What are some good youtube movie reviewers? I like RLM, AVGN an Jontron. Any others I should check out?
What are some good youtube movie reviewers? I like RLM, AVGN an Jontron. Any others I should check out?
Don't most movie reviewers just say every movie is amazing?
Can't believe I used to be subscribed to this tool.
maybe you should spend your time learning something productive and getting in shape instead of toiling away whats left of your youth on mindless pop culture drivel
Youtube reviewers universally suck. Read print reviews from non plebs instead.
double toasted. trigger warning for Sup Forumsacks: 2 main reviewers are black libs with white gfs/wives
Me, personally, I loved this movie.
He's correct though
Is he the most cringey manchild alive? He sounds like a 12 year old in all his videos, not the pitch of his voice, just the way he talks
Alt right pussies who cry about literally everything thread?
Dude multiculturalism but only for western countries lmao.
Kermode is okay
man that dude's life must be rough now
I always knew Jon Tron was Kino. But now I'm sure of it.
He's not wrong. Subscribed because /ourguy/tier now. Need to support the cause.
Just avoid renegade cut and YMS and you will be fine.
you have to go back.
>vindicated in his refusal to watch Ghostbusters as the movie was a tremendous flop
>still making videos and has now been turned onto Super Sentai
He's fine
>subscribing to a mudslime just because he parrots your views
thats pretty spineless for white nationalists
I was subscribed to him for years. I always enjoyed his content and I was following him before he got mainstream youtube attention. But he also shares my political opinion, which is a big plus.
Holy shit. Jontron is wrecking them!
WTF I love JonTron now
100% blocked afterwards
Holy shit, he's literally /ourguy/
Need to counter the jerkoffs that leave over political views
>we live in a timeline where that fat goof from gamegrumps is on the sight of truth and light
OK, someone 'upstairs' is definitely fucking with the controls.
ctrl leftists #BTFO
It's especially funny since the country he's from is banned by Trump from entering the US
He was born is USA, wasn't he?
He talks the same way people do to retards. Because he knows his audience.
I like StitchedTogetherPics. The costumes are fucking great compared to James Rolfes stuff, the skits are better than other reviewers (though still not great), but his observations are fucking spot on.
>mfw this is real
Dude, what the fuck going on, am I even in the real world anymore, this year and last year have been one wierd development after another?
Meme magic was awakened. I'm 100% serious.
He's still Iranian.
itt brain-dead sheeple needing someone to tell them how to think
Jontron's a fucking idiot
Elaborate. What do you think he said is wrong?
>being a racist
What the fuck do you even use language for if not to get information from other people?
no u
>white people go to Asia and say "There's too many Asians here. Let's do something about that."
Didn't white people do this exact thing with North America and natives?
And what happened with said natives?
>white guilt
Its a little late for that tired meme
That's not an argument against what he's saying, if anything that only supports it. Not to mention that more than 90% of them died from diseases anyway.
>tfw the best "gotcha" you can think of is something that happened over 200 years ago.
>also actually proves his point more than anything