Name a better way to get all your kino and TVino than pic related

Name a better way to get all your kino and TVino than pic related.

I'll wait.

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watching television and going to the movies

celebrity waifus bring them to my efficiency apartment

Buying blurays?

I'm serious, it's that good.

Nigger, please.



They all get their movies from the same source. Yesmovies is the nicest looking one.

Going to movies. I get free movie tickets as a work benefit, so I don't have to pay anything.

wow, this is a totally new way to find porn!!!

It really is.

deluge > utorrent

I use transmission, it does everything I need. Deluge has a shitty interface on windows.


how do you use it to find porn?

You don't.


who the fuck still uses microtorrent in 2017? Having fun with your botnet, lad?


fuck off cunt stop bumping dead threads

>proprietary software

qBitTorrent is ok.

t. shill

>not tixati with potplayer

>paradox and warez-bb are down


usenet > > sabnzbd

yeah torrents have a much larger selection and don't get takedowns, but i mean if all you want is last weeks episodes and movies it gets the job done. so i'll take downloading over ssl with unlimited speeds over not paying for a vpn and getting fingered by my isp again because i was caught pirating


what kodi addon for live tv every free one i've tried doesn't have us cable channels

>tfw tasted private trackers and I can't go back
You guys don't know what you're missing, good encodes get me rockhard

if there was a 720 or better copy on the internet I'd much rather stay home and watch it even if I had free tickets

usenet is still active after all these years?



>getting fingered by my isp again because i was caught pirating

are you 12?

i know right?

I use Deluge. Is that bad?


2.2.1 represent


If I told you half of Sup Forums would sign up and fuck it up, so naaa. I'll keep it to myself.



>banned from most trackers
>meme player
Unfuck yourself, lad.


mah negro
no reason to use anything else

>meme player
You just say that because you never used it, right? Because that's very retarded, calling a player 'meme'

except the exploits

not good

>stream any torrent tv show or movie
>not good

Pick one.