So what is your ideal casting call for the Denis Villeneuve Dune remake Sup Forums?

So what is your ideal casting call for the Denis Villeneuve Dune remake Sup Forums?


Idris Elba as Leto


95% black people for muh diversity

Paul can remain white, I guess, or maybe he can be half black or something

I suddenly relaise I dont remember seeing any black people in the original Dune. Was this Herbert's vision?

All Fremen will be black for certain. Which kinda make sense considering desert planet but boy oh boy, those blue eyes will look ridiculous on them.

I always imagined Fremen as sandniggers, so at least now diversity makes sense.


well it's based on islam and mud people so they are darkish

I'm Arab and if I don't go out much I stay kind of pale. We're basically white.

all the Atreides will be black women. all the Harkonnen will be white men (notice how there were no Harkonnen women in the book? hmmm).

all of the Fremen will be black women. all of the Guildsmen will be white men, except the navigator, who will be a black woman.

bene gesserit.. guess which?

>We're basically white.

This delusion.

It's true though. You might confuse some members of my family for Italian or Turkish.

At least Levantine Arabs are white.

Are they still gonna keep the homoerotic undertones with House Harkonnen?

Turks aren't white either you coon. Stop being delusional, noone would mistake an arab for white.

Have you ever even seen a white person?

>casting call thread

Ridiculously insufferable excuse for a board

Who will be the token faggot besides Baron though?

Baron can't be implied pedophile either, I mean, it's the current year, let's not shame pedos, alright?


>We're basically white.

So are mexicans and brazilians according of course to Sup Forums's userbase, a very white website certainly

>Lynch wanted him to be completely naked in this scene

What did he mean by this?

>my dad only watched the lynch film because of sting



Dune is inspired by the US Sowjet conflict in Afghanistan so it would make some sense desu.

I have pretty high hopes for it though whatever happens. Sicario was great and he has proven he can at least do sci fi with Arrival.

>All Fremen are Black
>Their savoir is White

Oh shit. You're right. That's some bad implication for our current year. Some of them have to be white. But only women

He really liked The Police.

A different director.

Dune is structured as a play, get Branagh to direct, but tell him he can't put a self-insert in.

I want legit ethnic casting.

So Leto and Paul have to be able to pass as mediterranean or middle eastern.

Jessica is white. If they make her black then you have to make the villains black.

Harkonnens are nordic looking types. Feyd has to be a good liking Aryan psycho type. Boyd Holbrook seems like a good fit.

Branagh as Liet Kynes.

God damn you, Branagh.

Why not make the Fremen Jews?

They are gonna be saved by a goyim male and will be riding giant uncircumsied dicks in the movie climax, it would be kino.

why does everyone hate on the david lynch film including d. lynch?

its pretty good for what it was
it wasn't perfect by any means but it was unique

Because he didn't have a final cut and got fucked over Universal looked at what he had and told him to trim that shit down to 2 hours, which he really didn't want to do, resulting in a cut that didn't satisfy him at all. And 4 years of his work bombed. And then those assholes started to ask him to do DC for TV and when he refused did it themselves.

Goddamn, I hope he does it right.... but so far no one ever has. I think the only version that could have worked would have been the Dune adaptation from Jodorowski, Dali, and Giger.

But I think there's a bit too much material in Dune to really fit well into a feature film without clipping out *essential* material.

It would really work best as some HBO mini-series with big money behind it and about a season to cover each book, like Game of Thrones. Any other way is likely to fail.

And if they start doing this shit. It will be dogshit. Recasting the characters as minorities and women will always doomed to fail; I don't think it immediately fails in principle, but it fails because they feel more concerned by preaching a SJW narrative than telling the story.

There are plenty of minority characters in the story as it is that are minorities without feeling the need to turn every white male into an ethnic or a woman. For instance the Fremen and Sardukar could easily be cast as ethnic characters, it makes the most sense for the Fremen to be Arabs as that is who they're based on.

For best casting, the Atreides family should be of British casting with an aristorcratic bearing. Harkonnen for some reason, I see as German-types.

So far the best adaptation was the David Lynch version and it was only good for about 20 minutes. It was pretty faithful in the beginning and the tone and scenery was just right... then it fell apart fast.

>Recasting the characters as minorities and women will always doomed to fail;
>For best casting, the Atreides family should be of British casting with an aristorcratic bearing. Harkonnen for some reason, I see as German-types.

You're talking out of your ass.

Leto is a greek looking guy. Paul is mixed greek and white.
Harkonnens are Finnish with red hair.
Fremen are actually musso types.
Emperor Corrino looks similar to Leto and he's italian type.
Sardaukar are a variety but the boss niggas are blonde blue eyed nazi types.

>The perfect male who is the product of 99 generations of selective breeding

>Not blonde haired and blue eyed

user, I´m sorry. He was what we know as "homosexual". And you may be aswell.

>We're basically white.

And you're basing that on what? Prior casting? Last names?

Last I checked there's no direct mention of any of their national ancestry, so all we have to go on are physical descriptions and last names.... which I think thousands of years off into the future Atreides might not look Greek and Harkonnen won't be Finnish.

So there's a lot of somewhat loose interpretations of how they *should* look. But without a doubt Harkonnens and Atreides are whites, Fremen are middle eastern, and the sardukar could be anything.

Jared Leto as Leto.
DeVito ad Vladimir Harkonnen.
Whoopi Goldberg as Navigator.
Jaen Reno as Shai-Hulud

i did say they were all going to be men. i read in the Dune Encyclopedia that they later found receipts for two-inch platform shoes made out to Piter De Vries, so he's probably the bitch.

because the Jews show up in book 5, candelabra and Happy Merchant stereotypes firmly intact after 8,000 years.

because sound-based "weirding module".

because Sardaukar wearing welding masks and suits made out of plastic garbage bags.

because of Baby Alia flying across the room and hitting the wall when they blew the nose off the Emperor's ship.

because we didn't get to see Kynes die in the desert.

because Rabban eating cow tongue.

Paul - Finn Wolfhard
Duncan Idaho - Jake Gyllenhaal
Duke Leto Atreides - Josh Brolin
Lady Jessica - Amy Adams
Stilgar - Benicio Del Toro
Princess Irulan - Emily Blunt

Work in progress...

Jodorovsky as the Emperor
Lyncg as the Baron

Forest Whitaker - Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
Feyd Rautha - Michael B. Jordan
Beast Rabban - Idris Elba
Peter Devries - Jesse Eisenberg
Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV - Jared Leto

jodorowsky gets to be the stunt-man. every time someone takes a punch, gets stabbed, gets kicked in the balls or thrown out of an ornithopter.. he's there.

> "Stop whining, Alessandro. It's rape. with love."