Muh Feminism

Did anyone actually criticise Emma Watson for her photo shoot? Or was it just false controversy to promote Beauty And The Beast? It's not like she hasn't done multiple photo shoots before.

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Honestly had no idea this photo shoot existed until she complained about people apparently complaining about it.

Funny how they couldn't name 5 legit sources complaining about it. Almost like Emma just wanted to come across a certain way, hmmmm....

Probably both. It's usually both. People being unintentionally stupid, and others intentionally pretending for profit.

daily reminder

What is relevant about this? It's completely tame, so if it's a point of controversy then it was obviously manufactured.

Why do women like teasing beta males so much? It's not fair.

How was that pic any more racy than this?

>As I’ve gotten older, I’ve embraced my freckles much more and I want to be able to see them. When we were filming Beauty and the Beast, I insisted on keeping my freckles as a part of the movie. There are so many young girls who are going through puberty who really hate having them, so I felt the need to say that I have them and that I think the look of natural skin is beautiful. I didn’t want to get blanked out!

What's the matter, Emma? I though feminism is about freedom and choice. I don't see what your tits or freckles have to do with it. If you want to show your tits, show them. If you want to hide your freckles, hide them. Why should you feel forced to set some sort of norm for girls when feminism gives the liberty to all women to be anything? YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE CUNT I WANNA STAB YOU AND PLAY AROUND WITH YOUR BLOOD.

Or this?

that is a good question which requires more examples to be answered adequately

It was started by Piers Morgan. He said she was hurting women's rights by showing sideboob.

I don't think it's manufactured though, I think Piers is legit trying to remake himself as a MGTOW/MRA standard-bearer after he got BTFO over gun-ownership rights.

You're out walking your dog and this woman intercepts you with a He For She pamphlet.

Wat do?

Not her

>I think Piers is legit trying to remake himself as a MGTOW/MRA standard-bearer

Then you didn't see him interview this guy on international women's day.

SOP is my fetish senpai.

Watson plebs from reddit have taken over. Abandon the board.



Ok looks like he is just trying to play both sides.

What the fuck mate?

No, just some bots criticised her.

I don't know but she's fucking ugly anyway.

I couldn't care less.

It's all false controversy.
Creating a strawman that perfectly fits your parameters is the easiest way to write a convincing argument.
Propaganda 101.

And everyone keeps falling for it.

Lol ya bro she's totally an uggo. Would NOT bang lmao.

only angry feminist complained, as usual

>having pubes

>emma watson will never kick you in the balls repeatedly with her naked feet and once you are lying on the ground in pain step above your head sit down upon your mouth lips to lips and release her precious golden fluid inside you

>that trending news bar

It roused the SJWs

Emma criticised Beyonce for acting sexual and then does it herself to promote her new film.

Fems were angry that she had a go at Beyonce for dressing sexy in her videos then did the same this in this shoot.

Deck her in the face and proceed to rape her, occasionally switching out with my dog

Of course she won't, like every other feminist she's sub as fuck. She enjoys Chad slapping her around like a fucktoy, none of this doujin shit.

Yeah, posing for skimpy photos isn't at all incompatible with feminism, but being a complete hypocrite about other women sure as shit is.

I'd crumble. Absolutely crumble.

>>Of course she won't, like every other feminist she's sub as fuck. She enjoys Chad slapping her around like a fucktoy,
Why is this always the case? It's so disgusting to me and you have to act like that if you want to be considered a man, it's fucking terrible.

Take the chain off the dog and put it on her instead

>Why is this always the case? It's so disgusting to me and you have to act like that if you want to be considered a man, it's fucking terrible.

t. Fag.

Women like domineering men. They always have and they always will. It's biology.

Too bad I'm old enough to remember when they didn't, when sex was still called making love, and women who were into simulated rape were rare and considered disgusting whores.

Sucks to have a working memory, and the way they brainwashed everyone born in the 90s and onward is absolutely incredible.

>Or was it just false controversy to promote Beauty And The Beast?

Of course it was false controversy, that's how big female led studio movies are promoted these days. I'm already anticipating the false controversy over that new Scarlett Johansson movie Slut Night about how sexist men don't want to see it because they don't find women funny, not because the movie looks like fucking garbage.

Remind her that when she step out on the ave, be sure they wanna see ya. Because being trill is an onomatopoeia.

Only people i heard was a pack of 3 women at lunch calling her a slut / the outfit ugly as fuck.

I swear like 90% of the shit feminists bitch about is from other women.

Women solidarity doesn't exist. Modern feminism is nothing but women crying at women hotter than them and screaming at men for giving them stuff as if they were their natural authority

That's nonsense m8. You have romanticised notions of the past. Women have always been attracted to strong, confident, domineering men. All that's changed in the last few decades is dynamics - women no longer need to get married out of necessity as they once did. Women are competing for jobs and independent lifestyles with men now. That means that they don't feel the need to shack up with lesser men anymore; at least not right away. People used to settle for who they married because families used to exist on one man's income. Now people believe they have the choice to wait to find someone 'perfect' or just remain independent. Which I don't necessarily agree with btw.

>have a nice face
>never work out a day in your life
>you have a basic body
>"omg you are so beautiful"

Women are fucking retarded.

I predict she'll come out as lesbian when she approaches her 30s and start a relationship with one of those fat dykes that look like a goth version of Ricky Gervais.


Some feminists did, but the shoot was probably bait for her movie.

>>That's nonsense m8. You have romanticised notions of the past.
I lived in "the past", moron, I know what it was like. People were still considered non-interchangeable human beings, not just numbers to upgrade.

it's funny she wants to be taken serious and all I know her for is someone who's feet I've fapped to a dozen or so times

Ask her if she thinks my dog is as hot as Aslan.


Have a pity (You).

This. Would probably make her wet, too.

remind her that we're alone out in the middle of no where because of the implication.

Wasn't it feminists that went after her? She really only deserves it for being a gigantic hypocrite because she shit talked Beyonce and pretty much did the exact same thing.

Piers Morgan apparently.

Have a pleasant conversation because I'm not literally autistic

It's clickbait for ad revenue

>slow news day
>see topless emma photo
>"...well this kinda contradicts her feminist statements...sorta... fuck it"
>publish article
>Internet idiots run with it
>Ad $$$$
>two weeks later no one remembers or cares

Beyonce fans did because she cried muh feminism in an interview over Beyonce doing a near-nude/semi nude photo shoot.

She showed the interview and said 'Well I THOUGHT IT WAS FEMINIST TOO EVEN THOUGH I CRITICIZED IT!' because like most actors/actresses they are usually very poorly informed.

>It's so disgusting to me and you have to act like that if you want to be considered a man

Because women find Men sexually attractive, and male physical strength is a turn on.

You don't have to be hyper-violent, you just have to make it clear she's -your- property to fuck and use.

What are you talking about?

Of course people actually criticized it. But that's just because everyone has every opinion. The ones you focus on and respond to are what's important, and they obviously had a little narrative to spin, so they screeched about the teeny-tiny numbers of complainers.

She is so fucking hot, jesus

tell her that she shouldn't speak unless spoken to

wtf i love emma now