>budget $40 million
>box office $739,696
>directed by Mario Van Peebles
>starring Nick Cage and other washed up JUST actors like Tom Sizemore
>that poster
>that title
How the fuck does something like this even get made?
>budget $40 million
>box office $739,696
>directed by Mario Van Peebles
>starring Nick Cage and other washed up JUST actors like Tom Sizemore
>that poster
>that title
How the fuck does something like this even get made?
Other urls found in this thread:
apparently its super amateur looking with shitty effects
Money laundering
>Me on the right
Was this the ship that the Jews kept bombing even though they knew it was americans ?
Cagekino confirmed
Sizemore looks like a chef on that poster
That was the liberty.
I would unironically watch this rather than the latest capeshit movie.
I always feel bad for the guy on his left shoulder having to be in these shit movies . and 40 million for what how much did cage get 10 million
It was actually pretty good, way better than Hacksaw Ridge
The same people that think Cage is an actor worth using still think that vcrs will make a comeback.
I don't think Cage is an inherently bad actor.
Like, if you put the guy in the right role with the right script and the right direction I genuinely feel he could pull of a good (if not great) performance.
I theorize that one or more of the following are the reason why he may SEEM like a shitty actor though:
>He has terrible representation
Either his agent is shit, or his manager is shit, or whatever casting agency hooks him up with movies is shit. At some point somewhere between a movie being made and Nicolas Cage being chosen to be in it someone with horrible decision-making skills gets too much power.
>He doesn't care
Some actors act as a job. Not because they see it as some great art form or some beautiful expression of creativity. Maybe the movies he chooses to appear in aren't the best movies (and he knows this) but they're the movies that are willing to pay the highest amount of cash for the least work required. Maybe acting is just a means to an end.
>He relies too much on his own judgement
This is kinda' the opposite of the first point. Maybe he refuses to listen to people he's paying to get him into movies and just does whatever he wants. While kinda' noble in that slightly retarded way, maybe he knows very clearly what he wants to do and happens to find himself in a position where that is exactly what he CAN do. He doesn't understand/care if the movies are all awful as long as he gets to wear a cool sailor-hat.
What the fuck I was earlier reading the wikipedia about the USS Indianapolis and saw this mentioned in it.
Cage was great in Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call: New Orleans Louisiana USA
I kind of agree with you. There are some clear circumstances holding the man back, but if those circumstances ever were to get fixed temporarily we might end up with a surprisingly good performance.
>those shark fins in the water
Or maybe he's a drug addict and wants to just make easy money doing shitty movies so he can get back to doing drugs.
I think that's covered in point two.
>not making topics based on peoples google analytic data trends on a daily basis.
65,000$ + a bunch of comic figurines
>(you) harvest gone wrong
Maximum edgecore
Cage is trying to pay off a ton of back taxes because it turns out his tax guy was a fraud and just pocketed whatever money Cage gave him for taxes
I plan to watch this because I like war movies and will watch anything in that genre. Cage is a good guy, and Sizemore is usually good in the soldier role, interested to see how much effort he puts into this one. People know him from SPR an Black hawk Down, but he's been in a few other shitty war movies too. He's my guy when it comes to war movies.
This and he also spent all of his money on frivolous things like multiple dinosaur skeletons (one of which was stolen property) and multiple private islands. It's really no secret why he does so many shitty movies.
Yeah, someone posted some webms here of the ship CGI and it is terrible.
Yeah this is the real reason he's been on such a string of shit lately. I agree wholeheartedly though, he's my favourite actor and I think he's very capable of delivering brilliant performances. Anything he's in is worth a watch.
Except the obvious tax problem he ran into, he is also known to have some legendarily bad representation. I heard his agent is his cousin or some such.
And a pyramid tomb
>what do you mean we should respect sovereign nations? were americans!
he had an Action Comics #1 too that he had to sell
I heard he paid an extra million to have it aligned with orions belt
I've seen this.It's shit.The negro antagonist is funny tho.
About half the survivors of the sinking were eaten alive by sharks. That's what makes it such a big deal, otherwise it would just be a story about some guys floating in the ocean until they were rescued.
that must be gods home planet.
hasn't Sizemore OD'd yet?
Serious question; how does this work? There is no cash involved.
cage is an oscar winner you fucking redditor pleb
>tfw no National Treasure 3
That means literally nothing to anyone. For fucks sake Renee Zellweger has won one and she can't act her way out of a bag.
I think acting your way out of a bag would be pretty fucking hard, what are you gonna do, act like scissors?
the dumb faggot who wrote that reddit inspired spiel implied that cage 'has the potential' to be a good actor, like hes only ever been in shit films and is yet to prove himself. when in reality hes been in many fantastic films and great roles like leaving las vegas, wild at heart, raising arizona, adaptation, moonstruck, bad lieutenant, the rock, lord of war, red rock west etc.etc. he actually has a fairly stacked filmography, only his contemporary work creates the perception that hes a hack to dweebs who dont have the agency to do any research on the man.
the >le nicolas cage is SUCH a meme actor who just CANT stop acting in SHIT and being a corny GOOFBALL FROM THAT EPIC REDDIT IMAGE
is the most reddit internet faggotry there is.
hes a brilliant actor who takes shit roles to pay the bills.
so in short, fuck reddit, fuck nu-Sup Forums and fuck you.
