>Artemis is buff
>Wonder Woman isn't
>her power is magical! she doesn't have to be super buff!!
>movie makes sure to explain how they trained her harder than all others before her
>Artemis is buff
>Wonder Woman isn't
>her power is magical! she doesn't have to be super buff!!
>movie makes sure to explain how they trained her harder than all others before her
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Fake News
Why the fuck is Anne Wolfe acting?
More blackwashing oh boy.
artemis has always been buffer than diana tho
I wish they'd stop appropriating European and Egyptian culture. What ever next, a black Valkyrie ... oh wait
the comic version
>Artemis was born an Amazon to the Egyptian tribe of Bana-Mighdall. Eventually, Princess Diana of Themyscira, or Wonder Woman, found their city while searching for the villain Cheetah, after she had stolen her golden Lasso of Truth.
You know some soldiers can be more buff than others right?
>Comic book movies
who cares?!
>make protagonist a non-buff person so the audience (women) can more easily relate
>this is somehow a bad thing
artimes is a sandnigger tho
Sandniggers aren't black.
If you want the American audience to relate
>1/3 obese
>3/5 overweight
If she was white you wouldn't give a fuck. You racist assholes will find ANY excuse to complain about women, blacks, jews to justify your bias.
this chick would still make a better WW than Gal Gadot, and I'm not even memeing
Gal Gadot's casting as WW is one of the worst if not the worst display of raw jewish faggotry in hollywood. Something which I will never forgive
How many threads do you need up at once bitching about Gal Gadot? It's getting beyond autistic.
Jared Leto would make abetted WW than Gadot.
You know it.
Hollywood constantly equating Middle-Easterners/North Africans to blacks in movies is getting a bit tedious.
No wonder so many youths from that region turn to ISIS when the few roles available to them get stolen by black people.
So we went from White people to Latinos to now Blacks playing Egyptians in movies. Who's next in line?
Chinese Egyptians?
Cool. Anne Wolfe is a legit badass
Yeah Gods Chosen have jumped the shark as an entity in this society. Time for their memes to end.
>60% white
Some Ancient Egyptians were black though. It wasn't "we wuz all pharaohs n shit f a m", but if you look at the maps of Ancient Egyptian kingdoms they often included parts of modern-day Sudan.
I must be the only person on Sup Forums not giving a fuck about "blackwashing" as long as the nigger is hot/cute/talented
This. Also, Egypt was a major empire and a trading hub. There would've been shitloads of black merchantd and travellers, some of whom would have started families in the northern part of the Empire as well.
Is this a meme or do you really not know that there were and are black egyptians?
Sure, Nubians walked into Eygpt, traded, sometimes joined the Egyptian military and rose up the ranks sometimes but they weren't genetically 'Egyptian'
Yeah they called them slaves.
>genetically 'Egyptian'
Yes they were. Egyptian isn't a race dipshit, they came in a lot of different colors
you mean Nubians?
thats like saying Cleopatra was Egyptian so white Greeks were Egyptian
Lol nigger you are retarded.
No, they really didn't. This is the whole new Swedes bullshit applied to history.
Not really. I'm not talking about the Nubians who conquered Egypt and ruled it for a couple centuries (which would be comparable to the Ptolemaic Dynasty with Cleopatra), I'm talking about black people living in the southern parts of ancient Egypt and modern Egypt.
>No, they really didn't. This is the whole new Swedes bullshit applied to history.
Yeah they did f a m. You're legitimately retarded if you think Egyptians came in one fucking color and all looked the same.
chek ur smarts privilej
Both wrong.
Real life Amazons were from Scythian and Sarmatian cultures, so closest to modern day Poles and Russians.
That's a big axe
Niggers a nigger, no matter what.
Shut your whore of a nigger mouth and GTFO.
To be true, in the myth all amazons were black, they were balck women with gold armors and lived in a magical island/forgotten land called CALIFORNIA, don't laugh, I know it sound funny, but it's true, the american state was named after a mythological place, just google it if you don't believe me.
So that means casting Jew is pretty much canon.
But Gal was in real army.
Again Wonder Woman isn't supposed or need to be buff.
Even men cast are skinny to some versions of drawings of superheroes they play.
Overrepresented for sure
Are they going to fix her legs in post?
He was referring to Artemis as an ancient greek deity lol.
More importantly, are they going to give it tits in post?
Are you fucking retarded? The Amazon was named after the Greek myth.
>goddess of the hunt
the amazon not the goddess
>Even men cast are skinny to some versions of drawings of superheroes they play.
never saw superman, batman or any buff superheroe being skinny on comics
The Amazon Artemis isn't the goddess. Like Diana, she's merely a namesake of the deity.
You are right user don't let them tell yo otherwise. It's been delightful too see these poltards rage daily about their impotence.
my Artemis is fat as fuck
I like her thighs here.
Cry more you filthy jigaboo
Who cares
For the same reason schwarzenegger and the people from WWE are
DC has a Goddesses named Artemis and an Amazon with the same name
>never saw superman, batman or any buff superheroe being skinny on comics
Flashpoint Supes was skinny and so was Superman Returns
>this chick would still make a better WW than Gal Gadot, and I'm not even memeing
>Wonder woman muscles only matter.
Please excuse me, it seems your version of history varies wildly from my own
>Michelle Obama
Pick one
Looks like the Grinch
>What are Laestrygonians?
Not at all.
Southern Euros are related to Jews. Slavs aren't.
Please excuse me, you seem to be under the assumption that amazons and Greek gods actually existed
Hey, The Grinch has feelings too.
>no redhead
>no hot
>no slightly tanned
Why they hire harambe for almost any role nowadays?
Why can't you guys ever understand that comics!=mythology. Thor is not Thor. Zeus is not Zeus. Don't ever play God of War or your head will explode.
>in Constantine, Gabriel was a woman.
>Superman Returns
So sensitive and triggered. I bet you'll both reply to this post, proving how mad you are.
As someone with Egyptian heritage I take offense at all this "Egyptians are Black" trend, but I guess I don't matter because I'm not Afro American
>Get mad at Marvel for doing it to Valkryie
>casting a Black woman as Artemis instead of Nubia
? ? ?
Dude, we like the casting, we hate the one for the WW character though
>Black character should be played by Black people
Racist much?
To be fair he looks like a skinny dude with big arms in that particular picture. Then again the only thing I remember about Returns Superman was the need to erase his massive dong on post production.
I wouldn't call this skinny though
>There're Black Amazons in Themyscira
>They still blackwash the non Black Amazons
I'm getting tired of this trend to be honest
Like I said I don't remember him at all other than the penis controversy, all I said is that the picture posted above made him look skinny. Maybe it's the shirt or the thin neck.
Trends are brief, this shit is going to last. Bullshit is accepted as historic facts nowadays:
>Cleopatra being black
>Hannibal being black
>Scipio and a couple other Roman emperors being black
>People even pushing the Mozard was Black