Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a fantastic film that was wrongly snubbed by angry white...

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a fantastic film that was wrongly snubbed by angry white manchildren?

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It was legitimately a great movie, one of the classic comedies of all time.

I didn't watch it because it was shit.


>"Now that the dust has settled"

Get the nearest knife and shove it in your throat you fucking faggot

Didn't bother watching it. I'll watch HSN before I sit and watch that garbage on FX.

how do you know it was shit if didn't watch it?

Calm down.

Hes right you fucking faglord kill yourself degenerate

no/no/yes if i'm drunk or high/yes


It really wasn't worth the money to make it, honestly.

no. it was embarrassingly bad

If you paid money to see this you are a negative force on the film industry.

All memeing aside, it was the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen. I'm amazed that it was an actual studio picture with real money behind it because it's not just a matter of being a bad script. The film is an absolute clusterfuck that fails on nearly every conceivable level. Spiderman 3 is terrible movie, but at least it looks and feels like a movie. This was just like someone pieced together a series of semi-related SNL skits. And we're not even talking about beginning of the show skits, but post Weekend Update tier skits.

wasn't good. had a few decent jokes, but most fell flat. the original films didn't have many hard hitters either, but the personalities of the characters really made it comfy and enjoyable.
watching the butthurt online over the release of this movie was more enjoyable.

Streaming this pile of shit together with Sup Forums made the movie watchable

Honestly, this movie is a testament to everything wrong with Hollywood.

I don't watch any direct reboots as it's just lazy. I'll sometimes give a pass if it's atleast a sequel but a straight reboot goes straight into the trash.

Come up with an original IP you lazy fucks

This movie has more things wrong with it than I count but I was so confused, so utterly utterly bewildered to the point where I cannot comprehend the thought process behind it.

Why was Chris Hemsworth's character played like he had an IQ of 25?

Was he supposed to be this film's Janine? Played as a sassy New Yorker who didn't give two fucks? Nope...

Well another look, perhaps on the surface, this was an EPIIIIC TWIIIST on the beautiful but ditzy secretary, so why not a ditzy dumb handsome buff dude?

No, it went beyond that, he was functionality retarded, less IQ and brain functionality of that of a retard... every scene was him DURRRRR HURRRRRR UHDURRRRR HURRR

It was so bizarre and fucking strange, I cannot fathom the logic behind it

Maybe u can't fathom it bc ur fuckin dumb

I watched this the other day. It was really stupid and I found all of the silly fanservice throughout more annoying than the main characters (who were also not very entertaining.) I love these girls on SNL (especially MMc and KM) but the movie was awful.

it's better than ghostbusters 2
but hating this movie is a meme at this point also lol women make me angry!

>it's better than ghostbusters 2
You deserve everything wrong with your life.

>people now defend ghostbusters 2

what the fuck

Gtfo of here with that shit. It may not be as good as the first, but it's a great movie in it's own right with amazing chemistry between the cast, great humor, many memorable scenes, and a strong villain. To even compare it to this abysmal piece of shit, let alone call it worse, is insane.

>wrongly snubbed by angry white manchildren?

That's ironic considering the only people who liked it were white liberals. Other than that, it was universally hated by people of any race, color or creed.

Sup Forums INSISTED the numbers would flop......


What are you laughing about? It was one of the biggest box-office flops of its year.

Man, that Jackie Wilson song is pretty great.

Remember when the leaks said they fought a giant ghostbusters logo at the climax and people thought it was just bait?

it made $100 million


Paul Feig admitted himself it needed 500 million to break even

>Now that the dust has settled

protip: if you you want to bait anons, don't be obvious

Found the reddit warrior. Heres dinner.

I watched it and Hemsworth getting a sandwich at the end was the best joke by a wide margin.

alternative facts are not facts, Paul Feig never said this

I went to reddit once but got lost and couldn't see the pictures so I left and never went back

This, women are so much better than men at everything. Lol @ these virgins xD

Damn right :^)

no it was shit you gigantic retard shill and your bosses movie still flopped.

Why are you here if you don't know how movies work?
>As of Aug. 7, Ghostbusters had earned just under $180 million at the global box office, including $117 million domestic. The film still hasn't opened in a few markets, including France, Japan and Mexico, but box-office experts say it will have trouble getting to $225 million despite a hefty net production budget of $144 million plus a big marketing spend. The studio has said break-even would be $300 million.

Everybody forgot about this already. Just let it rot in the ditch it deserves where horrible movies are left to die.

Someone on Sup Forums told him it was shit


Nope, I had to watch this thing in two parts because I turned it off in utter disgust halfway through and finished it the next day.

9 million budget is really impressive. How did he do it? I'm sure James McAvoy's paycheck must represent at least half of that.

Mcavoy probably got a cut of the box office gross

Just off yourself you meme spouting shit.

even my normie feminist GF thought it was trash

turned it off after 30 minutes or so. the only movies i've ever seen her stop watching are this and the trolls movie

> -T Rotten Tomatoes
If your "comedy" script involves literally throwing Bill Murray's old ass out the window and killing him, find a different career.

>people unironically hate ghostbusters 2

>9 million
Holy shit m.night.shamamaman really is a kino director.

28 times it's budget.....Christ it's like printing money

Fuck the fans of the original movies and FUCK white people.