apocalypse is right around the corner. I don't need comedies, but I do enjoy lighter movies (alongside with the darker stuff).
It's an unnecessary chain that they could do without.
T. DCuck that can't accept that their cinematic universe is just a steam of hot garbage
There is not one likeable character in the entire franchise thus far.
>El Diablo
>Amanda Waller
>Lex Luthor(this one's personal)
>What's the point in Martian Manhunter when you already have Superman
So that superman didn't need to be in every issue. Justice league had A listers like batman and superman involved so they could pad the team with other capes that can't cary their own title.
Avengers was pretty much the same formula.
Stop watching capeshit
>lacking story-wise.
I'd say BvS's problem is that it has way to much happening in the story department.
Theres a solo superman movie in there, part of a batman movie, and part justice league movie.
Batman and superman are probably the recognizable characters after mickey mouse, WB has no reason to be rushing their franchise.
I loved Suicide Squad but it was hugely flawed.
The biggest criticism I have is that you have all these characters who are interesting, but you never get enough of any of them outside Harley and Deadshot. Then you have the weird beginning where the characters are introduced to you at least twice. And there's no real chemistry between them. Harley just sort of returns for no real reason. And the whole plot is really cliche "bad guys going to destroy the city/world and good guys gotta stop 'em" story when the team would be better off going up against a terrorist cell and just like murdering the terrorists. Send them into a politically sensitive place where the US government can't really operate, so they send in the Suicide Squad since they're just supervillains to everybody else. Movie is also just too PG-13 when it should be an R.
Right. Honest opinion. Im a yuge DC fan but here is the fairest criticism of their films ESPECIALLY Batman v Superman. I'll spoiler because trigger warning.
runtime should be longer
Still more Oscars than the MCU
The El Diablo "family" speech felt like it came out of nowhere. There should have been more buildup towards it IMO.
But every part of Marvel is bad? Even Iron Man 1 was a quip fest.
Suicide Squad was pretty bad.
Man of Steel and BvS are absolute kino though.
WTF i love DCEU WW now.
who the fuck want bodybuildermanlike women, you faggot!
the optimal would be between Gadot and those
The DCEU is over and it died of success. MoS and BvS were KINO but Suicide Squad was the real Marvel BTFOer, now all their movies are going to be like that shit. Fucking plebs
The way they used music in suicide squad is the worst i have ever seen
My criticism is that only Suicide Squad got an oscar.
MoS and BvS were outstanding.
Snyder has brought a whole new level to capeshit, he deserves recognition.
>runtime should be longer
No, the script needed another draft or two to streamline it.
All the women I see in the streets could use a little bit of anorexia. Or at least a salad.
I genuinely don't know how this won over star trek beyond.
Croc was the only one I really saw with any kind of good makeup or prosthetics, and hes a non entity for the entire movie until the very end.
Meanwhile beyond was full of great ayy lmao makeup.
Figured it should have won out of sheer variety.
>Suicide Squad was literally so bad that if you replaced some of the A-list stars like Will Smith and Margot Robbie with nobodies then it could have been a made-for-cable, Sci-Fi channel movie.