This movie was about how incarcerated blacks are modern day slaves

This movie was about how incarcerated blacks are modern day slaves

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This movie was about how blacks are mentally incapable of personal responsibility

Wait, you mean people who commit crimes are sent to prison?


roll and also niggers



These digits are why you need to check em.




Oh no, lads I'd better die




>"Cops will LITERALLY find any excuse to arrest and imprison blacks!"
>Blacks still commit disproportionately high amounts of offenses anyway

Fuck, this is not what I wanted.

he is summoned

actually it was about how law enforcement legislation since the 1860s has been based on irrational societal fears and is written not to protect citizens and rehabilitate criminals, but to lock up as many people from poor areas for minor drug offenses as possible so politicians can appear "tough on crime", and to appease private prison firms who write checks to these politicians. this is framed as "modern slavery" due to these poor areas being mostly black and as an artistic device.

unless you're a Sup Forumstard then it's just "dude niggers lmao"


>from slave to criminal with one amendment
what a shitty title

>irrational societal fears
fear of getting my property stolen is irrational?

>but to lock up as many people from poor areas for minor drug offenses as possible so politicians can appear "tough on crime"

Didn't black community leaders demand a crackdown on drug offenses given the skyrocketing crime rates in the '70s/'80s?

>but to lock up as many people from poor areas for minor drug offenses as possible so politicians can appear "tough on crime"
Rudy Giuliani was tough on crime, and NYC became inhabitable again. Are you saying being tough on crime is a bad thing?

Oh, those poor criminals. We need to stop the evil white man from imprisoning our criminals.
We need sanctuary cities that allow our criminals to freely commit crimes without being oppressed by the police.
Criminals are the future of America. Sorry to burst your bubble honkey, but that's just how it's gonna be.

>the prison industrial complex is okay because black community leaders don't like drugs

you know, why people get arrest too. More prisons and dumb things like mandatory minimums hurt everyone

>mandatory minimums hurt everyone
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time?

Only 9% of prisoners in the United States are incarcerated in private prisons, and this number is dropping. You're going to have to think of a new excuse for black incompetence

>adverse social conditions cause black men to commit more crimes
surely you see the disconnect here

So just stop committing crime
How is this hard?
If you know possessing drugs will land you a long stretch in prison, then why the fuck do you have drugs?
Are these people retarded?

NYC crime rates were dropping for three years before Giuliani became mayor. He cracked down on graffiti and marijuana. It's all just a charade

I'll check them for you, user.

>you know, why people get arrest too
Assuming you meant "white people", you seem to be under the impression that I am some tribal nigger who thinks an injustice against one white person is an injustice against all white people. I am not one of those people. I believe in personal responsibility. If you're selling drugs, get DUIs, commit robbery, etc, you deserve to be removed from society because you are broken.

>Black communities are ground zero for all the pathologies involved in the drug trade (addicts shooting up in public, harassing passerbys, the inevitable chaos caused by the 8th Side Ballers and the 10th Street Kings latest feud over prime drug territory)
>Black community leaders act accordingly and demand harsher sentencing for drug crims
>"Yeah, uh, well, fuck them, the prison industry complex is the real enemy, not the drug dealers and addicts causing havoc for the rest of the public"

ACSHUALLY crime rates began to drop when Giuliani and his commissioner Bratton implemented COMPSTAT which pushed for officer accountability and better tracked crime and adapted to those trends, something that Koch and Dinkins didn't bother to do.

You guys know that the majority of prison inmates are in for violent crimes, right? Drug related offenses account for less than 20% of inmates.

But nah, all the poor oppressed niggers are only in jail because of tiny little drug charges. Them good boys, them dindu nuffin!

