Was iron man the harbinger of the modern cape kino? Pretty much everything before it was corny and cheezy shit, and everything after it had arguably better writing, better acting, and higher production quality.
Was iron man the harbinger of the modern cape kino? Pretty much everything before it was corny and cheezy shit...
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Sorry X-men got there first.
>tight leather, matching suits
>not cheesy
shoo shoo mr. mouse
Of course. It started the "Marvel Cinematic Universe".
The sad thing is it's almost 10 years later and Iron Man is still the best MCU flick.
Close, but not quite
>Batman '89
>Batman Returns
>Donner's Superman
>Raimi's Spiderman
Are you even old enough to post here, OP?
The harbringer was Spidernan, the confirmation and tone setter was Iron Man
>what is The Dark Knight
Fucking retard
op said MODERN
Raimi's spiderman is the only one on your list that qualifies, because it started the 'modern' era of capeshit/capekino whichever way you look at it.
>Iron Man is still the best MCU flick.
I agree
Is this a meme? Or is this guy actually retarded?
Hulk was out before Ironman and introduced Ironman inthe post credit scene
Iron Man: May 2nd, 2008
The Incredible Hulk: June 12th, 2008
What the fuck is even meant by "modern"? What kind of arbitrary bullshit is that?
Is "modern" the most recent time someone does something new? In that case, Logan is the harbinger of modern capeshit.
Is "modern" anything in the last ten years? If so, 2007's Spider-Man 3 is the harbinger of modern capeshit.
Is "modern" the most recent advent of new technology created to better tell a capeshit story? In that case, Doctor Strange is the harbinger of modern capeshit.
Qualify your terms or fuck off.
From 0 to potato, how retarded are you?
If you are too retarded to recognize stylistic similarity and the evolution of trends over time then I don't think you are ready for a discussion about 'eras' of film (or any other artform by the sounds of things)
In the post-credits scene of Iron Man, Nick Fury recruits Iron Man into the Avengers.
In the post-credits scene of The Incredible Hulk, which came afterwards, Iron Man attempts to recruit General Ross into that same team.
In that exchange, there are further cringe-worthy Iron Man suit puns.
>If you are too retarded to recognize stylistic similarity and the evolution of trends over time
I just gave you markers for style, technology and time. Did you read my post?
Why can't Marvel make better movies than Nolan? They are at 14 strikes and the only time they have been near to the trilogy has been in Iron Man 1, and it's been a fast decline since then
Literally no one is denying this. But Iron Man was released prior to Hulk.
Yes. That's MY point :-)
We're arguing against the same fella, chief.
Gee, maybe the whole executive meddling shit that plagues both WB and Marvel studios has something to do with it.
Only correct answer
It's still easily the best of the mcu movies
Blade is better than all the current shit.
Literally the only decent marvel movie ever made
Nolan only made two good movies.
Captain America trilogy beats it when judged as a whole.
Dark Knight was being made at the same time, so they're equally responsible even though Iron Man released a couple months before.
>FA is utter shit while BB is good
>WS is ok while TDK is masterpiece
>CW is meh while TDKR is ok
How so?
5/10 2011 Captain America: The First Avenger
7/10 2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
6/10 2016 Captain America: Civil War
>Average: 6/10
8/10 2005 Batman Begins
8/10 2008 The Dark Knight
6/10 2012 The Dark Knight Rises
>Average: 7.3/10
>utter shit
You get out.
I have to agree. Ironman is the Harbinger of Death for cinema.
That would be blade and xmen faggot
I would look at it like this (disregarding chronological comparison)
Begins = Winter Soldier
Dark Knight > First Avenger
Rises < Civil War
Tie on paper but Nolan's trilogy finishes so weakly that I personally rate it lower
That's fair for comparing each film to their closest counterpart but I feel like it does an injustice to to TDK and BB which are way further above TFA than TWS is above TDKR.
Better to rate each film /10 and find the average of each trilogy, I reckon
But Dark Knight FAR better than FA. It's like 9>5. While Rises equally meh 7/10 like CW, or a bit worse maybe.
Two good movies against zero, Nolan still wins
Civil war and TDKR are equally 6.5/10
Ironman was pretty boring in my opinion. If this is the best these superhero movies have to offer then I really wonder how easily entertained some people are.
Quips aside it had nothing to offer to me. There was no suspense because the protagonist was a supergenius who could do everything and because the law of physics didn't really matter as there was an agile flying metal suit. This means that I have no idea what goes in the universe in the film so there is no suspense as the protagonist can pull whatever out of his ass.
Visuals were unimpressive too in my opinion.
Score wasn't special either.
Generic story with the power hungry ruthless businessman.
Final battle again had no suspense or excitement for me because I have no idea what the abilities or limits of the suits are and it's all CGI anyways.
I think the part where the secretary sneaks into the office was the only suspensful part.
I haven't seen the other superhero movies but it seems like they are all the same but just worse. I just don't get how people can be entertained by them. They have nothing to offer really.
I'd give them both 6, but I agree that they're on par.
>Score wasn't special either.
It's a soundtrack flick, not a score flick. And the soundtrack was excellent.