Just saw the Disaster Artist (& Alison Brie's tits)
@ SxSW. Much better than I thought it would be.
(The boobs were smaller than I thought they'll be).
Just saw the Disaster Artist (& Alison Brie's tits)
really? shit
describe her nipels
Are the rumors about 28 years later true?
was brie penetrated?
how the fuck can you possibly get a more shit shot?
I know, cause it's fake
Can you give a summary?
Is Seth Rogen's influence noticable?
If true, this changes everything.
My whole life is now going to be reorganized.
He just has a tiny role what do you mean
no ass and just tits?
Would have preferred if James and Dave swapped roles desu
>alison brie's tits
What film?
Why her boobs? A sex scene w/ Greg? I'd figure we'd see Johnny's future wife's if anything.
His production company produced it.
I'm very scared for the console wars movie
Must know
standing ovation, nearly unanimous glowing reviews
the strange saga of tommy wiseau only gets more kino, what a time to be alive
How many belts was Tommy wearing?
Awh greg and tommy look so cute!
Just finished the disaster audio book, i cant recommend it enough. Greg does a spot on tommy voice
If you spoil anything pls use tags
What is there to spoil?
>inb4 cgi nipples
Post about Brie's tits, you literal fag
Please tell me they are quarter size?
Brie has offered to do nudity in films before, the faggot director said no. She wouldn't request CGI nips in this with it's low budget and her ties to the people who made it especially.
the longer opie takes to describe anything about the scene the sooner people will believe it's all bullshit
It is bullshit. I made up what OP said in posts I was making about this movie several times, saying the same thing. Search the archive if you don't believe me.
You see, I'm an agent of chaos.
Where's the trailer, senpai?
idk if op is just using pics from twitter from people who was at the event or not or legit
Sounds like an excuse
>Yeah I'd totally do a nude scene, but every director I've worked for turned my offer down lol
Reverse image search you dip
literally in every fucking intreview she goes on about how she walks around or runs around naked in movie sets and how its never been on film and shit. she likes to tease and thats probably it. so OP is probably full of shit
but i tweeted a dude who saw it and asked if theres nudity in it so we shall see
Gillian Jacobs did a nude strip dance.
Don't see why Alison wouldn't.
it wont show up on pics that was just uploaded to twitter like an hour or 2 ago
cuz brie is a cunt
>How was that?
Oh, so fun. I mostly would do that for comedic purposes, you know, to make people laugh. I would just run out and jump on a branch and be swinging.
Yeah! Nude in tennis shoes, because you don’t want to hurt your feet.
>People may have been fascinated by that for other reasons. It may not have been just pure comedy.
[Laughs] I think it was pure comedy. You’ve never seen me nude.
>Is that a sentence you thought you’d say during this interview?
Yes, I say it in every interview. I’m always reminding journalists that they have not yet seen me nude. I always end up turning the conversation onto nudity, I don’t know why.
>Do you want to go back to nudity?
I think I already am. In my experience on G.L.O.W., we would streak a lot on set—and when I say we, I mean me, and sometimes Betty Gilpin, my costar. We would have funny, funny streaking challenges. I do think that this job was really freeing and reminded me of who I was in college when I wanted to take risks, because as soon as the industry starts to put you in a box, you kind of do, as well. I think you get bogged down by what other people are thinking of you, and thinking about how you’re looking, and thinking about trying to be this perfect thing that everyone wants you to be. I’m just being myself, and having fun, and making other people laugh doing this.
ooh shit.. OP might not be lying
>female """humour"""
Sounds like more of a lolsorandum thing to endear her to her fanbase
Probably Tommy Wiseau's weird ass
>James Franco wearing a warped prosthetic
could be.. but If i straight up asked if it was Brie's tits i probably wont get a reply/tweet back so at least theres hope! Im sure we will know by tomorrow when more people speak up
The book is a masterpiece.
I'm dreading the film tbqh. Everyone involved is sketchy at best.
Have you read the book? If so does it do it justice?
Are Alison Brie's tits really good? She's old now and I'm also worried they might be past their use by date.
One nipple goes one way and the other goes the other. And this girl's saying "whaddya want from me?" The girl's got a nice head of brown hair. Beautiful.
are they light and pink are her areola large are her nips fat and long like milla jovovich
Dark brown and take up 80% of the breast.
Does she look like she does today or more like a chick from the 90s/early 2000s?
she doesn't have a sex scene
She plays Gregs gf, right? Is there much of his private life in the movie or more making of the Room and studio troubles?
>Alison Brie's tits
Pics or it didn't happen.
Who cares, she's past the wall now
Who the fuck cares?
The real important question is if her soles get any screentime?
Plz be true, I love huge nips
what a slut
This was already a must see but Alison Brie is as close as 3D can come to waifu
This. Many an actress refuses to show any skin throughout their twenties when they were actually attractive, but once they're into their thirties, with maybe a couple of kids, they get their tits out to try and revive their career and to show that they've 'still got it'.
Can you be anymore reddit?