>y-you aren't allowed to dislike crime and dislike the prison system!
>you have to pick one and only one

how fucking stupid are you? Stop making up strawmen so you look strong knocking them down.

the point is that the laws are fucking ridiculous and don't apply to you if you're rich and white enough. my friend got caught driving stoned with a backpack full of weed in his car and got a fine and the weed taken away. I don't even have to tell you what would have happened to him if he was a black guy in the ghetto.

a) crime rates dropped a greater rates under Giuliani than Dinkins
b) Broken windows didn't become policy only after Giuliani took office in 1993. Bratton was enforcing it as head of transit police in 1990

>I don't even have to tell you what would have happened to him if he was a black guy in the ghetto that had already amassed multiple priors

Fixed that for you

He would get fucked if he was any race in the ghetto.
Places with more crime get harsher sentences to try to curb that shit.
Again, how about they stop committing crime?

I'm gonna watch this now but I swear to god if it brings up Trayvon or any others I'm dropping it.

It doesn't at all

>the point is that the laws are fucking ridiculous and don't apply to you if you're rich and white enough
So wait the police are willing to be more lenient to the person who actually has a chance at success and turning his life around than the one who likely has more than one offense on their record, a broken home, no education?

it's culture

A destructive culture


Yea absolutely
My only issue is when people say it's genetic instead of cultural. It's absolutely because black culture idolizes violence and crime, not because they have some phantom "criminal" gene cluster, that's nonsense.

I definitely agree it's a destructive culture
At the top of page 14

Teach blacks to stop fucking each other without birth control at young ages, which leads to rampant teen pregnancy, which leads to fathers abandoning their kids, which leads to single mothers dependent on the state, which leads to boys growing up with violent influences around their neighborhood full of single mothers, which perpetuates the cycle.

>nigger breaks car window, steals radio and buys crack
>h-he did it because of racism
Meanwhile Mr. Goldstein screams modern day slavery while having stock in half of these prisons

Mass availability of abortion seems to be solving that problem effectively enough.
Who knew you just had to eliminate the next generation of blacks to solve black crime.

>Extremely polarizing views
>Deals with zero (0) counterarguments, just conveniently sweeps them under the rug (for instance: "white men raped black women a lot during slavery." Then no mention of current statistics
>"Fearmongering leads to discrimination! Stop playing to people's fears!" - cue grainy closeups of Trump with ominous music
>Clumsy and overused word jumbles made by a high schooler

One of the worst documentaries I've ever seen. No subtlety or humility. Or technical quality, for that matter.

Y'all missing the big picture. Ask yourself who profits most by keeping blackes niggers, and why they crucify nigger who breaks the chains of their dogma

>Who knew you just had to eliminate blacks to stop crime
I'm glad people are learning.

bill apologized, wtf i love hillary now

prison work where you get paid $0.13 an hour is slavery. stop making it racial.

they're lucky they get fucking paid at all. they're in prison.

>Generally a net gain on the economy

>Generally a met negative on the economy

I fucking wish they were slaves.

why niggers commit so many crimes?

Welfare is the modern day enslavement of blacks.

dude uhhhhh RACISM and MUSIC VIDEOS

more like modern day theft of taxpayer dollars.

Does it also talk about black crime rate? I'm guessing no?

And does it also talk about how proportionally when taking crime, population and firing on cops etc. Into account white men are killed by police more disproportionately than blacks?

Does it talk about how universally blacks are low intelligence and high crime?

A genetic predisposition for poor decision making and inferior higher though, which is exacerbated by both a culture that glorifies criminal activity and a political environment that discourages proper acknowledgement and solutions to the problem.


Why not both?
Emotional intelligence isn't just taught, its genetic too

>I dindu nuffin offisah!.
>Dos people were dead and set on fyah wun I got here rayycist!
Fucking niggers.

>be bix nood
>get caught doing heineous crime
>get sent to private prison
>duh gubbamint be treatin me bad

13th Amendment
>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
But not really, in full its actually
>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS A PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
>Approximately 12–13% of the American population is African-American, but they make up 35% of jail inmates, and 37% of prison inmates of the 2.2 million male inmates as of 2014 (U.S. Department of Justice, 2014)

Or we could just sterilize them all, and get rid of the whole problem easily and swiftly.

oh my

ITT: white kids obsessed with black people