Last time on /who/
/Who/ Meta-Crisis Valeyard Edition
>10th Doctor cucked by himself
What did RTD mean by this?
Why the fuck is the pic so small?
I can't belive this is still a thing after all these years
>instant flashback to the picture of Barrowman's gay birthday party
have we just given up on saying "doctor who" anywhere in our thread OPs
Reminder that he wanted to do an alternative ending where the Tenth gives Meta-Crisis a piece of TARDIS to grow a whole new one out of, and thus canonize a parallel universe of every tweenage girl's dream (and every sane whovian's nightmare) where the Tenth/Rose bullshit arc never ends.
>here the Tenth/Rose bullshit arc never ends.
except for when they both get old and die
He filmed it.
Its on the DVD.
He claims its still canon.
I wonder if the Moff looked at Miranda Dawkins' portrayal and went, 'hmm lets look her look exactly like River Song', essentially canonising the fact that the Doctor is the supreme ruler of the universe.
Say what you want about Tennant but I really like how he did different expressions for his clone it's almost like it's not david tennant.
I hate Donna and Rose so much
Donna was the best NuWho companion m8y.
>not liking the best RTD character
She was fucking annoying.
That's not how you spell asbill
> Donna best NuWho companion
lol no
Let's be honest. Bill and Nardole will never be remembered, it'll always just be 12/Clara whenever someone mentions the Capaldi era.
>arcs are back
Based Moffat. Finally.
I've already forgotten about Clala she got so annoying.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but that facial expression genuinely does look a bit not like 10
asBill will kill Pearls career
Why I have to do a captcha for every post. This is aids
it's to prove you're not a cyberman m8
They don't even work properly for me. The first one never works for me so basically I have to do 2 or 3 before posting
Sod off, stupid clarafag.
Obviously. Clala was in 3 and a half seasons.
But they're better than Clara already.
But Clara was qt. Don't you like qt's user?
Reminder that books
Has anything pineapple related featured in Who?
series 10 title sequence has leaked
Reminder that McGann
Seriously is the impression on Capaldi's face.
looks to THICC to be a sonic
She was in 2 and a half seasons, even if it felt like more.
Two seasons too many.
where has all this Clara hatred come from
It's always been there, Jenna Coleman is hot but Clara is fucking annoying and felt like a weight on the Doctors back.
That's terrible hahahaha.
Episode 1 really is called "The Pilot". Fuck
I liked Clala.
It's better than the Mysterio one desu.
That is a very autistic thing for you to notice.
Retro Mondas in the background?
The episode is actually called 'The Pilot' wtf?
>Join the Doctor, Bill and Nardole for the new season of Doctor Who, premiering April 15th at 9/8c on @bbcamerica with ‘The Pilot’
The Pilot it is then, huh
Shut up. Literally no one gives a fuck about your opinion here.
I bet you think RTD was a better showrunner than Moffat too.
a star in her eye was better
>It looks familiar somehow
literally earth upside down
Let me guess they're calling it ''the pilot'' to pretend it's a brand new show for a new audience to be welcomed into??
I couldn't care less about what companion user likes, I'm not raging cause he likes Clara. just needed to end the companion debate
Even the TARDIS hated Clala.
>Same old same old just Nar-DOLE, asBill and The Doctor in the Tardis
i think its a joke
le doctor is the pilot of the tardis
idunno its pretty dumb.
Lesbian Clara clones nice.
Moffat seems to have a fetish of hot girls having clones and shagging each other. He did it with Amy too.
Who doesn't desu.
>fetish of hot girls
>pearl mackie
The Doctor: It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for...
Bill: So he was The Doctor all the time!
A Star In Her Eye was better.
So when exactly are they going to release trailer? I heard there will be a match on today.
Wow the fans on the facebook page are autistic. I said it looked like a fun series judging by the trailer so far and some autist made a huge rant about how the show shouldn't be fun but always dark and menacing. Gareth is right when he says some of these adult fans who take the show so seriously should kill themselves.
Even though this series is even more of a continuity wankfest than last year's.
asBill scrubs up well.
Wut? Fans go on the official DW fan page?
Wonder if they edited the trailer a bit for the official release?
Here's the trailer.
>we want to entice new viewers to the show
>'a star in her eye' is an enticing, interesting title
>nah lets just call it 'the pilot'
*autistic screeching*
Capaldi's costume here is awful. Nardole looks awesome though.
Maybe that's Mondas in the background
>ywn wake up next to her
why live?
I'm just excited about the episode titles and summaries we get tonight.
it's the same costume he wore in listen
Make me relevant again with obscure references in Capaldi's last season, please.
Because everyone loves bowties, bowties are cool! Right? Right!
Wow, Clara was like a completely different person. She was actually fun. I always found her cuter in series 7B as well, never understood why.
yfw he actually goes to Mondas in the finale and we see a British Fallout city with Cybermen civilians and Cyberhorses.
the pilot
city of smiles
thin ice
lights off and run
are the first four. ep 9, 10, 11 are
the queen of mars
eaters of light
What? Are we getting them tonight?
And only Basement McGann and his PTSD pre-war and Big Finish chronicles memories can defeat the Cybermen
Marshall confirmed!!!
"It's official. Doctor Who officially sucks now! The show has lost its way and is erratic at best. Capaldi is absolutely the worst Doctor ever."
One woman replies:
"clearly you weren't around for McCoy"
Fuck I just can't deal with them, why did I even look at the comments? She's clearly never watched a McCoy story.
Man Children, plain and simple. They moan every series, regardless who is in charge, they constantly praise RTD but I remember they hated him back then, and then they hated Moffat and next they will hate Chibnall and sof forth, they literally hate the show, they should get a life.
Interesting. If it wasn't him, he might've hinted that it was him.
Usually whenever an actor denies a rumour, the rumour is true. #MARSHALLFOR13
Yup. When RTD was showrunner if you went online you always saw people bashing him for "turning the show into a soap opera" etc
>planet Mars
and there's Mondas on the right of the TARDIS
The only part of the Doctor who fandom I like is /who/ Gallifrey base sucks, Reddit Gallifrey Sucks, and the Doctor Who Twitter and Facebook page is pure cancer filled with people who can't move on.
The Background city looks like Mondas too. Frozen, and retro.
there's nothing wrong with /r/gallifrey, some pretty good discussion on there really and I know half of you are secretly from there
/r/gallifrey is filled with cucks praising the zygon invasion for its 'political allegories'
fuck them
>and I know half of you are secretly from there
Gareth's problem is he doesn't take the show seriously enough. Which is why most of his episodes are shit.
To be honest
Eruditorum Press > /who/ > Gallifrey Base > Planet Mondas > r/Gallifrey > r/DoctorWho > Twitter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Facebook
>tfw the Bill is actually from Mondas meme is real
I love this scene so much
>The Cybermen eventually learned to pilot their planet and took Mondas back to Earth, where it was destroyed.
>The Pilot
>The Doctor is keeping a Cyberman (the pilot) in the cellar
What a twist!