How the hell can rick love and have sex this thing?
hot bod
All the other prospects like that smoking hot damaged milf are dead. Michonne can take care of herself so she'll always be available and can probably ride a mean one. Rick is just a mortal man with needs and if you turn off the lights I'm sure it's all the same.
>if you turn off the lights I'm sure it's all the same.
black peeps smell different and are ashy
Holy shit...
Top tier body, is a survivor, loyal as fuck, and really likes his son. She's perfect waifu material for Rick.
>tfw you look exactly like her and have to endure threads like this
hurts my heart to be honest
White people are literally the only people I've met that when they have access to a shower think its ok to skip showers and be smelly. I've known some poor as black people that literally had issues with it and hated and I've known Asian people that didn't actually need to shower every day but did. But my white friends would stink and still think it was ok to skip showers
I'm sure all I would smell is wet pussy but I've never fucked a black chick. Maybe someone with more experience can chime in here.
She's actually pretty qt irl (with makeup and without the ugly wig).
He doesn't have many other options. He could cuck Glenn, but everyone would probably lose respect for him and turn on him. Plus, Glenn already put his seed in there. Rick doesn't want to deal with another fucking kid. He could go for Carol, but she's damaged goods. Also Daryl would probably turn on him. He could fuck Tara (Kek no she's fucking obese and gay), he could go for Sasha or Rosita, but they're both crazy. And you never stick your dick in crazy. The only other option is to cuck Carl and fuck that ugly little bitch. If it bleeds, it breeds, amirite? But as far as I know, Rick isn't attracted to underage girls. Michonne is by far the best choice here.
Back in high school I used to never want to fuck/date a black girl anf thought white girls were top tier. Now I'm open to dating any race and have no real preference as long as they do no have hair arms tbfh
What backwards shithole do you live in? Literally every white person I've ever known will take 1-2 showers a day.
Maggie wouldn't have sex with Rick. Sasha and Rosita would not have sex with Rick. Enid wouldn't have sex with Rick either. If he couldn't fuck Michonne his only chance at getting laid would be finding Laura.
>as long as they do no have hair arms tbfh
Fucking gay.
I'm guessing some anus of a state in the southeast.
You're a god damn liar. City white folk love to skip showers
I've fucked a black chick.
It was literally just like fucking a white chick, but she was definitely the craziest girl I've ever fucked.
That bad that you couldn't say huh? Water is so cheap where I live it's basically free. Some counties here actually have free water. "Sure" says cletus.
A wise man once said "Morals and ethics are privileges of a rich society." I think a similar philosophy could be applied to dating. Rick doesn't have the privilege to be picky. Besides, she's the only woman in the show who has ever deserved Rick.
In a post-apocalyptic world? Based on basic human history, Rick would just rape people.
Almost every girl doesn't shave their arm hair. That's just natural.
Black user here. I skip showers all the time.
I noticed this as well. They do this thing like a "bath" where they just soak themselves in bubles and call it a day. Some white coworkers say they skip showering if its too cold. wtf
If they're going to shave the legs they might as well go one step further.
legit tho, sometimes you just dont need a shower that day, especially in winter
Looks aside, I always felt these two would've made the perfect non-intimate partners in crime. But instead, they have really awkward and forced sexual interactions, I mean, did he ever give a sliver of a fuck about Lori? obviously not because she is NEVER brought up.
When you're over 25 you just don't care anymore about having the hygienic habits of a porn actor.
lol imagine arm stubble
Ton of work desu and it doesn't make a difference. I'll admit when I first started dating my first gf I was thrown off by her arms, but I got used to it and stopped caring. Legs are a different story.
you are being obtuse, user was comparing the similarities of the OP shot and this vintage, vintage image. This image transcends racism.
I prefer to be able to see my waifus
t. cocky fag who finally realised he needed to lower his expectations
Is going to become to new "autistic screeching" at this rate?
was he in tonights episode? Only reason I watch this piece of crap is for Negan
>6 seconds
>black and white
looks like garbage
Haven't seen him yet but you can safely skip the first 20 minutes because it's just kung fu nigger and token black muslim talking nonsense.
the episode was b/w you mong
>6 seconds
ever heard of high bitrate?
notice how smooth the webm is
I meant that black and white should require less bitrate compared to colour. 4000kbps seems excessive
do you miss the part where I said it looked like garbage? Maybe that was how it actually looked in the show though, I can't remember
Limited options, good personality, not likely to get killed. I'd fuck it too if I was Rick desu.
Haven't seen that one in a while.
Niggers gonna nig
She will die just as Andrea recently did in the comics and then we will finally enter the glorious days of NeganxRick bromance.
I would.
>Hipsters smell as bad as they look
Well no fucking shit.
yeah, WE KNOW, everyone arounds you knows. just take a fucking shower
Better than cheap CGI
I'm just waiting for megashark vs the walking dead.
bend over, man! bend over!
How the hell can he not unless he HATES black people?
You fucking ugly nigger. HANG
That's because you fucked a literal monkey. Nigger apologist. HANG
Shower. It's nasty. HANG
dem lips doe. mmmm.
Let me just say, he's a very diverse character.
I don't care if you're black, white, whatever. Michone is simply not attractive, not by black people standards and not by white people standards.
It's not racist to point out that she just isn't pretty, like at all. There are tons of gorgeous black women out there and Michone isn't one of them.
She's also a bit masculine and that's really gross. She tends to be sweaty too.
Well the kid's got the lean nailed dow at least.
she's an 11 by black people standards. have you seen what they have sex with?
>Black man has sex with white woman on screen
>White man has sex with black woman on screen
Would it be possible for anything to air on television that you wouldn't take issue with jewish people over.
Yea, chimps. We have all seen Planet of the Apes.
Nothing quite like the mental image of Rick squatting down above his unsuspecting sleeping victim. Completely naked, bits hanging about.
He rubs his hatchet against Maggie's cheek she is suddenly startled awake... she goes to scream but Rick clamps his hand down on here mouth.
"this isn't a democracy any more" he whispers as he inserts his axe handle up her shithole...
>rick and carol are literally male and female copies of each other
>carol will take michonnes comic role and get EZEKIELED
plz just kill her off before it happens... carol is a strong independent woman who don't need no man let her die as so.
With that hair dude? Why? That's a conscious decision to have that disgusting shit. I have zero issues with black people, but I have nothing but contempt for people with that hair of Amy race or creed.
>implying Carl isn't going to kill negan when he sees him running around with Rick
Its coming dude. It sucks but its coming. I want negan and Carl to lead the saviors but negans time is coming up I just know it.
I'd even fuck and eat Olivia's fat puss a 100 times before even consider porking this sheboon.