>There is no cash involved
Oh sweet child
Have you not heard of Leaving Las Vegas, Adaptation, Raising Arizona, Wild at Heart, Face Off?
The state of this fucking board.
>implying opinions of a few thousand people who are sent "gifts" by production companies and agents mean anything
>Nicolas Cage font is twice the size of the title
the oscars arent always a reliable metric of determining whether or not an actor/role is talented or deserving but nicholas cage in leaving las vegas is astounding, the academy did their job on that occasion.
>when acting in pain, cage sings in a falsetto voice
>when acting angry, cage sings in a falsetto voice
>when acting happy, cage sings in a falsetto voice
at the time most members are old aging people who idolize silent-film-era acting where they over-emphasize actions and expressions.
>My character is suppose to be about 30 years younger than I am in this movie
Lol that doggos face
> bruh look at it dood
This, only neophytes to cine are unaware of Cage's talents, plebs and internet faggots know him as the BEES OH GOD THE BEES and the reddit reaction image guy.
This story deserves a real movie. What a disgrace.
>Make an amateur porn movie
>Your name is 'Sizemore'
You can't make this shit up.
fuck you you fucking nerd you're lucky cage graced your comic book nerd-feed with his presence.
dat doggo is so cute
>How the fuck does something like this even get made?
"Hey Nick, you want to be in this movie?"
"Hell yeah!"
the nigger kid probably grew up to torture and antagonize it like most niggers do to animals.
When asked to pick their favorite/best actor, people pick an actor from their favorite/best movie irregardless of the quality of the acting.
Nicholas Cage is an average actor at best. People who think he's a good actor are erroneously equating their opinion of the movie with his acting.
stupid retard
you're an idiot
>no no no ignore the movies where nick's acting is atrocious just look at movies where he did not suck
a good director can edit out a bad actor's bad scenes and make him redo scenes until scene becomes palatable.
tax right off
>right off
illiterate baboon
I'm sorry the truth hurt you but it is the truth.
embarrassed for you
inbred hick
i'm sorry you don't know irregardless isn't a word my man
don't use a bigger word when a shorter one that actually exists and fulfils a real function does the job
thanks for playing
for you
ashamed of you
Hell I would love if I could get an actor like Cage for the lead role in my shity ass movie.
Hollywood (((accounting)))
I agree with your larger point though, Cage is a genius, just that Moonstruck is one of his earlier, extremely wacky roles
>Of the 880 who had survived the sinking, only 321 men came out of the water alive; 317 ultimately survived. They suffered from lack of food and water (leading to dehydration and hypernatremia; some found rations, such as Spam and crackers, amongst the debris), exposure to the elements (leading to hypothermia and severe desquamation), and shark attacks, while some killed themselves or other survivors in various states of delirium and hallucinations.[21][22]
Holy shit. Does the film show this?
Is there another film about this incident that does?
Arriving hours ahead of Cecil J. Doyle, Marks' crew began dropping rubber rafts and supplies. Having seen men being attacked by sharks, Marks disobeyed standing orders and landed on the open sea.[17] He began taxiing to pick up the stragglers and lone swimmers who were at the greatest risk of shark attack.[16] Learning the men were the crew of Indianapolis, he radioed the news, requesting immediate assistance. Doyle responded while en route. When Marks' plane was full, survivors were tied to the wings with parachute cord, damaging the wings so that the plane would never fly again and had to be sunk.[16] Marks and his crew rescued 56 men that day, more than one-sixth of the 317 survivors.[16]
Join the Navy, they said...
Congratulations, you got yourself exposed as a psychic mutant, what is the next step in your master plan?
>How the fuck does something like this even get made?
Tax writeoff
>While many of Indianapolis's survivors said McVay was not to blame for the sinking, the families of some of the men who died thought otherwise:
>"Merry Christmas! Our family's holiday would be a lot merrier if you hadn't killed my son", read one piece of mail.
wrong. user is obviously split-personality. other personality made thread.
>"Hell yeah!"
Aw shit I read it in his voice, with that perfect manic Cage tone, and even saw his excited face with those crazy eyes.
USS Liberty
>deliver atomic bomb parts
>get your shit pushed in by Jap Kamikaze torpedoes
I just had to pay to reserve a tiny shoebox sized tombstone / shrine thing for a grand parent in a highly sought over cemetery.
I can't fucking imagine how much that pyramid must have cost. Probably over 15 million dollars.
He's clean now.
it does, but after an hour of the most boring movie ive ever seen. theres even a goddamn cucking plot where one of the leads steals his best friend's love interest. its just a huge mess