/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
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Where did this 'embyro' maymay come from?
One of Emily Jean's movies!
It is my date of birth. What is prime birthday watching?
Please call an ambulance for me
Should I watch Conan tonight?
how are you today /lbg/? watch any kino lately?
if you want to
Dumb previous thread poster
Who would have thought the ill-advised sequel to Easy Rider made in 2011 would be terrible?
The Harder They Come is pretty cool, there's some moments of intertextuality that are absolutely 10/10.
I watched The East is Red a few days ago, closest thing to Kino I've seen for a week. I personally love #Horror as well.
there's an Easy Rider 2?
>tfw you discover synt is also a meme speaker who uses 'kino'
>and also subscribes to vulgautism by liking some garbage horror flick ironically
Guess the rumors were true
Yeah, it's got a very strange production history. Basically old man lawyer wants to fund vanity project Easy Rider movie/quasi-remake starring himself. Sues successfully to get the rights somehow and proceeds to make a very weird tribute film that also misses the point of the original entirely.
While the acting is a bit ropey it's actually shot surprisingly decently bar a few poorly lit interiors. The script and pacing is diabolical though and ultimately it's just a boring made-for-tv tier family melodrama with motorbikes.
I was responding using the other user's vernacular, that said I will admit I have no problem with the term. Why get so hung up about it?
Also #Horror is very good, don't believe the memes. And Tara Subkoff isn't VA, stop using that term to describe anything you don't like.
>Synt was 4 when I discovered 4chen
I shit on synt
On a scale 1 to 10, how pleb is synt?
Probably 1 point better than the autist who hates on him every thread.
dumb catposter
>it's only one person
Sure thing, synt boyfriend
Give one (1) reason why synt is a bad poster
I don't care
Look at his reviews lol
Here, enjoy masterwork :)
>tfw can't log this
What the FUCK was her problem?
Fedoracore taste/10
Average high school student film/10
>fight club and drive in favorites
jesus christ really
rate deer hunter you nigger
There you go again Sup Forums, using those buzzwords
>very, very seriously
This is why I don't make any sort of comment on lb
I started watching it but didn't get a chance to finish it yet.
Classic Mekas kino. Top comfy watch
>listed it as watched anyway
How come you would watch a movie but not rate it.
I don't get that.
>has the most obscure films no one has ever heard of
>doesn't even poster their letterboxd account
>has the most obscure films no one has ever heard of
maybe you should get some taste
>That awful feel when The Master gets the attention of the plebs.
Fuck. This is why Anderson should have kept a low profile. I hate the fact he's relatively mainstream now. This makes me sick.
>You hate that people enjoy a great film
>hating people
Where do you think you are?
ive got this one
>tfw am probably biggest embryo in thread but never post profile so no one knows
feels devilish senpai
>he's relatively mainstream now.
You think The Master is more mainstream than Boogie Nights?
>Lav Diaz
>Jonas Mekas
>Hollis Frampton
>this was considered super obscure in 2013
I don't know which of these are archive posting and which of these are replying to archive posting
I don't know which of these are archive posting and which of these are replying to archive posting
reply if you is gay
I'm not gay
*shitposts to bump le thread*
Well, I wasnt ready for fag porn
>Easy Rider 2
Surprisingly, after reading this, I kinda wanna see it.
fag porn > kino
real talk
boy finna boutta get laid
So do you guys just constantly watch shit moves on purpose so you can rate them poorly and seem super cool and indifferent?
Here's a quick rundown:
>/lbg/ bows to A-S
>this place is in contact with the upper echelons of patricians
>Amaranth has psychic-like abilities
>Miranna controls france with simple but decent taste
>Fabs lives in castles & controls /lbg/ from behind the scenes
>dropout_bear is a direct descendant of the royal bloodline of classical Americana
>Smoothhands will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Embyhold will be be the first city)
>m_obvs owns 99% of original content you see here on /lbg/
>next big movement you see on Sup Forums will likely have originated from here
>Most users are said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an army angels who will descend upon Sup Forums and will bring an era of taste and unprecedented philosophical progress with them
>They own film websites around the world
>You likely have slept's penis inside you right now
>Bel is in regular communication with the patron Saints of film, Theo Angelopoulos and Gregory Markopoulos, forwarding the word of Bresson to Mel Gibson. Who do you think set up the meeting between Chazelle & the Hollywood high command (First meeting between the two organizations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Hollywood's leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the film bunker in Wilkes land?
>Vulva created his own language and it took over in under a week
>other websites entrust their taste reserves with the general. There’s no taste on imdb, only letterboxd & mubi
>some have seen more than 3k films, as shown by humans' quantifiable runes currently accepted by our society
>In reality, many timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe travel across the infinite multiverse seeking their knowledge. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
>>Smoothhands will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Embyhold will be be the first city)
my favorite one
I have to say that I love the immediate impact that imdb shutting down is having on the new reviews popping up.
Anaylizing and understanding films is sure a lot harder when you don't have message boards to steal from.
Ex. Cache
>"In 1953, Truffaut wrote an essay for Cahiers entitled "A Certain Tendency of the French Cinema", in which he virulently denounced this tradition of adapting safe literary works, and filming them in the studio in an old fashioned and unimaginative way. This style of cinema wasn’t visual enough, Truffaut argued, and relied too much on the screenwriter. He and the others labelled it ‘cinema de papa’, and compared it unfavourably with the work of film-makers from elsewhere in the world"
13 years later he makes an adaption of Fahrenheit 451. What did he mean by this?
It's fun how the old guard is giving up and the profiles that are just joke reviews are gaining ridiculous amounts of traction.
Like arielrocks, adrianbalboa, Lucy
The plague is spreading.
Gotta keep that rating tracker even ya know?
Truffaut's adaptation was politically relevant, relied more on the visuals rather than the script, and Julie Christie plays two roles which it's pretty unique.
Only retards who follow the "mathematical distribution" meme. Also I've seen some people withholding a rating on good films so it doesn't change their scale. It's pathetic to say the least.
Dishonest film buffs General
So some people just treat watching films as a video game and need to have the highest score on their profile.
It's the idea that "If all films are good then none of them are" so some use the ratings VERY strictly.
It's as retarded as that "New Competence" theory.
Rec me now
recc u succ a dicc
But a good film rated lower just to even out the low ratings just ruins that.
Now your ratings are fake and don't mean anything of value.
Wasn't defending it, just explaining it.
It was an old troll tactic in these threads.
>Invisible Dad
>only 5/10
clearly mr gr1fter doesn't understand true kino when he sees it
hello i liek mobies
Dumb dishonestposter
Too bad its his worst film even though its alright
Horror Europa is currently on iplayer for any bongs, would recommend a watch
Worth it for the interviews with Argento and Serrador, both absolute masters who speak very intelligently/candidly about their films
It's a shame more stuff from Serrador isn't available
What did you rate it?
>short form
>video art
wow dude you sound super smart
literally almost perfect
Watch more film embryo